Amazon EC2 Overview and Networking Introduction for Telecom Companies - Amazon EC2 Overview and Networking Introduction for Telecom Companies

Amazon EC2 Overview and Networking Introduction for Telecom Companies

Publication date: October 4, 2023 (Document history)

Many telecom providers are considering the AWS Cloud for their telecom workloads such as Core Networking, Operation Support System (OSS), Business Support System (BSS), Radio Access Network (RAN), Value Added Services (VAS) and Information Technology (IT). This paper describes the Amazon EC2 offerings that are available and highlights important performance considerations. Networking capabilities and connectivity options available between on-premises telecom environments and the AWS Cloud, such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), AWS Direct Connect (DX), AWS Transit Gateway (TGW), Virtual Private Network (VPN), AWS Network Firewall (ANF) and AWS Edge Services are also discussed.

Are you Well-Architected?

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of the decisions you make when building systems in the cloud. The six pillars of the Framework allow you to learn architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable systems. Using the AWS Well-Architected Tool, available at no charge in the AWS Management Console, you can review your workloads against these best practices by answering a set of questions for each pillar.

For more expert guidance and best practices for your cloud architecture—reference architecture deployments, diagrams, and whitepapers—refer to the AWS Architecture Center.