Update an Amazon GameLift fleet configuration - Amazon GameLift

Update an Amazon GameLift fleet configuration

Use the Amazon GameLift console or the AWS CLI to update your fleet settings, change remote locations, or delete a fleet. For managed fleets, you can't change a fleet's game server build or instance type. Instead, you must replace the fleet.

Fast Build Update Tool (for development only)

With managed EC2 fleets, to deploy a game server build update, you need to upload each new build to Amazon GameLift and create a new fleet for it.

The Fast Build Update Tool lets you can bypass these steps during development, saving you time and allowing for faster development iteration. With this tool, you can quickly update your game build files across all computes in an existing fleet. The tool has several options; you can replace an entire game build or change specific files, and you can manage how to restart game server processes after the updates. You can also use it to update individual computes in a fleet.

To get the Fast Build Update Tool and learn more about how to use it, visit the Amazon GameLift Toolkit repo for The Fast Build Update Tool in Github.

You can update mutable fleet attributes, port settings, and runtime configurations using the Amazon GameLift console or the AWS CLI. To change scaling limits, see Auto-scale fleet capacity with Amazon GameLift.

Amazon GameLift console
  1. In the Amazon GameLift console, in the navigation pane, choose Fleets.

  2. Choose the fleet you want to update. A fleet must be in ACTIVE status before you can edit it.

  3. On the Fleet detail page, in any of the following sections, choose Edit.

    • Fleet settings

      • Change the fleet attributes such as Name and Description.

      • Add or remove Metric groups, that Amazon CloudWatch uses to track aggregated Amazon GameLift metrics for multiple fleets.

      • Update Resource creation limit settings.

      • Turn game session protection on or off.

    • Runtime configuration – You can change any of the following settings of your runtime configurations and add or remove runtime configurations.

      • Change the Launch path of your game server.

      • Add, remove, or change optional Launch parameters.

      • Change the number of Concurrent processes that your game servers run.

    • Game session activation – Change how you want server processes to run and host game sessions by updating Max concurrent game session activations and New activation timeout.

    • EC2 port settings – Update the IP addresses and port ranges that allow inbound access to the fleet.

  4. Choose Confirm to save changes.


Use the following AWS CLI commands to update a fleet: