Amazon CloudWatch Events endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference

Amazon CloudWatch Events endpoints and quotas

The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service. To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. In addition to the standard AWS endpoints, some AWS services offer FIPS endpoints in selected Regions. For more information, see AWS service endpoints. Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.


AWS recommends using Regional STS endpoints within your applications and avoid using the global (legacy) STS endpoint. Regional STS endpoints reduce latency, build in redundancy, and increase session token validity. For more information about configuring your applications to use the regional STS endpoint, see AWS STS Regionalized endpoints in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide. For more information about the global (legacy) AWS STS endpoint, including how to monitor for use of this endpoint, see How to use Regional AWS STS endpoints in the AWS Security blog.

Service endpoints

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (Ohio) us-east-2



US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1



US West (N. California) us-west-1



US West (Oregon) us-west-2



Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) ap-south-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) ap-southeast-3 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Malaysia) ap-southeast-5 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) ap-southeast-4 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Canada West (Calgary) ca-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS
Europe (Milan) eu-south-1 HTTPS
Europe (Paris) eu-west-3 HTTPS
Europe (Spain) eu-south-2 HTTPS
Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1 HTTPS
Europe (Zurich) eu-central-2 HTTPS
Israel (Tel Aviv) il-central-1 HTTPS
Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1 HTTPS
Middle East (UAE) me-central-1 HTTPS
South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1 HTTPS
AWS GovCloud (US-East) us-gov-east-1 HTTPS
AWS GovCloud (US-West) us-gov-west-1 HTTPS

Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
Api destinations Each supported Region: 3,000 Yes The maximum number of API destinations per account per Region.
Connections Each supported Region: 3,000 Yes The maximum number of connections per account per Region.
CreateEndpoint throttle limit in transactions per second Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of requests per second for CreateEndpoint API. Additional requests are throttled.
DeleteEndpoint throttle limit in transactions per second Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of requests per second for DeleteEndpoint API. Additional requests are throttled.
Endpoints Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of endpoints per account per Region.
Event bus policy size Each supported Region: 10,240 Yes Maximum policy size, in characters. This policy size increases each time you grant access to another account. You can see your current policy and its size by using the DescribeEventBus API.
Event buses Each supported Region: 100 Yes Maximum event buses per account.
Event pattern size Each supported Region: 2,048 Yes Maximum size of an event pattern, in characters.
Invocations throttle limit in transactions per second

us-east-1: 18,750 per second

us-east-2: 4,500 per second

us-west-1: 2,250 per second

us-west-2: 18,750 per second

af-south-1: 750 per second

ap-northeast-1: 2,250 per second

ap-northeast-3: 750 per second

ap-southeast-1: 2,250 per second

ap-southeast-2: 2,250 per second

ap-southeast-3: 750 per second

eu-central-1: 4,500 per second

eu-south-1: 750 per second

eu-west-1: 18,750 per second

eu-west-2: 2,250 per second

Each of the other supported Regions: 1,100 per second

Yes An invocation is an event matching a rule and being sent on to the rules targets. After the limit is reached, the invocations are throttled; that is, they still happen but they are delayed.
Number of rules

af-south-1: 100

eu-south-1: 100

Each of the other supported Regions: 300

Yes Maximum number of rules an account can have per event bus
PutEvents throttle limit in transactions per second

us-east-1: 10,000 per second

us-east-2: 2,400 per second

us-west-1: 1,200 per second

us-west-2: 10,000 per second

af-south-1: 400 per second

ap-northeast-1: 1,200 per second

ap-northeast-3: 400 per second

ap-southeast-1: 1,200 per second

ap-southeast-2: 1,200 per second

ap-southeast-3: 400 per second

eu-central-1: 2,400 per second

eu-south-1: 400 per second

eu-west-1: 10,000 per second

eu-west-2: 1,200 per second

Each of the other supported Regions: 600 per second

Yes Maximum number of requests per second for PutEvents API. Additional requests are throttled.
Rate of invocations per API destination Each supported Region: 300 per second Yes The maximum number of invocations per second to send to each API destination endpoint per account per Region. Once the quota is met, future invocations to that API endpoint are throttled. The invocations will still occur, but are delayed.
Targets per rule Each supported Region: 5 No Maximum number of targets that can be associated with a rule
Throttle limit in transactions per second for control plane APIs only, API name must be specified in the request (do not use for PutEvents) Each supported Region: 50 per second Yes Maximum number of requests per second for EventBridge control plane API operations. Additional requests are throttled. The quota increase request should specify the API name ( and the details on the use case. Should not be used for PutEvents
UpdateEndpoint throttle limit in transactions per second Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of requests per second for UpdateEndpoint API. Additional requests are throttled.

For more information, see CloudWatch Events quotas in the Amazon CloudWatch Events User Guide.