Amazon EMR endpoints and quotas
To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.
Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.
The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.
Service endpoints
Region Name | Region | Endpoint | Protocol |
US East (Ohio) | us-east-2 | |
US East (N. Virginia) | us-east-1 | |
US West (N. California) | us-west-1 | |
US West (Oregon) | us-west-2 | |
Africa (Cape Town) | af-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) | ap-east-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) | ap-south-2 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) | ap-southeast-3 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Malaysia) | ap-southeast-5 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) | ap-southeast-4 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | ap-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Osaka) | ap-northeast-3 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ap-northeast-2 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ap-southeast-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ap-southeast-2 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Thailand) | ap-southeast-7 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ap-northeast-1 | | HTTPS |
Canada (Central) | ca-central-1 | |
Canada West (Calgary) | ca-west-1 | |
Europe (Frankfurt) | eu-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Ireland) | eu-west-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (London) | eu-west-2 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Milan) | eu-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Paris) | eu-west-3 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Spain) | eu-south-2 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Stockholm) | eu-north-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Zurich) | eu-central-2 | | HTTPS |
Israel (Tel Aviv) | il-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Mexico (Central) | mx-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Middle East (Bahrain) | me-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Middle East (UAE) | me-central-1 | | HTTPS |
South America (São Paulo) | sa-east-1 | | HTTPS |
AWS GovCloud (US-East) | us-gov-east-1 | |
AWS GovCloud (US-West) | us-gov-west-1 | |
If you specify the general endpoint (, Amazon EMR directs your request to an endpoint in the default Region. For accounts created on or after March 8, 2013, the default Region is us-west-2; for older accounts, the default Region is us-east-1.
Service quotas
Name | Default | Adjustable | Description |
EMR WAL workspaces | Each supported Region: 20 | No | The maximum number of Amazon EMR write-ahead log (EMR WAL) workspaces that can be used at the same time in this account in the current Region. |
Replenishment rate of AddInstanceFleet calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the AddInstanceFleet bucket |
Replenishment rate of AddInstanceGroups calls | Each supported Region: 0.2 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the AddInstanceGroups bucket |
Replenishment rate of AddJobFlowSteps calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the AddJobFlowSteps bucket |
Replenishment rate of AddTags calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the AddTags bucket |
Replenishment rate of CancelSteps calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the CancelSteps bucket |
Replenishment rate of CreateSecurityConfiguration calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the CreateSecurityConfiguration bucket |
Replenishment rate of DeleteSecurityConfiguration calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the DeleteSecurityConfiguration bucket |
Replenishment rate of DescribeCluster calls | Each supported Region: 1 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the DescribeCluster bucket |
Replenishment rate of DescribeJobFlows calls | Each supported Region: 0.2 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the DescribeJobFlows bucket |
Replenishment rate of DescribeSecurityConfiguration calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the DescribeSecurityConfiguration bucket |
Replenishment rate of DescribeStep calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the DescribeStep bucket |
Replenishment rate of GetAutoTerminationPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the GetAutoTerminationPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of GetBlockPublicAccessConfiguration calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the GetBlockPublicAccessConfiguration bucket |
Replenishment rate of GetClusterSessionCredentials calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the GetClusterSessionCredentials bucket |
Replenishment rate of GetManagedScalingPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the GetManagedScalingPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListBootstrapActions calls | Each supported Region: 1 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListBootstrapActions bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListClusters calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListClusters bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListInstanceFleets calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListInstanceFleets bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListInstanceGroups calls | Each supported Region: 1 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListInstanceGroups bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListInstances calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListInstances bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListReleaseLabels calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListReleaseLabels bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListSecurityConfigurations calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListSecurityConfigurations bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListSteps calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListSteps bucket |
Replenishment rate of ListSupportedInstanceTypes calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ListSupportedInstanceTypes bucket |
Replenishment rate of ModifyCluster calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ModifyCluster bucket |
Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceFleet calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ModifyInstanceFleet bucket |
Replenishment rate of ModifyInstanceGroups calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the ModifyInstanceGroups bucket |
Replenishment rate of PutAutoScalingPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the PutAutoScalingPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of PutAutoTerminationPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the PutAutoTerminationPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration bucket |
Replenishment rate of PutManagedScalingPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the PutManagedScalingPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the RemoveAutoScalingPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy bucket |
Replenishment rate of RemoveTags calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the RemoveTags bucket |
Replenishment rate of RunJobFlow calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the RunJobFlow bucket |
Replenishment rate of SetKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the SetKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps bucket |
Replenishment rate of SetKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the RemoveManagedScalingPolicy bucket. |
Replenishment rate of SetTerminationProtection calls | Each supported Region: 0.2 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the SetTerminationProtection bucket |
Replenishment rate of SetVisibleToAllUsers calls | Each supported Region: 0.2 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the SetVisibleToAllUsers bucket |
Replenishment rate of TerminateJobFlows calls | Each supported Region: 0.5 |
Yes |
The Rate at which tokens are added to the TerminateJobFlows bucket |
The maximum number of API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 25 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region for all EMR operations. |
The maximum number of AddInstanceFleet API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of AddInstanceFleet requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. AddInstanceFleet adds an instance fleet to a running cluster. |
The maximum number of AddInstanceGroups API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of AddInstanceGroups requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. Adds one or more instance groups to a running cluster. |
The maximum number of AddJobFlowSteps API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of AddJobFlowSteps requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. AddJobFlowSteps adds new steps to a running cluster. |
The maximum number of AddTags API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of AddTags requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. Adds tags to an Amazon EMR resource. |
The maximum number of CancelSteps API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of CancelSteps requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. |
The maximum number of CreateSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of CreateSecurityConfiguration requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. CreateSecurityConfiguration creates a security configuration, which is stored in the service and can be specified when a cluster is created. |
The maximum number of DeleteSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of DeleteSecurityConfiguration requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. DeleteSecurityConfiguration deletes a security configuration. |
The maximum number of DescribeCluster API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of DescribeCluster requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. DescribeCluster provides cluster-level details including status, hardware and software configuration, VPC settings, and so on. |
The maximum number of DescribeJobFlows API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 20 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of DescribeJobFlows requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. This API is deprecated and will eventually be removed. We recommend you use ListClusters, DescribeCluster, ListSteps, ListInstanceGroups and ListBootstrapActions instead. |
The maximum number of DescribeSecurityConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of DescribeSecurityConfiguration requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. DescribeSecurityConfiguration provides the details of a security configuration by returning the configuration JSON. |
The maximum number of DescribeStep API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of DescribeStep requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. DescribeStep provides more detail about the cluster step. |
The maximum number of GetAutoTerminationPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of GetAutoTerminationPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. GetAutoTerminationPolicy returns the auto-termination policy for an Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of GetBlockPublicAccessConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of GetBlockPublicAccessConfiguration requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. GetBlockPublicAccessConfiguration returns the Amazon EMR block public access configuration for the account in the current region. |
The maximum number of GetClusterSessionCredentials API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of GetClusterSessionCredentials requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. GetClusterSessionCredentials provides temporary, HTTP basic credentials that are associated with a given runtime IAM role and used by a cluster with fine-grained access control activated. |
The maximum number of GetManagedScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of GetManagedScalingPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. GetManagedScalingPolicy fetches the attached managed scaling policy for an Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of ListBootstrapActions API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListBootstrapActions requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListBootstrapActions provides information about the bootstrap actions associated with a cluster. |
The maximum number of ListClusters API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 20 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListClusters requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListClusters provides the status of all clusters visible to this AWS account. |
The maximum number of ListInstanceFleets API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListInstanceFleets requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListInstanceFleets lists all available details about the instance fleets in a cluster. |
The maximum number of ListInstanceGroups API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListInstanceGroups requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListInstanceGroups provides all available details about the instance groups in a cluster. |
The maximum number of ListInstances API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListInstances requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListInstances provides information for all active EC2 instances and EC2 instances terminated in the last 30 days, up to a maximum of 2,000. |
The maximum number of ListReleaseLabels API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListReleaseLabels requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListReleaseLabels retrieves release labels of Amazon EMR services in the region. |
The maximum number of ListSecurityConfigurations API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListSecurityConfigurations requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListSecurityConfigurations lists all the security configurations visible to this account, providing their creation dates and times, and their names. |
The maximum number of ListSteps API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListSteps requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListSteps provides a list of steps for the cluster in reverse order. |
The maximum number of ListSupportedInstanceTypes API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ListSupportedInstanceTypes requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ListSupportedInstanceTypes lists the instance types that Amazon EMR supports. |
The maximum number of ModifyCluster API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ModifyCluster requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ModifyCluster modifies the number of steps that can be executed concurrently for the cluster specified using ClusterID. |
The maximum number of ModifyInstanceFleet API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ModifyInstanceFleet requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ModifyInstanceFleet modifies the target On-Demand and target Spot capacities for the instance fleet. |
The maximum number of ModifyInstanceGroups API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of ModifyInstanceGroups requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. ModifyInstanceGroups modifies the number of nodes and configuration settings of an instance group. |
The maximum number of PutAutoScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of PutAutoScalingPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. PutAutoScalingPolicy creates or updates an automatic scaling policy for a core instance group or task instance group in an Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of PutAutoTerminationPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of PutAutoTerminationPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. PutAutoTerminationPolicy creates or updates an auto-termination policy for an Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. PutBlockPublicAccessConfiguration creates or updates an Amazon EMR block public access configuration. |
The maximum number of PutManagedScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of PutManagedScalingPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. PutManagedScalingPolicy creates or updates a managed scaling policy for an Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of RemoveAutoScalingPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. RemoveAutoScalingPolicy removes an automatic scaling policy from a specified instance group within an EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. RemoveAutoTerminationPolicy removes an auto-termination policy from an Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of RemoveManagedScalingPolicy API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of RemoveManagedScalingPolicy requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. PutManagedScalingPolicy removes a managed scaling policy from a specified Amazon EMR cluster. |
The maximum number of RemoveTags API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of RemoveTags requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. Removes tags from an Amazon EMR resource. |
The maximum number of RunJobFlow API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of RunJobFlow requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. RunJobFlow creates and starts running a new cluster (job flow). |
The maximum number of SetKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of SetKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region |
The maximum number of SetTerminationProtection API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of SetTerminationProtection requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. SetTerminationProtection locks a cluster (job flow) so the EC2 instances in the cluster cannot be terminated. |
The maximum number of SetVisibileToAllUsers API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 5 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of SetVisibleToAllUsers requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. Sets the VisibleToAllUsers value, which determines whether the cluster is visible to all IAM users of the AWS account associated with the cluster. |
The maximum number of TerminateJobFlows API requests that you can make per second. | Each supported Region: 10 per second |
Yes |
The maximum number of TerminateJobFlows requests per second that you can perform in this account in the current Region. TerminateJobFlows shuts a list of clusters (job flows) down. |
The maximum number of active clusters can be run at the same time | Each supported Region: 500 |
Yes |
The maximum number of active clusters can be run at the same time. |
The maximum number of active instances per instance group | Each supported Region: 2,000 |
Yes |
The maximum number of active instances per instance group. |
The maximum rate at which your bucket replenishes for all EMR operations. | Each supported Region: 5 |
Yes |
The maximum rate at which your bucket replenishes for all EMR operations. |
Write-ahead logs (EMR WAL) | Each supported Region: 20,000 | No | The maximum number of Amazon EMR write-ahead logs (EMR WAL) that can be used at the same time in this account in the current Region. |
Amazon EMR throttles the following API requests for each AWS account on a per-Region basis. For more information about how throttling is applied, see API Request Throttling in the Amazon EC2 API Reference.