Graph styles - Amazon Managed Grafana

Graph styles

This documentation topic is designed for Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 10.x.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 9.x, see Working in Grafana version 9.

For Grafana workspaces that support Grafana version 8.x, see Working in Grafana version 8.

Use this option to define how to display your time series data. You can use overrides to combine multiple styles in the same graph.

  • Lines – Display the time series as a line on a graph.

  • Bars – Display the time series as a series of bars on a graph, one for each data point.

  • Points – Display the time series as dots on a graph, one for each data point.

Bar alignment

Set the position of the bar relative to a data point.where the point would be drawn on the graph. Because a bar has a width, it can be placed before, after, or centered on the point. The choices for this option are:

  • An image showing a bar graph aligned before a point. Before – The bar is drawn before the point. The point is placed on the trailing corner of the bar.

  • An image showing a bar graph aligned around a point. Center – The bar is drawn around the point. The point is placed in the center of the bar. This is the default.

  • An image showing a bar graph aligned after a point. After – The bar is drawn after the point. the point is placed on the leading corner of the bar.

Line width

Line width is a slider that controls the thickness for series lines or the outline for bars.

Fill opacity

Sets the opacity of a fill color. Fills are used, for example, to show the area under the line in a line graph, or as the color of bars in a bar graph.

Gradient mode

Gradient mode specifies the gradient fill, which is based on the series color. To change the color, use the standard color scheme field option. For more information, see Color scheme.

The gradient mode options are:

  • None – No gradient fill. This is the default setting.

  • Opacity – An opacity gradient where the opacity of the fill increases as the Y-axis values increase.

  • Hue – A subtle gradient that is based on the hue of the series color.

  • Scheme – A color gradient defined by your color scheme. This setting is used for the fill area and the line. For more information, see Color options.

The gradient appearance is influenced by the Fill opacity setting.

Show points

You can configure your visualization to add points to line or bars, with the following options.

  • Auto – Grafana determines whether to show points based on the density of the data. Points are shown when the density is low.

  • Always – Points are shown, regardless of the data density.

  • Never – Do not show points.

Point size

Sets the size of the points, from 1 to 40 pixels in diameter.

Line interpolation

Choose how Grafana interpolates the series line.

An image showing different ways of drawing lines between points in Grafana.

The options are:

  • Linear – Points are joined by straight lines.

  • Smooth – Points are joined by curved lines that smooths transitions between points.

  • Step before – The line is displayed as steps between points. Points are rendered at the end of the step.

  • Step after – The line is displayed as steps between points. Points are rendered at the beginning of the step.

Line style

Set the style of the line. To change the color, use the standard color scheme field option.

The choices for line style are:

  • Solid – Display a solid line. This is the default setting.

  • Dash – Display a dashed line. When you choose this option, a list appears for you to select the length and gap (length, gap) for the line dashes. Dash spacing is set to 10, 10 by default.

  • Dots – Display dotted lines. When you choose this option, a list appears for you to select the gap length for the dot spacing. Dot spacing is set to 10 by default.

Connect null values

Choose how null values, which are gaps in the data, appear on the graph. Null values can be connected to form a continuous line, or set to a threshold above which gaps in the data are no longer connected.

The choices for how to connect null values are:

  • Never – Time series data points with gaps in the data are never connected.

  • Always – Time series data points with gaps in the data are always connected.

  • Threshold – Specify a threshold above which gaps in the data are no longer connected. This can be useful when the connected gaps in the data are of a known size or within a known range, and gaps outside the range should no longer be connected.

Disconnect values

Choose whether to add a gap between values in the data that have times between them above a specified threshold.

The choices for disconnect values are are:

  • Never – Time series data points are never disconnected.

  • Threshold – Specify a threshold above which values in the data are disconnected. This can be useful when desired values in the data are of a known size or within a known range, and values outside this range should no longer be connected.

Stack series

Stacking allows Grafana to display series on top of each other. Be cautious when using stacking in the visualization as it can easily create misleading graphs. To read more about why stacking might not be the best approach, refer to The Issue with Stacking.

The choices for stacking are:

  • Off – Turns off series stacking.

  • Normal – Stacks series on top of each other.

  • 100% – Stack by percentage, where all series together add up to 100%.

Stacking series in groups

You can override the stacking behavior to stack series in groups. For more information about creating an override, see Configure field overrides.

To stack series in groups
  1. Edit the panel and choose Overrides.

  2. Create a field override for the Stack series option.

  3. In stacking mode, select Normal.

  4. Name the stacking group in which you want the series to appear.

    The stacking group name option is only available when you create an override.

Fill below to

The Fill below to option fills the area between two series. This options is only available as a series or field override.

Using this option you can fill the area between two series, rather than from the series line down to 0. For example, if you had two series called Max and Min, you could select the Max series and override it to Fill below to the Min series. This would fill only the area between the two series lines.