Configure long-lived Lambda functions for AWS IoT Greengrass - AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the AWS IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on AWS IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to AWS IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.

Configure long-lived Lambda functions for AWS IoT Greengrass

You are now ready to configure your Lambda function for AWS IoT Greengrass.

  1. In the AWS IoT console navigation pane, under Manage, expand Greengrass devices, and then choose Groups (V1).

  2. Under Greengrass groups, choose the group that you created in Module 2.

  3. On the group configuration page, choose the Lambda functions tab, and then under My Lambda functions, choose Add.

  4. For Lambda function, choose Greengrass_HelloWorld_Counter.

  5. For Lambda function version, choose the alias to the version that you published.

  6. For Timeout (seconds), enter 25. This Lambda function sleeps for 20 seconds before each invocation.

  7. For Pinned, choose True.

  8. Keep the default values for all other fields, and choose Add Lambda function.