Log manager
We recommend upgrading to Log Manager v2.3.5 or later. Version 2.3.5 optimizes Log Manager
configuration writes, reducing IO operations and improving log upload speed, overall device
performance and possibly extending device life.
The log manager component (aws.greengrass.LogManager
) uploads logs from AWS IoT Greengrass core devices
to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can upload logs from the Greengrass nucleus, other Greengrass components, and other
applications and services that aren't Greengrass components. For more information about how to monitor
logs in CloudWatch Logs and on the local file system, see Monitor AWS IoT Greengrass logs.
The following considerations apply when you use the
log manager component to write to CloudWatch Logs:
Log delays
The log manager component version 2.2.8 (and earlier) processes and uploads logs from
only rotated log files. By default, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software rotates log files every hour or after
they are 1,024 KB. As a result, the log manager component uploads logs only after the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software or a Greengrass component writes over 1,024 KB worth of logs. You can configure a lower
log file size limit to cause log files to rotate more often. This causes the log manager
component to upload logs to CloudWatch Logs more frequently.
The log manager component version 2.3.0 (and later) processes and uploads all logs. When
you write a new log, log manager version 2.3.0 (and later) processes and directly uploads
that active log file instead of waiting for it to be rotated. This means that you can view
the new log in 5 minutes or less.
The log manager component uploads new logs periodically. By default, the log manager
component uploads new logs every 5 minutes. You can configure a lower upload interval, so
the log manager component uploads logs to CloudWatch Logs more frequently by configuring the
. For more information about how to configure this
periodic interval, see Configuration.
Logs can be uploaded in near real-time from the same Greengrass file system. If you need to
observe logs in real time, consider using file system
If you're using different file systems to write logs to, log manager reverts back
to the behavior in log manager component versions 2.2.8 and earlier. For information about
accessing file system logs, see Access file
system logs.
Clock skew
The log manager component uses the standard Signature Version 4 signing process to
create API requests to CloudWatch Logs. If the system time on a core device is out of sync by more
than 15 minutes, then CloudWatch Logs rejects the requests. For more information, see Signature Version 4
signing process in the AWS General Reference.
For information about the log groups and log streams to which this component uploads logs,
see Usage.
This component has the following versions:
This component is a plugin component
). The Greengrass
nucleus runs this component in the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as the nucleus. The
nucleus restarts when you change this component's version on the core device.
This component uses the same log file as the Greengrass
nucleus. For more information, see Monitor AWS IoT Greengrass logs.
For more information, see Component types.
Operating system
This component can be installed on core devices that run the following operating systems:
This component has the following requirements:
The Greengrass device role must allow the
, logs:CreateLogStream
, and logs:DescribeLogStreams
actions, as
shown in the following example IAM policy.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"
The Greengrass device role that you create when
you install the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software includes the permissions in this example policy by
For more information, see Using
identity-based policies (IAM policies) for CloudWatch Logs in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs
User Guide.
The log manager component is supported to run in a VPC. To deploy this component in a
VPC, the following is required.
Endpoints and ports
This component must be able to perform outbound requests to the following endpoints and ports, in addition to endpoints and ports required for basic operation. For more information, see Allow device traffic through a proxy or firewall.
Endpoint |
Port |
Required |
Description |
logs.region .amazonaws.com
443 |
No |
Required if you write logs to CloudWatch Logs.
When you deploy a component, AWS IoT Greengrass also deploys compatible versions of its dependencies. This means that you must meet the requirements for the component and all of its dependencies to successfully deploy the component. This section lists the dependencies for the released versions of this component and the semantic version constraints that define the component versions for each dependency. You can also view the dependencies for each version of the component in the AWS IoT Greengrass console. On the component details page, look for the Dependencies list.
- 2.3.9
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.3.9 of this
- 2.3.8
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.3.8 of this
- 2.3.7
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.3.7 of this
- 2.3.5 and 2.3.6
The following table lists the dependencies for versions 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 of this
- 2.3.3 – 2.3.4
The following table lists the dependencies for versions 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 of this
- 2.2.8 – 2.3.2
The following table lists the dependencies for versions 2.2.8 to 2.3.2 of this
- 2.2.7
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.2.7 of this
- 2.2.6
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.2.6 of this
- 2.2.5
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.2.5 of this
- 2.2.1 - 2.2.4
The following table lists the dependencies for versions 2.2.1 - 2.2.4 of this
- 2.1.3 and 2.2.0
The following table lists the dependencies for versions 2.1.3 and 2.2.0 of this
- 2.1.2
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.2 of this
- 2.1.1
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.1 of this
- 2.1.0
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.1.0 of this
- 2.0.x
The following table lists the dependencies for version 2.0.x of this
For more information about component dependencies, see the component recipe reference.
This component provides the following configuration parameters that you can
customize when you deploy the component.
- v2.3.6 – v2.3.7
(Optional) The configuration for logs that the log manager component uploads.
This object contains the following information:
(Optional) The configuration for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software system logs, which
include logs from the Greengrass
nucleus and plugin
components. Specify this configuration to enable the log manager
component to manage system logs. This object contains the following
(Optional) You can upload system logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if you configure the Greengrass nucleus component to output JSON format logs. To enable JSON
format logs, specify JSON
for the logging
format parameter (logging.format
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of Greengrass system log files, in the unit
you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size of Greengrass
system log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software deletes
the oldest Greengrass system log files.
This parameter is equivalent to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total Greengrass
system log size.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A map of log configurations for components on the core
device. Each componentName
object in this map defines the log
configuration for the component or application. The log manager component
uploads these component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
We strongly recommend using a single configuration key per component.
You should only target a group of files that have only one log file that's
actively being written to when using the logFileRegex
. Not
following this recommendation may lead to duplicate logs getting uploaded
to CloudWatch. If you are targeting multiple active log files with a single
regex, we recommend you upgrade to log manager v2.3.1 or later and
consider changing your configuration using the example
If you're upgrading from a version of log manager earlier than v2.2.0,
you can continue to use the componentLogsConfiguration
instead of componentLogsConfigurationMap
. However, we
strongly recommend that you use the map format so that you can use merge
and reset updates to modify configurations for specific components. For
information about the componentLogsConfiguration
see the configuration parameters for v2.1.x of this component.
The log configuration for the
component or
application for this log configuration. You can specify the name of a
Greengrass component or another value to identify this log group.
Each object contains the following information:
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if this component's logs use a specific JSON format, which you
can find in the AWS IoT Greengrass
logging module repository on GitHub.
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of all log files for this component, in
the unit you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size
of this component's log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software deletes this component's oldest log files.
This parameter is related to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total log
size for this component.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) The path to the folder that contains this component's log
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
Default: /greengrass/v2
(Optional) A regular expression that specifies the log file name format
that the component or application uses. The log manager component uses this
regular expression to identify log files in the folder at
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
If your component or application rotates log files, specify a regex that
matches the rotated log file names. For example, you might specify
to upload logs for a Hello World
application. The \\\\w*
pattern matches zero or more word
characters, which includes alphanumeric characters and underscores. This regex
matches log files with and without timestamps in their name. In this example,
the log manager uploads the following log files:
Default: componentName
where componentName
is the name of the component
for this log configuration.
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A regular expression that identifies when a log message on a
new line is a new log message. If the regular expression doesn't match the new
line, the log manager component appends the new line to the log message for
the previous line.
By default, the log manager component checks if the line starts with a
whitespace character, such as a tab or space. If it doesn't, the log manager
handles that line as a new log message. Otherwise, it appends that line to the
current log message. This behavior ensures that the log manager component
doesn't split messages that span multiple lines, such as stack traces.
(Optional) The period in seconds at which the log manager component checks for new log
files to upload.
Default: 300
(5 minutes)
Minimum: 0.000001
(1 microsecond)
Indicates whether the log manager should use logging speed improvements
introduced in log manager v2.3.5. Set the value to false
to use the
If you set this value to false
when you upgrade from log manager
v2.3.1 or earlier duplicate log entries may be uploaded.
The default is true
Example: Configuration merge update
The following example configuration specifies to upload system logs and
component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"systemLogsConfiguration": {
"uploadToCloudWatch": "true",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "10",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"componentLogsConfigurationMap": {
"com.example.HelloWorld": {
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "20",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "300",
"deprecatedVersionSupport": "false"
Example: Configuration to upload multiple active log files using log manager
The following example configuration is the recommended example if you want to
target multiple active log files. This example configuration specifies what active log
files you want to upload to CloudWatch. Using this configuration example configuration will
also upload any rotated files that match the logFileRegex
. This example
configuration is supported on log manager v2.3.1.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"componentLogsConfigurationMap": {
"com.example.A": {
"logFileRegex": "com.example.A\\w*.log",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"com.example.B": {
"logFileRegex": "com.example.B\\w*.log",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "10"
- v2.3.x
(Optional) The configuration for logs that the log manager component uploads.
This object contains the following information:
(Optional) The configuration for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software system logs, which
include logs from the Greengrass
nucleus and plugin
components. Specify this configuration to enable the log manager
component to manage system logs. This object contains the following
(Optional) You can upload system logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if you configure the Greengrass nucleus component to output JSON format logs. To enable JSON
format logs, specify JSON
for the logging
format parameter (logging.format
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of Greengrass system log files, in the unit
you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size of Greengrass
system log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software deletes
the oldest Greengrass system log files.
This parameter is equivalent to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total Greengrass
system log size.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A map of log configurations for components on the core
device. Each componentName
object in this map defines the log
configuration for the component or application. The log manager component
uploads these component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
We strongly recommend using a single configuration key per component.
You should only target a group of files that have only one log file that's
actively being written to when using the logFileRegex
. Not
following this recommendation may lead to duplicate logs getting uploaded
to CloudWatch. If you are targeting multiple active log files with a single
regex, we recommend you upgrade to log manager v2.3.1 and consider
changing your configuration using the example
If you're upgrading from a version of log manager earlier than v2.2.0,
you can continue to use the componentLogsConfiguration
instead of componentLogsConfigurationMap
. However, we
strongly recommend that you use the map format so that you can use merge
and reset updates to modify configurations for specific components. For
information about the componentLogsConfiguration
see the configuration parameters for v2.1.x of this component.
The log configuration for the
component or
application for this log configuration. You can specify the name of a
Greengrass component or another value to identify this log group.
Each object contains the following information:
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if this component's logs use a specific JSON format, which you
can find in the AWS IoT Greengrass
logging module repository on GitHub.
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of all log files for this component, in
the unit you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size
of this component's log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software deletes this component's oldest log files.
This parameter is related to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total log
size for this component.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) The path to the folder that contains this component's log
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
Default: /greengrass/v2
(Optional) A regular expression that specifies the log file name format
that the component or application uses. The log manager component uses this
regular expression to identify log files in the folder at
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
If your component or application rotates log files, specify a regex that
matches the rotated log file names. For example, you might specify
to upload logs for a Hello World
application. The \\\\w*
pattern matches zero or more word
characters, which includes alphanumeric characters and underscores. This regex
matches log files with and without timestamps in their name. In this example,
the log manager uploads the following log files:
Default: componentName
where componentName
is the name of the component
for this log configuration.
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A regular expression that identifies when a log message on a
new line is a new log message. If the regular expression doesn't match the new
line, the log manager component appends the new line to the log message for
the previous line.
By default, the log manager component checks if the line starts with a
whitespace character, such as a tab or space. If it doesn't, the log manager
handles that line as a new log message. Otherwise, it appends that line to the
current log message. This behavior ensures that the log manager component
doesn't split messages that span multiple lines, such as stack traces.
(Optional) The period in seconds at which the log manager component checks for new log
files to upload.
Default: 300
(5 minutes)
Minimum: 0.000001
(1 microsecond)
Example: Configuration merge update
The following example configuration specifies to upload system logs and
component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"systemLogsConfiguration": {
"uploadToCloudWatch": "true",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "10",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"componentLogsConfigurationMap": {
"com.example.HelloWorld": {
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "20",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "300"
Example: Configuration to upload multiple active log files using log manager
The following example configuration is the recommended example if you want to
target multiple active log files. This example configuration specifies what active log
files you want to upload to CloudWatch. Using this configuration example configuration will
also upload any rotated files that match the logFileRegex
. This example
configuration is supported on log manager v2.3.1.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"componentLogsConfigurationMap": {
"com.example.A": {
"logFileRegex": "com.example.A\\w*.log",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"com.example.B": {
"logFileRegex": "com.example.B\\w*.log",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "10"
- v2.2.x
(Optional) The configuration for logs that the log manager component uploads.
This object contains the following information:
(Optional) The configuration for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software system logs, which
include logs from the Greengrass
nucleus and plugin
components. Specify this configuration to enable the log manager
component to manage system logs. This object contains the following
(Optional) You can upload system logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if you configure the Greengrass nucleus component to output JSON format logs. To enable JSON
format logs, specify JSON
for the logging
format parameter (logging.format
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of Greengrass system log files, in the unit
you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size of Greengrass
system log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software deletes
the oldest Greengrass system log files.
This parameter is equivalent to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total Greengrass
system log size.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A map of log configurations for components on the core
device. Each componentName
object in this map defines the log
configuration for the component or application. The log manager component
uploads these component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
If you're upgrading from a version of log manager earlier than v2.2.0,
you can continue to use the componentLogsConfiguration
instead of componentLogsConfigurationMap
. However, we
strongly recommend that you use the map format so that you can use merge
and reset updates to modify configurations for specific components. For
information about the componentLogsConfiguration
see the configuration parameters for v2.1.x of this component.
The log configuration for the
component or
application for this log configuration. You can specify the name of a
Greengrass component or another value to identify this log group.
Each object contains the following information:
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if this component's logs use a specific JSON format, which you
can find in the AWS IoT Greengrass
logging module repository on GitHub.
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of all log files for this component, in
the unit you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size
of this component's log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software deletes this component's oldest log files.
This parameter is related to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total log
size for this component.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) The path to the folder that contains this component's log
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
Default: /greengrass/v2
(Optional) A regular expression that specifies the log file name format
that the component or application uses. The log manager component uses this
regular expression to identify log files in the folder at
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
If your component or application rotates log files, specify a regex that
matches the rotated log file names. For example, you might specify
to upload logs for a Hello World
application. The \\\\w*
pattern matches zero or more word
characters, which includes alphanumeric characters and underscores. This regex
matches log files with and without timestamps in their name. In this example,
the log manager uploads the following log files:
Default: componentName
where componentName
is the name of the component
for this log configuration.
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A regular expression that identifies when a log message on a
new line is a new log message. If the regular expression doesn't match the new
line, the log manager component appends the new line to the log message for
the previous line.
By default, the log manager component checks if the line starts with a
whitespace character, such as a tab or space. If it doesn't, the log manager
handles that line as a new log message. Otherwise, it appends that line to the
current log message. This behavior ensures that the log manager component
doesn't split messages that span multiple lines, such as stack traces.
(Optional) The period in seconds at which the log manager component checks for new log
files to upload.
Default: 300
(5 minutes)
Minimum: 0.000001
(1 microsecond)
Example: Configuration merge update
The following example configuration specifies to upload system logs and
component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"systemLogsConfiguration": {
"uploadToCloudWatch": "true",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "10",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"componentLogsConfigurationMap": {
"com.example.HelloWorld": {
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "20",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "300"
- v2.1.x
(Optional) The configuration for logs that the log manager component uploads.
This object contains the following information:
(Optional) The configuration for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software system logs, which
include logs from the Greengrass
nucleus and plugin
components. Specify this configuration to enable the log manager
component to manage system logs. This object contains the following
(Optional) You can upload system logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if you configure the Greengrass nucleus component to output JSON format logs. To enable JSON
format logs, specify JSON
for the logging
format parameter (logging.format
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of Greengrass system log files, in the unit
you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size of Greengrass
system log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software deletes
the oldest Greengrass system log files.
This parameter is equivalent to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total Greengrass
system log size.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A list of log configurations for components on the core
device. Each configuration in this list defines the log configuration for a
component or application. The log manager component uploads these component
logs to CloudWatch Logs
Each object contains the following information:
The name of the component or application for this log configuration. You
can specify the name of a Greengrass component or another value to identify this log
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if this component's logs use a specific JSON format, which you
can find in the AWS IoT Greengrass
logging module repository on GitHub.
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of all log files for this component, in
the unit you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size
of this component's log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software deletes this component's oldest log files.
This parameter is related to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total log
size for this component.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) The path to the folder that contains this component's log
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
Default: /greengrass/v2
(Optional) A regular expression that specifies the log file name format
that the component or application uses. The log manager component uses this
regular expression to identify log files in the folder at
You don't need to specify this parameter for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
If your component or application rotates log files, specify a regex that
matches the rotated log file names. For example, you might specify
to upload logs for a Hello World
application. The \\\\w*
pattern matches zero or more word
characters, which includes alphanumeric characters and underscores. This regex
matches log files with and without timestamps in their name. In this example,
the log manager uploads the following log files:
Default: componentName
where componentName
is the name of the component
for this log configuration.
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A regular expression that identifies when a log message on a
new line is a new log message. If the regular expression doesn't match the new
line, the log manager component appends the new line to the log message for
the previous line.
By default, the log manager component checks if the line starts with a
whitespace character, such as a tab or space. If it doesn't, the log manager
handles that line as a new log message. Otherwise, it appends that line to the
current log message. This behavior ensures that the log manager component
doesn't split messages that span multiple lines, such as stack traces.
(Optional) The period in seconds at which the log manager component checks for new log
files to upload.
Default: 300
(5 minutes)
Minimum: 0.000001
(1 microsecond)
Example: Configuration merge update
The following example configuration specifies to upload system logs and
component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"systemLogsConfiguration": {
"uploadToCloudWatch": "true",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "10",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"componentLogsConfiguration": [
"componentName": "com.example.HelloWorld",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "20",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "300"
- v2.0.x
(Optional) The configuration for logs that the log manager component uploads.
This object contains the following information:
(Optional) The configuration for AWS IoT Greengrass Core software system logs. Specify
this configuration to enable the log manager component to manage system
logs. This object contains the following information:
(Optional) You can upload system logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if you configure the Greengrass nucleus component to output JSON format logs. To enable JSON
format logs, specify JSON
for the logging
format parameter (logging.format
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of Greengrass system log files, in the unit
you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size of Greengrass
system log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software deletes
the oldest Greengrass system log files.
This parameter is equivalent to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total Greengrass
system log size.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A list of log configurations for components on the core
device. Each configuration in this list defines the log configuration for a
component or application. The log manager component uploads these component
logs to CloudWatch Logs
Each object contains the following information:
The name of the component or application for this log configuration. You
can specify the name of a Greengrass component or another value to identify this log
(Optional) The minimum level of log messages to upload. This minimum level
applies only if this component's logs use a specific JSON format, which you
can find in the AWS IoT Greengrass
logging module repository on GitHub.
Choose from the following log levels, listed here in level order:
Default: INFO
(Optional) The maximum total size of all log files for this component, in
the unit you specify in diskSpaceLimitUnit
. After the total size
of this component's log files exceeds this maximum total size, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core
software deletes this component's oldest log files.
This parameter is related to the log
size limit parameter (totalLogsSizeKB
) of the Greengrass nucleus component. The
AWS IoT Greengrass Core software uses the minimum of the two values as the maximum total log
size for this component.
(Optional) The unit for the diskSpaceLimit
. Choose from the following
– kilobytes
– megabytes
– gigabytes
Default: KB
The path to the folder that contains this component's log
To upload a Greengrass component's logs, specify
, and replace /greengrass/v2
your Greengrass root folder.
A regular expression that specifies the log file name format that
the component or application uses. The log manager component uses this
regular expression to identify log files in the folder at
To upload a Greengrass component's logs, specify a regex that matches
the rotated log file names. For example, you might specify
to upload logs
for a Hello World component. The \\w*
pattern matches
zero or more word characters, which includes alphanumeric characters
and underscores. This regex matches log files with and without
timestamps in their name. In this example, the log manager uploads the
following log files:
– The most
recent log file for the Hello World component.
– An older log file for the Hello World component. The Greengrass
nucleus adds a rotating timestamp to the log files.
(Optional) You can delete a log file after the log manager component uploads the logs
to CloudWatch Logs.
Default: false
(Optional) A regular expression that identifies when a log message on a
new line is a new log message. If the regular expression doesn't match the new
line, the log manager component appends the new line to the log message for
the previous line.
By default, the log manager component checks if the line starts with a
whitespace character, such as a tab or space. If it doesn't, the log manager
handles that line as a new log message. Otherwise, it appends that line to the
current log message. This behavior ensures that the log manager component
doesn't split messages that span multiple lines, such as stack traces.
(Optional) The period in seconds at which the log manager component checks for new log
files to upload.
Default: 300
(5 minutes)
Minimum: 0.000001
(1 microsecond)
Example: Configuration merge update
The following example configuration specifies to upload system logs and
component logs to CloudWatch Logs.
"logsUploaderConfiguration": {
"systemLogsConfiguration": {
"uploadToCloudWatch": "true",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"diskSpaceLimit": "10",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"componentLogsConfiguration": [
"componentName": "com.example.HelloWorld",
"minimumLogLevel": "INFO",
"logFileDirectoryPath": "/greengrass/v2/logs",
"logFileRegex": "com.example.HelloWorld\\w*.log",
"diskSpaceLimit": "20",
"diskSpaceLimitUnit": "MB",
"deleteLogFileAfterCloudUpload": "false"
"periodicUploadIntervalSec": "300"
The log manager component uploads to the following log groups and log streams.
- 2.1.0 and later
- Log group name
The log group name uses the following variables:
– The type of the component, which can be one of
the following:
– This log group
includes logs for the nucleus and plugin components, which run in the same JVM as the Greengrass
nucleus. The component is part of the
Greengrass nucleus.
– This log group includes logs for generic components, Lambda components,
and other applications on the device. The component isn't part of the Greengrass
For more information, see Component types.
– The AWS Region that the core device uses.
– The name of the component. For system logs,
this value is System
- Log stream name
The log stream name uses the following variables:
– The date of the log, such as 2020/12/15
The log manager component uses the yyyy/MM/dd
– The name of the core device.
If a thing name contains a colon (:
), the log manager replaces the
colon with a plus (+
- 2.0.x
- Log group name
The log group name uses the following variables:
– The type of the component, which can
be one of the following:
– The component is part
of the Greengrass
– The component isn't part of the
Greengrass nucleus. The log manager uses this type for Greengrass components and other
applications on the device.
– The AWS Region that the core device
– The name of the component. For system
logs, this value is System
- Log stream name
The log stream name uses the following variables:
– The date of the log, such as
. The log manager component uses the
– The things whose deployments
include the component. The log manager component separates each target by a
slash. If the component runs on the core device as the result of a local
deployment, this value is LOCAL_DEPLOYMENT
Consider an example where you have a core device named
, and the core device has two
A deployment that targets the core device,
A deployment that targets a thing group named
, which contains the core
The deploymentTargets
for this core device are
– The name of the core device.
Formats for log entries.
The Greengrass nucleus writes log files in either string or JSON format. For system logs, you
control the format by setting the format
field of the logging
entry. You can find the logging
entry in the Greengrass nucleus component's
configuration file. For more information, see Greengrass nucleus configuration.
The text format is free-form and accepts any string. The following fleet status service
message is an example of string formatted logging:
2023-03-26T18:18:27.271Z [INFO] (pool-1-thread-2)
com.aws.greengrass.status.FleetStatusService: fss-status-update-published.
Status update published to FSS. {trigger=CADENCE, serviceName=FleetStatusService,
You should use the JSON format if you want to view logs with the Greengrass CLI
logs command or interact with logs programmatically. The following example
outlines the JSON shape:
"loggerName": <string>,
"level": <"DEBUG" | "INFO" | "ERROR" | "TRACE" | "WARN">,
"eventType": <string, optional>,
"cause": <string, optional>,
"contexts": {},
"thread": <string>,
"message": <string>,
"timestamp": <epoch time> # Needs to be epoch time
To control the output of your component's logs, you can use the
configuration option. To use this option, your component must
write its log entries in JSON format. You should use the same format as the system log
Local log file
This component uses the same log file as the
Greengrass nucleus component.
- Linux
- Windows
To view this component's logs
The following table describes the changes in each version of the component.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.14.0 release.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.13.0 release.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.12.0 release.
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Improvements
Improves log upload speed.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.11.0 release. |
- Bug fixes and improvements
Adds support for setting the periodicUploadIntervalSec
parameter to fractional values. The minimum is 1 microsecond.
Fixes an issue where log manager doesn't respect the CloudWatch
putLogEvents limits.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.10.0 release.
- Bug fixes and improvements
Improves space management so that log files are not deleted before
they are uploaded.
Fixes issues with cache management.
Additional minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Bug fixes and improvements
We recommend that you upgrade to Greengrass nucleus 2.9.1 when you upgrade to
log manager 2.3.0.
- New features
Reduces log delays by processing and directly uploading active log files
instead of waiting for new files to be rotated.
- Bug fixes and improvements
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.9.0 release. |
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.8.0 release. |
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.7.0 release.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.6.0 release.
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Bug fixes and improvements
Improves stability in certain scenarios where the component restarts
or encounters errors.
Fixes issues where large log messages and large log files fail to
upload in certain scenarios.
Fixes issues with how this component handles configuration reset
Fixes an issue where a null
diskSpaceLimit configuration value prevented the component
from deploying.
- Bug fixes and improvements
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.5.0 release.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.4.0 release.
Version updated for Greengrass nucleus version 2.3.0 release.
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Bug fixes and improvements
Use defaults for logFileDirectoryPath and
logFileRegex that work for Greengrass components that print to
standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr).
Correctly route traffic through a configured network proxy when
uploading logs to CloudWatch Logs.
Correctly handle colon characters (: ) in log stream
names. CloudWatch Logs log stream names don't support colons.
Simplify log stream names by removing thing group names from the log
Remove an error log message that prints during normal behavior.
Initial version.