Set up and configure Amazon VPC
A full guide to set up a VPC is beyond the scope of this guide. For an in-depth understanding please refer to the Amazon VPC User Guide.
In this section, it is described how your Amazon EC2 and dataflow endpoint may exist within a VPC. AWS Ground Station does not support multiple delivery points for a given dataflow - it is expected that each dataflow terminates to a single EC2 receiver. As we expect a single EC2 receiver, the configuration is not multi-AZ redundant. For full examples which will use your VPC, please see Example mission profile configurations.
VPC Configuration with AWS Ground Station Agent
Your satellite data is provided to an AWS Ground Station Agent instance that is proximate to the antenna. The AWS Ground Station Agent will stripe and then encrypt your data using the AWS KMS key you provide. Each stripe is sent to your Amazon EC2 Elastic IP (EIP) from the source antenna across the AWS Network backbone. The data arrives at your EC2 instance via the Amazon EC2 Elastic Network Interface (ENI) attached. Once on your EC2 instance, the installed AWS Ground Station Agent will decrypt your data and perform forward error correction (FEC) to recover any dropped data, then forward it to the IP and port you specified in your setup.
The below list calls out unique setup considerations when setting up your VPC for AWS Ground Station Agent delivery.
Security Group - It is recommended you set up a security group dedicated to only AWS Ground Station traffic. This security group should allow UDP ingress traffic on the same port range you specify in your Dataflow Endpoint Group. AWS Ground Station maintains an AWS-managed prefix list to restrict your permissions to only AWS Ground Station IP addresses. See AWS Managed Prefix Lists for details on how to replace the PrefixListId for your deployment regions.
Elastic Network Interface (ENI) - You will need to associate the above security group with this ENI and place it in your public subnet.
The following CloudFormation template demonstrates how to create the infrastructure described in this section.
: Type: AWS::EC2::EIP Properties: Domain: 'vpc'InstanceSecurityGroup
: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription:AWS Ground Station receiver instance security group.
SecurityGroupIngress: # Add additional items here. - IpProtocol: udp FromPort:your-port-start-range
PrefixListIds: -
Description:"Allow AWS Ground Station Downlink ingress."
: Type: AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface Properties: Description:ENI for AWS Ground Station to connect to.
GroupSet: - !RefInstanceSecurityGroup
SubnetId:A Public Subnet
: Type: AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation Properties: AllocationId: Fn::GetAtt: [ReceiveInstanceEIP
, AllocationId ] NetworkInterfaceId: Ref:InstanceNetworkInterface
VPC configuration with a dataflow endpoint
Your satellite data is provided to a dataflow endpoint application instance that is proximate to the antenna. The data is then sent through cross-account Amazon EC2 Elastic Network Interface (ENI) from a VPC owned by AWS Ground Station. The data then arrives at your EC2 instance via the ENI attached to your Amazon EC2 instance. The installed dataflow endpoint application will then forward it to the IP and port you specified in your setup. The reverse of this flow occurs for uplink connections.
The below list calls out unique setup considerations when setting up your VPC for dataflow endpoint delivery.
IAM Role - The IAM Role is part of the Dataflow Endpoint and is not shown in the diagram. The IAM role that is used to create and attach the cross-account ENI to the AWS Ground Station Amazon EC2 instance.
Security Group 1 - This security group is attached to the ENI which will be associated to the Amazon EC2 instance in your account. It needs to allow UDP traffic from Security Group 2 on the ports specified in your dataflow-endpoint-group.
Elastic Network Interface (ENI) 1 - You will need to associate Security Group 1 with this ENI and place it in a subnet.
Security Group 2 - This security group is referenced in the Dataflow Endpoint. This security group will be attached to the ENI that AWS Ground Station will use to place data into your account.
Region - For more information on the supported regions for cross-region connections, see Use cross-region data delivery.
The following CloudFormation template demonstrates how to create the infrastructure described in this section.
: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Security Group for AWS Ground Station registration of Dataflow Endpoint Groups VpcId:YourVpcId
: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress Properties: GroupId: !Ref:DataflowEndpointSecurityGroup
IpProtocol: udp FromPort:55555
Description:"Allow AWS Ground Station to send UDP traffic on port 55555 to the 10/8 range."
: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription:AWS Ground Station receiver instance security group.
SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: udp FromPort:55555
SourceSecurityGroupId:!Ref DataflowEndpointSecurityGroup
Description:"Allow AWS Ground Station Ingress from DataflowEndpointSecurityGroup"