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StopInstances - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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Stops an Amazon EBS-backed instance. For more information, see Stop and start Amazon EC2 instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

You can use the Stop action to hibernate an instance if the instance is enabled for hibernation and it meets the hibernation prerequisites. For more information, see Hibernate your Amazon EC2 instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

We don't charge usage for a stopped instance, or data transfer fees; however, your root partition Amazon EBS volume remains and continues to persist your data, and you are charged for Amazon EBS volume usage. Every time you start your instance, Amazon EC2 charges a one-minute minimum for instance usage, and thereafter charges per second for instance usage.

You can't stop or hibernate instance store-backed instances. You can't use the Stop action to hibernate Spot Instances, but you can specify that Amazon EC2 should hibernate Spot Instances when they are interrupted. For more information, see Hibernating interrupted Spot Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

When you stop or hibernate an instance, we shut it down. You can restart your instance at any time. Before stopping or hibernating an instance, make sure it is in a state from which it can be restarted. Stopping an instance does not preserve data stored in RAM, but hibernating an instance does preserve data stored in RAM. If an instance cannot hibernate successfully, a normal shutdown occurs.

Stopping and hibernating an instance is different to rebooting or terminating it. For example, when you stop or hibernate an instance, the root device and any other devices attached to the instance persist. When you terminate an instance, the root device and any other devices attached during the instance launch are automatically deleted. For more information about the differences between rebooting, stopping, hibernating, and terminating instances, see Instance lifecycle in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

When you stop an instance, we attempt to shut it down forcibly after a short while. If your instance appears stuck in the stopping state after a period of time, there may be an issue with the underlying host computer. For more information, see Troubleshoot stopping your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Request Parameters

The following parameters are for this specific action. For more information about required and optional parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Query Parameters.


Checks whether you have the required permissions for the operation, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Forces the instances to stop. The instances do not have an opportunity to flush file system caches or file system metadata. If you use this option, you must perform file system check and repair procedures. This option is not recommended for Windows instances.

Default: false

Type: Boolean

Required: No


Hibernates the instance if the instance was enabled for hibernation at launch. If the instance cannot hibernate successfully, a normal shutdown occurs. For more information, see Hibernate your instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Default: false

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The IDs of the instances.

Type: Array of strings

Required: Yes

Response Elements

The following elements are returned by the service.


Information about the stopped instances.

Type: Array of InstanceStateChange objects


The ID of the request.

Type: String


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common client error codes.



This example stops the specified instance.

Sample Request

https://ec2.amazonaws.com/?Action=StopInstances &InstanceId.1=i-1234567890abcdef0 &AUTHPARAMS

Sample Response

<StopInstancesResponse xmlns="http://ec2.amazonaws.com/doc/2016-11-15/"> <requestId>59dbff89-35bd-4eac-99ed-be587EXAMPLE</requestId> <instancesSet> <item> <instanceId>i-1234567890abcdef0</instanceId> <currentState> <code>64</code> <name>stopping</name> </currentState> <previousState> <code>16</code> <name>running</name> </previousState> </item> </instancesSet> </StopInstancesResponse>

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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