Setting up Jira for connecting to Amazon Q - Amazon Q Business

Setting up Jira for connecting to Amazon Q

Before you connect Jira to Amazon Q, you need to create and retrieve the Jira credentials you will use to connect Jira to Amazon Q.

The following procedures gives you an overview of how to configure Jira for connecting with Amazon Q.

Configuring basic authentication

You can connect Amazon Q to Jira using basic authentication credentials. The following procedure gives you an overview of how to configure Jira to connect to Amazon Q using basic authentication.

Configuring Jira basic authentication for Amazon Q
  1. Sign up for an Atlassian account from Note the email id, including domain, that you logged in with. You will input this later as the Jira ID when you connect to Amazon Q.

  2. Navigate to Atlassian account from This is where you will configure your Jira instance.

  3. From the top navigation menu, select Products. Then, select Add product.

    Products page interface showing options to manage access and changes for organization products.
  4. On the Select product page, select Jira Software. Then, select Select.

    Product selection interface with Atlassian tools like Jira Software and Confluence listed.
  5. On the Add product page, select Create new site. Then, for Site name, add a name for your Jira site. Copy the site name, including the domain name. For example: You will input this as your Jira Account URL when you connect to Amazon Q.

    Select Agree and add.

    Jira Software trial setup page with site name input field and "Agree and add" button.
  6. Log in to your Atlassian account from

  7. From the top navigation menu, navigate to Security. Then, from API Tokens, select Create and manage API tokens.

    Security settings page with password change, two-step verification, and API token options.
  8. In API Tokens, for Create an API token, in Label, add a label name. Then, select Create.

    Dialog box for creating an API token with a label field and Create button highlighted.
  9. From the Your new API token dialog box, copy the API token and save it in a text editor of your choice. You can't retrieve the API token once you close the dialog box. You use the API token to connect Jira to Amazon Q.

    Dialog box displaying a new API token with options to copy or close the token.

You now have the username, Jira URL, and Jira API token you need to connect to Amazon Q with basic authentication.

For more information, see Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account in Atlassian Support.

Retrieving project key

Amazon Q connector gives you the ability to crawl specific Jira projects instead of crawling all Jira projects. To crawl a specific Jira project, you need to retrieve its Project Key. Then, when you connect Jira to Amazon Q, you provide the specific project key you want to crawl in the Sync scope section. The following procedure gives you an overview of how to retriever a Jira Project Key.

Retrieving a Jira project key
  1. Log in to your Atlassian account from

  2. From the profile top-right navigation menu, choose My products. Then choose Administration.

    Atlassian website interface with product menu and Administration option highlighted.
  3. From the admin overview page, navigate to your Jira Software instance, and then open the settings menu. Select Open Jira Software.

    Admin overview page showing Jira Software product with options to manage users and open the software.
  4. From the Default dashboard page, from the top navigation menu choose Projects, and then select your project.

  5. On your project page, from the left navigation menu choose Project settings.

    Default dashboard showing Projects menu, Service project selection, and empty Assigned to Me section.
  6. The Details page will display your project key under Key.

    Project settings page showing Details tab with project name and key fields.