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Step 5: Create a data profile - AWS Glue DataBrew
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Step 5: Create a data profile

When you work with on a project, DataBrew displays statistics such as the number of rows in the sample and the distribution of unique values in each column. These statistics, and many more, represent a profile of the sample.

To request a data profile, create and run a profile job.

To profile a dataset
  1. On the navigation pane, choose Jobs.

  2. On the Profile jobs tab, choose Create job.

  3. For Job name, enter chess-data-profile.

  4. For Job type, choose Create a profile job.

  5. On the Job input pane, do the following:

    • For Run on, choose Dataset.

    • Choose Select a dataset to view a list of available datasets, and choose chess-games.

  6. On the Job output settings pane, do the following:

    • For File type, choose JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

    • Choose S3 location to view a list of available Amazon S3 buckets, and choose the bucket to use. Then choose Browse. In the list of folders, choose databrew-output, and chose Select.

  7. On the Access permissions pane, choose AwsGlueDataBrewDataAccessRole. This is a service linked role that lets DataBrew access your Amazon S3 buckets on your behalf.

  8. Choose Create and run job. DataBrew creates a job with your settings, and then runs it.

  9. On the Job run history pane, wait for the job status to change from Running to Succeeded.

  10. To view the profile, choose VIEW PROFILE:

    Icon of a person silhouette with "VIEW PROFILE" text underneath.

    The DATASETS window is shown. Take some time to explore the following tabs:

    • Dataset preview

    • Profile overview

    • Column statistics

    • Data lineage statistics

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