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Call caching for HealthOmics runs

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Call caching for HealthOmics runs - AWS HealthOmics
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HealthOmics supports call caching, also known as resume, for private workflows. Call caching saves the outputs of completed workflow tasks after a run finishes. Subsequent runs can use the task outputs from the cache, rather than computing the task outputs again. Call caching reduces compute resource usage, which results in shorter run durations and compute cost savings.

You can access the cached task output files after the run completes. During development, if you want to cache intermediate task files to perform advanced debugging and troubleshooting, declare these files as task outputs in the workflow definition.

For production workflows, use call caching to save the completed task results from failed runs. The next run starts from the last successfully completed task, rather than computing the completed tasks again.

If HealthOmics doesn't find a matching cache entry for a task, the run doesn't fail. HealthOmics recomputes the task and its dependent tasks.

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