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Migrate Oracle OUT bind variables to a PostgreSQL database - AWS Prescriptive Guidance
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Migrate Oracle OUT bind variables to a PostgreSQL database

Created by Bikash Chandra Rout (AWS) and Vinay Paladi (AWS)


This pattern shows how to migrate Oracle Database OUT bind variables to either one of the following PostgreSQL-compatible AWS database services:

  • Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL

  • Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition

PostgreSQL doesn’t support OUT bind variables. To get the same functionality in your Python statements, you can create a custom PL/pgSQL function that uses the GET and SET package variables instead. To apply these variables, the example wrapper function script that’s provided in this pattern uses an AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) extension pack.


If the Oracle EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement is a SELECT statement that can return one row at most, it’s a best practice to do the following:

  • Put OUT bind variables (defines) in the INTO clause

  • Put IN bind variables in the USING clause

For more information, see EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement in the Oracle documentation.

Prerequisites and limitations



Source technology stack

  • On-premises Oracle Database 10g (or newer) database 

Target technology stack

  • An Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance or an Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible DB instance

Target architecture

The following diagram shows an example workflow for migrating Oracle Database OUT bind variables to a PostgreSQL-compatible AWS database.

Migrating Oracle Database OUT bind variables to a PostgreSQL-compatible AWS database.

The diagram shows the following workflow:

  1. AWS SCT converts the source database schema and a majority of the custom code to a format compatible with the target PostgreSQL-compatible AWS database.

  2. Any database objects that can’t be converted automatically are flagged by the PL/pgSQL function. Objects that are flagged are then manually converted to complete the migration.



TaskDescriptionSkills required

Connect to your PostgreSQL-compatible AWS database.

After you’ve created your DB instance, you can use any standard SQL client application to connect to a database in your DB cluster. For example, you can use pgAdmin to connect to your DB instance.

For more information, see either of the following:

Migration engineer

Add the example wrapper function script from this pattern to the target database's main schema.

Copy the example PL/pgSQL wrapper function script from the Additional information section of this pattern. Then, add the function to the target database's main schema.

For more information, see CREATE FUNCTION in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Migration engineer

(Optional) Update the search path in the target database's main schema so that includes the Test_pg schema.

To improve performance, you can update the PostgreSQL search_path variable so that it includes the Test_pg schema name. If you include the schema name in the search path, you don’t need to specify the name whenever you call the PL/pgSQL function.

For more information, see section 5.9.3 The Schema Search Path in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Migration engineer

Migrate Oracle OUT bind variables by using a custom PL/pgSQL function and AWS SCT

TaskDescriptionSkills required

Connect to your PostgreSQL-compatible AWS database.

After you’ve created your DB instance, you can use any standard SQL client application to connect to a database in your DB cluster. For example, you can use pgAdmin to connect to your DB instance.

For more information, see either of the following:

Migration engineer

Add the example wrapper function script from this pattern to the target database's main schema.

Copy the example PL/pgSQL wrapper function script from the Additional information section of this pattern. Then, add the function to the target database's main schema.

For more information, see CREATE FUNCTION in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Migration engineer

(Optional) Update the search path in the target database's main schema so that includes the Test_pg schema.

To improve performance, you can update the PostgreSQL search_path variable so that it includes the Test_pg schema name. If you include the schema name in the search path, you don’t need to specify the name whenever you call the PL/pgSQL function.

For more information, see section 5.9.3 The Schema Search Path in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Migration engineer

Related resources

Additional information

Example PL/pgSQL function

/* Oracle */ CREATE or replace PROCEDURE test_pg.calc_stats_new1 ( a NUMBER, b NUMBER, result out NUMBER ) IS BEGIN result:=a+b; END; / /* Testing */ set serveroutput on DECLARE a NUMBER := 4; b NUMBER := 7; plsql_block VARCHAR2(100); output number; BEGIN plsql_block := 'BEGIN test_pg.calc_stats_new1(:a, :b,:output); END;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE plsql_block USING a, b,out output; -- calc_stats(a, a, b, a) DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('output:'||output); END; output:11 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. --Postgres-- /* Example : 1 */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_pg.calc_stats_new1( w integer, x integer ) RETURNS integer AS $BODY$ begin return w + x ; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable( package_name name, variable_name name, variable_value anyelement ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE AS $BODY$ begin perform set_config ( format( '%s.%s',package_name, variable_name ) , variable_value::text , false ); end; $BODY$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aws_oracle_ext.get_package_variable_record( package_name name, record_name name ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE AS $BODY$ begin execute 'select ' || package_name || '$Init()'; return aws_oracle_ext.get_package_variable ( package_name := package_name , variable_name := record_name || '$REC' ); end; $BODY$; --init()-- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_pg.init() RETURNS void AS $BODY$ BEGIN if aws_oracle_ext.is_package_initialized('test_pg' ) then return; end if; perform aws_oracle_ext.set_package_initialized ('test_pg' ); PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_output', NULL::INTEGER); PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_status', NULL::text); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* callable for 1st Example */ DO $$ declare v_sql text; v_output_loc int; a integer :=1; b integer :=2; BEGIN perform test_pg.init(); --raise notice 'v_sql %',v_sql; execute 'do $a$ declare v_output_l int; begin select * from test_pg.calc_stats_new1('||a||','||b||') into v_output_l; PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable(''test_pg'', ''v_output'', v_output_l) ; end; $a$' ; v_output_loc := aws_oracle_ext.get_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_output'); raise notice 'v_output_loc %',v_output_loc; END ; $$ /*In above Postgres example we have set the value of v_output using v_output_l in the dynamic anonymous block to mimic the behaviour of oracle out-bind variable .*/ --Postgres Example : 2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_pg.calc_stats_new2( w integer, x integer, inout status text, out result integer) AS $BODY$ DECLARE begin result := w + x ; status := 'ok'; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* callable for 2nd Example */ DO $$ declare v_sql text; v_output_loc int; v_staus text:= 'no'; a integer :=1; b integer :=2; BEGIN perform test_pg.init(); execute 'do $a$ declare v_output_l int; v_status_l text; begin select * from test_pg.calc_stats_new2('||a||','||b||','''||v_staus||''') into v_status_l,v_output_l; PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable(''test_pg'', ''v_output'', v_output_l) ; PERFORM aws_oracle_ext.set_package_variable(''test_pg'', ''v_status'', v_status_l) ; end; $a$' ; v_output_loc := aws_oracle_ext.get_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_output'); v_staus := aws_oracle_ext.get_package_variable('test_pg', 'v_status'); raise notice 'v_output_loc %',v_output_loc; raise notice 'v_staus %',v_staus; END ; $$
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