Deploy Serverless Application dialog box - AWS Toolkit for JetBrains

Deploy Serverless Application dialog box

The Deploy Serverless Application dialog box in the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is displayed when you deploy an AWS serverless application.

The Deploy Serverless Application dialog box.

The Deploy Serverless Application dialog box contains the following items:

Create Stack

(Required) Provide the name of the stack for the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) command line interface (CLI) to create in AWS CloudFormation for the connected AWS account. The AWS SAM CLI then uses this stack to deploy the AWS serverless application.

Update Stack

(Required) Choose the name of an existing AWS CloudFormation stack in the connected AWS account for the AWS SAM CLI to use to deploy the AWS serverless application.


Either Create Stack or Update Stack is required, but not both.

Template Parameters

(Optional) Any parameters that the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains detects in the corresponding project's template.yaml file. To specify a value for a parameter, choose the box in the Value column next to the parameter, enter the value, and then press Enter. For more information, see Parameters in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

S3 Bucket

(Required) Choose an existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket in the connected AWS account for the AWS SAM CLI to use to deploy the AWS serverless application. To create an Amazon S3 bucket in the account and have the AWS SAM CLI use that bucket instead, choose Create, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

ECR Repository

(Required for Image package type only) Choose an existing Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repository URI in the connected AWS account for the AWS SAM CLI to use to deploy the AWS serverless application. For information about AWS Lambda package types, see Lambda deployment packages in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Require confirmation before deploying

(Optional) If selected, instructs AWS CloudFormation to wait for you to finish creating or updating the corresponding stack by executing the stack's current change set in AWS CloudFormation. If you don't execute this change set, the AWS serverless application doesn't move on to the deployment phase.

Build function inside a container

(Optional) If selected, the AWS SAM CLI builds any of the serverless application's functions inside of a Lambda-like Docker container locally before deployment. This is useful if the function depends on packages that have natively compiled dependencies or programs. For more information, see Building applications in the AWS Serverless Application Model Developer Guide.