Exporting Amazon Inspector findings reports
A findings report is a CSV or JSON file that provides a detailed snapshot of your findings. You can export a findings report to AWS Security Hub, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). When you configure a findings report, you specify which findings to include in it. By default, your findings report includes data for all of your active findings. If you're the delegated administrator for an organization, your findings report includes data for all member accounts in the organization. To customize a findings report, create and apply a filter to it.
When you export a findings report, Amazon Inspector encrypts your findings data with an AWS KMS key that you specify. After Amazon Inspector encrypts your findings data, it stores your finding report in an Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. Your AWS KMS key must be used in the same AWS Region as your Amazon S3 bucket. Your AWS KMS key policy must allow Amazon Inspector to use it, and your Amazon S3 bucket policy must allow Amazon Inspector to add objects to it. After you export your findings report, you can download it from your Amazon S3 bucket or transfer it to new location. You can also use your Amazon S3 bucket as a repository for other exported findings reports.
This section describes how to export a findings report in the Amazon Inspector console. The following tasks require that you verify your permissions, configure an Amazon S3 bucket, configure an AWS KMS key, and configure and export a findings report.
If you export a findings report with the Amazon Inspector CreateFindingsReport API, you can only view your active findings.
If you want to view your suppressed or closed findings, you must specify SUPPRESSED
as part of your filter criteria.
Step 1: Verify your permissions
After you export a findings report for the first time, steps 1–3 are optional. Following these steps is based on whether you want to use the same Amazon S3 bucket and AWS KMS key for other exported findings reports. If you want to export a findings report programmatically after completing steps 1–3, use the CreateFindingsReport operation of the Amazon Inspector API.
Before you export a findings report from Amazon Inspector, verify that you have the permissions that you need to both export findings reports and configure resources for encrypting and storing the reports. To verify your permissions, use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to review the IAM policies that are attached to your IAM identity. Then compare the information in those policies to the following list of actions that you must be allowed to perform to export a findings report.
- Amazon Inspector
For Amazon Inspector, verify that you're allowed to perform the following actions:
These actions allow you to retrieve findings data for your account and to export that data in findings reports.
If you plan to export large reports programmatically, you might also verify that you're allowed to perform the following actions:
, to check the status of reports, andinspector2:CancelFindingsReport
, to cancel exports that are in progress. -
For AWS KMS, verify that you're allowed to perform the following actions:
These actions allow you to retrieve and update the key policy for the AWS KMS key that you want Amazon Inspector to use to encrypt your report.
To use the Amazon Inspector console to export a report, also verify that you're allowed to perform the following AWS KMS actions:
These actions allow you to retrieve and display information about the AWS KMS keys for your account. You can then choose one of these keys to encrypt your report.
If you plan to create a new KMS key for encryption of your report, you also need to be allowed to perform the
action. -
- Amazon S3
For Amazon S3, verify that you're allowed to perform the following actions:
These actions allow you to create and configure the S3 bucket where you want Amazon Inspector to store your report. They also allow you to add and delete objects from the bucket.
If you plan to use the Amazon Inspector console to export your report, also verify that you're allowed to perform the
actions. These actions allow you to retrieve and display information about the S3 buckets for your account. You can then choose one of these buckets to store the report. -
If you're not allowed to perform one or more of the required actions, ask your AWS administrator for assistance before you proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Configure an S3 bucket
After you verify your permissions, you're ready to configure the S3 bucket where you want to store your findings report. It can be an existing bucket for your own account, or an existing bucket that's owned by another AWS account and you're allowed to access. If you want to store your report in a new bucket, create the bucket before you proceed.
The S3 bucket must be in the same AWS Region as the findings data that you want to export. For example, if you're using Amazon Inspector in the US East (N. Virginia) Region and you want to export findings data for that Region, the bucket must also be in the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
In addition, the bucket's policy must allow Amazon Inspector to add objects to the bucket. This topic explains how to update the bucket policy and it provides an example of the statement to add to the policy. For detailed information about adding and updating bucket policies, see Using bucket policies in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
If you want to store your report in an S3 bucket that's owned by another account, work with the bucket's owner to update the bucket's policy. Also obtain the URI for the bucket. You'll need to enter this URI when you export your report.
To update the bucket policy
Sign in using your credentials, and then open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Buckets.
Choose the S3 bucket where you want to store the findings report.
Choose the Permissions tab.
In the Bucket policy section, choose Edit.
Copy the following example statement to your clipboard:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "allow-inspector", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "inspector2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl", "s3:AbortMultipartUpload" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::
/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "111122223333
" }, "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:Region
:report/*" } } } ] } -
In the Bucket policy editor on the Amazon S3 console, paste the preceding statement into the policy to add it to the policy.
When you add the statement, ensure that the syntax is valid. Bucket policies use JSON format. This means that you need to add a comma before or after the statement, depending on where you add the statement to the policy. If you add the statement as the last statement, add a comma after the closing brace for the preceding statement. If you add it as the first statement or between two existing statements, add a comma after the closing brace for the statement.
Update the statement with the correct values for your environment, where:
is the name of the bucket. -
is the account ID for your AWS account. -
is the AWS Region in which you're using Amazon Inspector and want to allow Amazon Inspector to add reports to the bucket. For example,us-east-1
for the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
If you're using Amazon Inspector in a manually enabled AWS Region, also add the appropriate Region code to the value for the
field. This field specifies the Amazon Inspector service principal.For example, if you're using Amazon Inspector in the Middle East (Bahrain) Region, which has the Region code
, replaceinspector2.amazonaws.com
in the statement.Note that the example statement defines conditions that use two IAM global condition keys:
aws:SourceAccount – This condition allows Amazon Inspector to add reports to the bucket only for your account. It prevents Amazon Inspector from adding reports to the bucket for other accounts. More specifically, the condition specifies which account can use the bucket for the resources and actions specified by the
condition.To store reports for additional accounts in the bucket, add the account ID for each additional account to this condition. For example:
"aws:SourceAccount": [111122223333,444455556666,123456789012]
aws:SourceArn – This condition restricts access to the bucket based on the source of the objects that are being added to the bucket. It prevents other AWS services from adding objects to the bucket. It also prevents Amazon Inspector from adding objects to the bucket while performing other actions for your account. More specifically, the condition allows Amazon Inspector to add objects to the bucket only if the objects are findings reports, and only if those reports are created by the account and in the Region specified in the condition.
To allow Amazon Inspector to perform the specified actions for additional accounts, add Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for each additional account to this condition. For example:
"aws:SourceArn": [ "arn:aws:inspector2:
:report/*", "arn:aws:inspector2:Region
:report/*", "arn:aws:inspector2:Region
:report/*" ]The accounts specified by the
conditions should match.
Both conditions help prevent Amazon Inspector from being used as a confused deputy during transactions with Amazon S3. Although we don’t recommend it, you can remove these conditions from the bucket policy.
When you finish updating the bucket policy, choose Save changes.
Step 3: Configure an AWS KMS key
After you verify your permissions and configure the S3 bucket, determine which AWS KMS key you want Amazon Inspector to use to encrypt your findings report. The key must be a customer managed, symmetric encryption KMS key. In addition, the key must be in the same AWS Region as the S3 bucket that you configured to store the report.
The key can be an existing KMS key from your own account, or an existing KMS key that another account owns. If you want to use a new KMS key, create the key before proceeding. If you want to use an existing key that another account owns, obtain the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key. You'll need to enter this ARN when you export your report from Amazon Inspector. For information about creating and reviewing the settings for KMS keys, see Managing keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
After you determine which KMS key you want to use, give Amazon Inspector permission to use the key. Otherwise, Amazon Inspector won't be able to encrypt and export the report. To give Amazon Inspector permission to use the key, update the key policy for the key. For detailed information about key policies and managing access to KMS keys, see Key policies in AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
The following procedure is for updating an existing key to allow Amazon Inspector to use it. If you don't have an existing key, see Creating keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
To update the key policy
Sign in using your credentials, and then open the AWS KMS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/kms
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Customer managed keys.
Choose the KMS key that you want to use to encrypt the report. The key must be a symmetric encryption (SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT) key.
On the Key policy tab, choose Edit. If you do not see a key policy with an Edit button, you must first select Switch to policy view.
Copy the following example statement to your clipboard:
{ "Sid": "Allow Amazon Inspector to use the key", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "inspector2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt", "kms:GenerateDataKey*" ], "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "
" }, "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:inspector2:Region
:report/*" } } } -
In the Key policy editor on the AWS KMS console, paste the preceding statement into the key policy to add it to the policy.
When you add the statement, ensure that the syntax is valid. Key policies use JSON format. This means that you need to add a comma before or after the statement, depending on where you add the statement to the policy. If you add the statement as the last statement, add a comma after the closing brace for the preceding statement. If you add it as the first statement or between two existing statements, add a comma after the closing brace for the statement.
Update the statement with the correct values for your environment, where:
is the account ID for your AWS account. -
is the AWS Region in which you want to allow Amazon Inspector to encrypt reports with the key. For example,us-east-1
for the US East (N. Virginia) Region.
If you're using Amazon Inspector in a manually enabled AWS Region, also add the appropriate Region code to the value for the
field. For example, if you're using Amazon Inspector in the Middle East (Bahrain) Region, replaceinspector2.amazonaws.com
.Like the example statement for the bucket policy in the preceding step, the
fields in this example use two IAM global condition keys:-
aws:SourceAccount – This condition allows Amazon Inspector to perform the specified actions only for your account. More specifically, it determines which account can perform the specified actions for the resources and actions specified by the
condition.To allow Amazon Inspector to perform the specified actions for additional accounts, add the account ID for each additional account to this condition. For example:
"aws:SourceAccount": [111122223333,444455556666,123456789012]
aws:SourceArn – This condition prevents other AWS services from performing the specified actions. It also prevents Amazon Inspector from using the key while performing other actions for your account. In other words, it allows Amazon Inspector to encrypt S3 objects with the key only if the objects are findings reports, and only if those reports are created by the account and in the Region specified in the condition.
To allow Amazon Inspector to perform the specified actions for additional accounts, add ARNs for each additional account to this condition. For example:
"aws:SourceArn": [ "arn:aws:inspector2:us-east-1:111122223333:report/*", "arn:aws:inspector2:us-east-1:444455556666:report/*", "arn:aws:inspector2:us-east-1:123456789012:report/*" ]
The accounts specified by the
conditions should match.
These conditions help prevent Amazon Inspector from being used as a confused deputy during transactions with AWS KMS. Although we don’t recommend it, you can remove these conditions from the statement.
When you finish updating the key policy, choose Save changes.
Step 4: Configure and export a findings report
You only can export only one findings report a time. If an export is currently in progress, you must wait until the export is complete before exporting another findings report.
After you verify your permissions and you configure resources to encrypt and store your findings report, you're ready to configure and export the report.
To configure and export a findings report
Sign in using your credentials, and then open the Amazon Inspector console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/inspector/v2/home
. -
In the navigation pane, under Findings, choose All findings.
(Optional) By using the filter bar above the Findings table, add filter criteria that specify which findings to include in the report. As you add criteria, Amazon Inspector updates the table to include only those findings that match the criteria. The table provides a preview of the data that your report will contain.
We recommend that you add filter criteria. If you don't, the report will include data for all of your findings in the current AWS Region that have a status of Active. If you're the Amazon Inspector administrator for an organization, this includes findings data for all the member accounts in your organization.
If a report includes data for all or many findings, it can take a long time to generate and export the report, and you can export only one report at a time.
Choose Export findings.
In the Export settings section, for Export file type, specify a file format for the report:
To create a JavaScript Object Notation (.json) file that contains the data, choose JSON.
If you choose the JSON option, the report will include all the fields for each finding. For a list of possible JSON fields see the Finding data type in the Amazon Inspector API reference.
To create a comma-separated values (.csv) file that contains the data, choose CSV.
If you choose the CSV option, the report will include only a subset of the fields for each finding, approximately 45 fields that report key attributes of a finding. The fields include: Finding Type, Title, Severity, Status, Description, First Seen, Last Seen, Fix Available, AWS account ID, Resource ID, Resource Tags, and Remediation. These are in addition to fields that capture scoring details and reference URLs for each finding. The following is a sample of the CSV headers in a findings report:
AWS Account Id Severity Fix Available Finding Type Title Description Finding ARN First Seen Last Seen Last Updated Resource ID Container Image Tags Region Platform Resource Tags Affected Packages Package Installed Version Fixed in Version Package Remediation File Path Network Paths Age (Days) Remediation Inspector Score Inspector Score Vector Status Vulnerability Id Vendor Vendor Severity Vendor Advisory Vendor Advisory Published NVD CVSS3 Score NVD CVSS3 Vector NVD CVSS2 Score NVD CVSS2 Vector Vendor CVSS3 Score Vendor CVSS3 Vector Vendor CVSS2 Score Vendor CVSS2 Vector Resource Type Ami Resource Public Ipv4 Resource Private Ipv4 Resource Ipv6 Resource Vpc Port Range Exploit Available Last Exploited At Lambda Layers Lambda Package Type Lambda Last Updated At Reference Urls
Under Export location, for S3 URI, specify the S3 bucket where you want to store the report:
To store the report in a bucket that your account owns, choose Browse S3. Amazon Inspector displays a table of the S3 buckets for your account. Select the row for the bucket that you want, and then choose Choose.
To also specify an Amazon S3 path prefix for the report, append a slash (/) and the prefix to the value in the S3 URI box. Amazon Inspector then includes the prefix when it adds the report to the bucket, and Amazon S3 generates the path specified by the prefix.
For example, if you want to use your AWS account ID as a prefix and your account ID is 111122223333, append
to the value in the S3 URI box.A prefix is similar to a directory path within an S3 bucket. It allows you to group similar objects together in a bucket, much like you might store similar files together in a folder on a file system. For more information, see Organizing objects in the Amazon S3 console using folders in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
To store the report in a bucket that another account owns, enter the URI for the bucket—for example,
, where DOC-EXAMPLE_BUCKET is the name of the bucket. The bucket owner can find this information for you in the bucket's properties.
For KMS key, specify the AWS KMS key that you want to use to encrypt the report:
To use a key from your own account, choose the key from the list. The list displays customer managed, symmetric encryption KMS keys for your account.
To use a key that another account owns, enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the key. The key owner can find this information for you in the key's properties. For more information, see Finding the key ID and key ARN in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
Choose Export.
Amazon Inspector generates the findings report, encrypts it with the KMS key that you specified, and adds it to the S3 bucket that you specified. Depending on the number of findings that you chose to include in the report, this process can take several minutes or hours. When the export is complete, Amazon Inspector displays a message indicating that your findings report was exported successfully. Optionally choose View report in the message to navigate to the report in Amazon S3.
Note that you can export only one report a time. If an export is currently in progress, wait until that export is complete before you try to export another report.
Troubleshoot export errors
If an error occurs when you try to export a findings report, Amazon Inspector displays a message describing the error. You can use the information in this topic as a guide to identify possible causes and solutions for the error.
For example, verify that the S3 bucket is in the current AWS Region and the bucket's policy allows Amazon Inspector to add objects to the bucket. Also verify that the AWS KMS key is enabled in the current Region, and ensure that the key policy allows Amazon Inspector to use the key.
After you address the error, try to export the report again.
Cannot have multiple reports error
If you are attempting to create a report but Amazon Inspector is already generating a report, you will receive an error stating Reason: Cannot have multiple reports in-progress. This error occurs because Amazon Inspector can only generate one report for an account at a time.
To resolve the error you can wait for the other report to finish or cancel it before requesting a new report.
You can check the status of a report by using the GetFindingsReportStatus operation, this operation returns the report ID of any report that is currently being generated.
If you need to, you can use the report ID given by the GetFindingsReportStatus
operation to cancel a export that is currently in progress by using the CancelFindingsReport operation.