Create a vehicle model (AWS CLI) - AWS IoT FleetWise

Create a vehicle model (AWS CLI)

You can use the CreateModelManifest API operation to create vehicle models (model manifests). The following example uses the AWS CLI.


If you want to use the AWS IoT FleetWise API to create the first vehicle model, you must create a signal catalog first. For more information about how to create a signal catalog, see Create a signal catalog (AWS CLI).

To create a vehicle model, run the following command.

Replace vehicle-model-configuration with the name of the JSON file that contains the configuration.

aws iotfleetwise create-model-manifest --cli-input-json file://vehicle-model-configuration.json
  • Replace vehicle-model-name with the name of the vehicle model that you're creating.

  • Replace signal-catalog-ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the signal catalog.

  • (Optional) Replace description with a description to help you identify the vehicle model.

For more information about how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators, see Configure signals.

{ "name": "vehicle-model-name", "signalCatalogArn": "signal-catalog-ARN", "description": "description", "nodes": ["Vehicle.Chassis"] }