Update an AWS IoT FleetWise signal catalog - AWS IoT FleetWise

Update an AWS IoT FleetWise signal catalog

You can use the UpdateSignalCatalog API operation to update an existing signal catalog. The following example uses AWS CLI.

To update an existing signal catalog, run the following command.

Replace signal-catalog-configuration with the name of the JSON file that contains the configuration.

aws iotfleetwise update-signal-catalog --cli-input-json file://signal-catalog-configuration.json

Replace signal-catalog-name with the name of the signal catalog that you're updating.

For more information about how to configure branches, attributes, sensors, and actuators, see Configure AWS IoT FleetWise signals.


Custom structures are immutable. If you need to re-order or insert properties to an existing custom structure (struct), delete the structure and create a brand new structure with the desired order of properties.

To delete a custom structure, add the structure's fully qualified name in nodesToRemove. A structure can't be deleted if it's referred to by any signals. Any signals that refer to the structure (their data type is defined as the target structure) must be updated or deleted before the request to update the signal catalog.

{ "name": "signal-catalog-name", "nodesToAdd": [{ "branch": { "description": "Front left of vehicle specific data.", "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Front.Left" } }, { "branch": { "description": "Door-specific data for the front left of vehicle.", "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Front.Left.Door" } }, { "actuator": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Front.Left.Door.Lock", "description": "Whether the front left door is locked.", "dataType": "BOOLEAN" } }, { "branch": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Camera" } }, { "struct": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Camera.SVMCamera" } }, { "property": { "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Camera.SVMCamera.ISO", "dataType": "STRING" } } ], "nodesToRemove": ["Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel.HandsOffSteeringState"], "nodesToUpdate": [{ "attribute": { "dataType": "FLOAT", "fullyQualifiedName": "Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel.Diameter", "max": 55 } }] }