Jobs progress tracking and error handling - AWS IoT SiteWise

Jobs progress tracking and error handling

A bulk process job takes time to process. Each job is processed in the order of AWS IoT SiteWise receiving the request. It is processed one-at-a-time for each account. When a job completes, the next in queue automatically starts processing. AWS IoT SiteWise resolves the jobs asynchronously and updates the status of each as it progresses. Each job has a status field that contains the state of the resource and an error message, if applicable.

The state can be one of the following values:

  • VALIDATING – Validating the job including the submitted file format, and its contents.

  • PENDING – The job is in a queue. You can cancel jobs in this state from the AWS IoT SiteWise console, but all other states will continue until the end.

  • RUNNING – Processing the job. It is creating and updating resources as defined by the import file, or exporting resources based on the chosen export job filters. If canceled, any resource imported by this job is not deleted. See Review job progress and details (console) for more information.

  • CANCELLING – The job is actively being cancelled.

  • ERROR – One or more resources failed to process. Check the detailed job report for more information. See Inspect error details (console) for more information.

  • COMPLETED – Job completed without errors.

  • CANCELLED – The job is cancelled and not queued. If you cancelled a RUNNING job, resources already imported by this job at the time of cancellation is not deleted from AWS IoT SiteWise.