Jobs progress tracking - AWS IoT SiteWise

Jobs progress tracking

Review job progress and details (console)

See Import metadata (console) or Export metadata (console) to start a bulk job.

Job progress overview in the AWS IoT SiteWise console:
  1. Navigate to the AWS IoT SiteWise console.

  2. Choose Bulk operations New from the navigation pane.

  3. The Jobs progress table in the AWS IoT SiteWise console, displays the list of bulk operation jobs.

  4. The Job type column describes if it's an export or import job. The Date imported columns display the date that the job started.

  5. The Status column displays the status of the job. You can select a job to see details about the job.

  6. The selected job shows Success upon being successful, or a list of failure if the job failed. An error description is also displayed with each resource type.

Job details overview in the AWS IoT SiteWise console:

The Jobs progress table in the AWS IoT SiteWise console, displays the list of bulk operation jobs.

  1. Choose a job to see more details.

  2. For an import job, the Data source ARN represents the Amazon S3 location of the import file.

  3. For an export job, the Data destination ARN represents the Amazon S3 location of the file after the export.

  4. The Status and Status reason, provide additional details on the current job. See Jobs progress tracking and error handling for more details.

  5. The Queued position represents the position of the job in the process queue. The jobs are processed one at a time. A queued position of 1, indicates that the job will be processed next.

  6. The jobs details page also displays the job progress counts.

    1. The job progress count types are:

      1. Total resources – Indicates the total count of assets in the transfer process.

      2. Succeeded – Indicates the count of assets successfully transferred during the process.

      3. Failed – Indicates the count assets that failed during the process.

      4. Skipped – Indicates the count of assets that were skipped during the process.

  7. A job status of PENDING or VALIDATING, displays all the jobs progress counts as . This indicates that the jobs progress counts are being evaluated.

  8. A job status of RUNNING displays the Total resources count, the job submitted for processing. The detailed counts (Succeeded, Failed, and Skipped), apply to the processed resources. The sum of the detailed counts is lesser than the Total resources count, until the job's status is COMPLETED or ERROR.

  9. If a job's status is COMPLETED or ERROR, the Total resources count equals the sum of the detailed counts (Succeeded, Failed, and Skipped).

  10. If a job's status is ERROR, check the Job failures table for details about the specific errors and failures. See Inspect error details (console) for more details.

Review job progress and details (AWS CLI)

After starting a bulk operation, you can check or update its status using the following API actions:

  • To retrieve information on a specific job, use the GetMetadataTransferJob API action.

    Retrieve information with the GetMetadataTransferJob API:
    1. Create and run a transfer job. Call the GetMetadataTransferJob API.

      Example AWS CLI command:
      aws iottwinmaker get-metadata-transfer-job \ --metadata-transfer-job-id your_metadata_transfer_job_id \ --region your_region
    2. The GetMetadataTransferJob API returns a MetadataTransferJobProgress object with the following parameters:

      • succeededCount – Indicates the count of assets successfully transferred in the process.

      • failedCount – Indicates the count of assets that failed during the process.

      • skippedCount – Indicates the count of assets that were skipped during the process.

      • totalCount – Indicates the total count of assets in the transfer process.

      These parameters indicate the job progress status. If the status is RUNNING, they help track the number of resources still to be processed.

      If you encounter schema validation errors, or if failedCount is greater than or equal to 1, the job progress state turns to ERROR. A full error report for the job is placed in your Amazon S3 bucket. See Inspect errors for more details.

  • To list current jobs, use the ListMetadataTransferJobs API action.

    Use a JSON file to filter the returned jobs based on their current state. See the following procedure:

    1. To specify the filters you want to use, create an AWS CLI input JSON file. want to use:

      { "sourceType": "s3", "destinationType": "iottwinmaker", "filters": [{ "state": "COMPLETED" }] }

      For a list of valid state values, see ListMetadataTransferJobsFilter in the AWS IoT TwinMaker API Reference Guide.

    2. Use the JSON file as an argument in the following AWS CLI example command:

      aws iottwinmaker list-metadata-transfer-job --region your_region \ --cli-input-json file://ListMetadataTransferJobsExample.json
  • To cancel a job, use the CancelMetadataTransferJob API action. This API cancels the specific metadata transfer job, without affecting any resources already exported or imported:

    aws iottwinmaker cancel-metadata-transfer-job \ --region your_region \ --metadata-transfer-job-id job-to-cancel-id