GetFuotaTask - AWS IoT Wireless


Gets information about a FUOTA task.

Request Syntax

GET /fuota-tasks/Id HTTP/1.1

URI Request Parameters

The request uses the following URI parameters.


The ID of a FUOTA task.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.

Required: Yes

Request Body

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 200 Content-type: application/json { "Arn": "string", "CreatedAt": number, "Description": "string", "FirmwareUpdateImage": "string", "FirmwareUpdateRole": "string", "FragmentIntervalMS": number, "FragmentSizeBytes": number, "Id": "string", "LoRaWAN": { "RfRegion": "string", "StartTime": "string" }, "Name": "string", "RedundancyPercent": number, "Status": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


The arn of a FUOTA task.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128.


Created at timestamp for the resource.

Type: Timestamp


The description of the new resource.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 2048.


The S3 URI points to a firmware update image that is to be used with a FUOTA task.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 4096.


The firmware update role that is to be used with a FUOTA task.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2048.


The interval for sending fragments in milliseconds, rounded to the nearest second.


This interval only determines the timing for when the Cloud sends down the fragments to yor device. There can be a delay for when your device will receive these fragments. This delay depends on the device's class and the communication delay with the cloud.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1.


The size of each fragment in bytes. This parameter is supported only for FUOTA tasks with multicast groups.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1.


The ID of a FUOTA task.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.


The LoRaWAN information returned from getting a FUOTA task.

Type: LoRaWANFuotaTaskGetInfo object


The name of a FUOTA task.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.


The percentage of the added fragments that are redundant. For example, if the size of the firmware image file is 100 bytes and the fragment size is 10 bytes, with RedundancyPercent set to 50(%), the final number of encoded fragments is (100 / 10) + (100 / 10 * 50%) = 15.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 100.


The status of a FUOTA task.

Type: String

Valid Values: Pending | FuotaSession_Waiting | In_FuotaSession | FuotaDone | Delete_Waiting


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


User does not have permission to perform this action.

HTTP Status Code: 403


An unexpected error occurred while processing a request.

HTTP Status Code: 500


Resource does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 404


The request was denied because it exceeded the allowed API request rate.

HTTP Status Code: 429


The input did not meet the specified constraints.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: