CloudWatch metrics - AWS IoT Core

CloudWatch metrics

The CloudWatch metric (cloudwatchMetric) action captures an Amazon CloudWatch metric. You can specify the metric namespace, name, value, unit, and timestamp.


This rule action has the following requirements:

  • An IAM role that AWS IoT can assume to perform the cloudwatch:PutMetricData operation. For more information, see Granting an AWS IoT rule the access it requires.

    In the AWS IoT console, you can choose or create a role to allow AWS IoT to perform this rule action.


When you create an AWS IoT rule with this action, you must specify the following information:


The CloudWatch metric name.

Supports substitution templates: Yes


The CloudWatch metric namespace name.

Supports substitution templates: Yes


The metric unit supported by CloudWatch.

Supports substitution templates: Yes


A string that contains the CloudWatch metric value.

Supports substitution templates: Yes


(Optional) A string that contains the timestamp, expressed in seconds in Unix epoch time. Defaults to the current Unix epoch time.

Supports substitution templates: Yes


The IAM role that allows access to the CloudWatch metric. For more information, see Requirements.

Supports substitution templates: No


The following JSON example defines a CloudWatch metric action in an AWS IoT rule.

{ "topicRulePayload": { "sql": "SELECT * FROM 'some/topic'", "ruleDisabled": false, "awsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23", "actions": [ { "cloudwatchMetric": { "metricName": "IotMetric", "metricNamespace": "IotNamespace", "metricUnit": "Count", "metricValue": "1", "metricTimestamp": "1456821314", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws_iot_cw" } } ] } }

The following JSON example defines a CloudWatch metric action with substitution templates in an AWS IoT rule.

{ "topicRulePayload": { "sql": "SELECT * FROM 'some/topic'", "ruleDisabled": false, "awsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23", "actions": [ { "cloudwatchMetric": { "metricName": "${topic()}", "metricNamespace": "${namespace}", "metricUnit": "${unit}", "metricValue": "${value}", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws_iot_cw" } } ] } }

See also