The following steps provide an overview of the commands workflow between your devices and AWS IoT Device Management commands. When you use any of the commands HTTP API operations, the request is signed using Sigv4 credentials.

Workflow overview
Create and manage commands
To create and manage commands for your devices, perform the following steps.
Create a command resource
Before you can send the command to your devices, create a command resource from the Command Hub
of the AWS IoT console, or using the CreateCommand
control plane API operation. -
Specify the payload
When creating the command, you must provide a payload for your command. The payload content can use any format of your choice. To make sure that the device correctly interprets the payload, we recommend that you also specify the payload content type.
(Optional) Manage the created commands
After you create the command, you can update the command's display name and description. You can also mark a command as deprecated if you no longer intend to use it, or completely remove the command from your account. If you want to modify the payload information, you must create a new command and upload the new payload file.
Choose target device for your commands and
subscribe to MQTT topics
To prepare for the commands workflow, choose your target device and specify the AWS IoT reserved MQTT topics to receive commands and publish response messages.
Choose the target device for your command
To prepare for the commands workflow, choose your target device that will receive the command and perform the actions specified. The target device can be an AWS IoT thing that you have registered in the AWS IoT registry, or can be specified using the MQTT client ID, if your device hasn't been registered with AWS IoT. For more information, see Target device considerations.
Configure the IoT device policy
Before your device can receive command executions and publish updates, it must use a IAM policy that grants permissions to perform these actions. For examples of sample policies that you can use depending on whether your device is registered as an AWS IoT thing, or being specified as an MQTT client ID, see Sample IAM policy.
Establish an MQTT connection
To prepare your devices to use the commands feature, your devices must first connect to the message broker and subscribe to the request and response topics. Your device must be allowed to perform the
action to connect to AWS IoT Core and establish an MQTT connection with the message broker. To find the data plane endpoint for your AWS account, use theDescribeEndpoint
API or thedescribe-endpoint
CLI command as shown iot describe-endpoint --endpoint-type iot:Data-ATS
Running this command returns the account-specific data plane endpoint as shown below.
.iot.region -
Susbcribe to commands topics
After a connection has been established, your devices can then subscribe to the commands request topic. When you create a command and start the command execution on your target device, the payload message will be published to the request topic by the message broker. Your device can then receive the payload message and process the command.
(Optional) Your devices can also subscribe to these commands response topics (
) to receive a message that indicates whether the cloud service accepted or rejected the response from the device.In this example, replace:
depending on whether the device you're targeting has been registered as an IoT thing, or specified as an MQTT client. -
with the unique identifier of your target device. This ID can be the unique MQTT client ID or a thing name.<DeviceID>
If the payload type is not JSON or CBOR, the
field might not be present in the commands request topic. To get the payload format, we recommend that you use MQTT 5 to get the format information from the MQTT message headers. For more information, see Commands topics.$aws/commands/
Start and monitor command executions for
your target device
After you have created the commands and specified the targets for the command, you can start the execution on the target device by performing the following steps.
Start command execution on the target device
Start the command execution on the target device from the Command Hub
of the AWS IoT console, or using the StartCommandExecution
data plane API with your account-specificiot:Jobs
endpoint. The API publishes the payload message to the commands request topic mentioned above that the device has subscribed to.Note
If the device was offline when the command was sent from the cloud and if it uses MQTT persistent sessions, the command waits at the message broker. If the device comes back online before the time out duration, and if it has subscribed to the commands request topic, the device can then process the command and publish the result to the commands response topic. If the device doesn't come back online before the time out duration, the command execution will time out and the payload message might expire and be discarded by the message broker.
Update the result of the command execution
The device now receives the payload message and can process the command and perform the actions specified, and then publish the result of the command execution to the following commands response topic using the
API. If your device subscribed to the commands accepted and rejected response topics, it will receive a message that indicates whether the response was accepted or rejected by the cloud service.Depending on how you specified in the request topic,
can be either things or clients, and<DeviceID>
can be your IoT thing name or the MQTT client ID.Note
can only be JSON or CBOR in the commands response topic.$aws/commands/
(Optional) Retrieve command execution result
To retrieve the result of the command execution, you can view the command history from the AWS IoT console, or use the
control plane API operation. To get the latest information, your device must have published the command execution result to the commands response topic. You can also obtain additional information about the execution data, such as when it was last updated, the execution result, and when the execution was completed.
(Optional) Enable
notifications for commands events
You can subscribe to commands events to receive notifications when the status of a command execution changes. The following steps show you how to subscribe to commands events, and then process them.
Create a topic rule
You can subscribe to the commands events topic and receive notifications when the status of a command execution changes. You can also create a topic rule to route the data processed by the device to other AWS IoT services supported by rules, such as AWS Lambda, Amazon SQS, and AWS Step Functions. You can create a topic rule either using the AWS IoT console, or the
AWS IoT Core control plane API operation. For more information, see Creating an AWS IoT rule.In this example, replace
with the identifier of the command for which you want to receive notifications and<CommandID>
with the status of the command execution.<CommandExecutionStatus>
To receive notifications for all commands and command execution statuses, you can use wildcard characters and subscribe to the following topic.
Receive and process commands events
If you created a topic rule in the previous step to subscribe to commands events, then you can manage the commands push notifications that you receive and build application on top of these services.
The following code shows a sample payload for the commands events notifications that you'll receive.
"executionId": "2bd65c51-4cfd-49e4-9310-d5cbfdbc8554
"statusReason": {
"reasonCode": "DEVICE_TOO_BUSY",
"reasonDescription": ""