You can directly specify literal objects in the SELECT and WHERE clauses of your rule SQL, which can be useful for passing information.
Literals are available only when using SQL version 2016-03-23 or later.
JSON object syntax is used (key-value pairs, comma-separated, where keys are strings and values are JSON values, wrapped in curly brackets {}). For example:
Incoming payload published on topic topic/subtopic
: {"lat_long":
SQL statement: SELECT {'latitude': get(lat_long, 0),'longitude':get(lat_long,
1)} as lat_long FROM 'topic/subtopic'
The resulting outgoing payload would be:
You can also directly specify arrays in the SELECT and WHERE clauses of your rule SQL, which allows you to group information. JSON syntax is used (wrap comma-separated items in square brackets [] to create an array literal). For example:
Incoming payload published on topic topic/subtopic
: {"lat": 47.696,
"long": -122.332}
SQL statement: SELECT [lat,long] as lat_long FROM 'topic/subtopic'
The resulting output payload would be: {"lat_long":