Lifecycle events - AWS IoT Core

Lifecycle events

AWS IoT can publish lifecycle events on the MQTT topics. These events are available by default and they can't be disabled.


Lifecycle messages might be sent out of order. You might receive duplicate messages.

thingName will only be included if the client is connecting using the exclusive thing feature.

Connect/Disconnect events


With AWS IoT Device Management fleet indexing, you can search for things, run aggregate queries, and create dynamic groups based on thing Connect/Disconnect events. For more information, see Fleet indexing.

AWS IoT publishes a message to the following MQTT topics when a client connects or disconnects:

  • $aws/events/presence/connected/clientId – A client connected to the message broker.

  • $aws/events/presence/disconnected/clientId – A client disconnected from the message broker.

The following is a list of JSON elements that are contained in the connection/disconnection messages published to the $aws/events/presence/connected/clientId topic.


The client ID of the connecting or disconnecting client.


Client IDs that contain # or + do not receive lifecycle events.


The name of your IoT thing. thingName will only be included if the client is connecting using the exclusive thing feature.


True if the client initiated the disconnect. Otherwise, false. Found in disconnect messages only.


The reason why the client is disconnecting. Found in disconnect messages only. The following table contains valid values and whether the broker will send Last Will and Testament (LWT) messages when the disconnection occurs.

Disconnect reason Description The broker will send the LWT messages
AUTH_ERROR The client failed to authenticate or authorization failed. Yes. If the device has an active connection before receiving this error.
CLIENT_INITIATED_DISCONNECT The client indicates that it will disconnect. The client can do this by sending either a MQTT DISCONNECT control packet or a Close frame if the client is using a WebSocket connection. No.
CLIENT_ERROR The client did something wrong that causes it to disconnect. For example, a client will be disconnected for sending more than 1 MQTT CONNECT packet on the same connection or if the client attempts to publish with a payload that exceeds the payload limit. Yes.
CONNECTION_LOST The client-server connection is cut off. This can happen during a period of high network latency or when the internet connection is lost. Yes.
DUPLICATE_CLIENTID The client is using a client ID that is already in use. In this case, the client that is already connected will be disconnected with this disconnect reason. Yes.
FORBIDDEN_ACCESS The client is not allowed to be connected. For example, a client with a denied IP address will fail to connect. Yes. If the device has an active connection before receiving this error.
MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT If there is no client-server communication for 1.5x of the client's keep-alive time, the client is disconnected. Yes.
SERVER_ERROR Disconnected due to unexpected server issues. Yes.
SERVER_INITIATED_DISCONNECT Server intentionally disconnects a client for operational reasons. Yes.
THROTTLED The client is disconnected for exceeding a throttling limit. Yes.
WEBSOCKET_TTL_EXPIRATION The client is disconnected because a WebSocket has been connected longer than its time-to-live value. Yes.
CUSTOMAUTH_TTL_EXPIRATION The client is disconnected because it has been connected longer than the time-to-live value of its custom authorizer. Yes.

The type of event. Valid values are connected or disconnected.


The IP address of the connecting client. This can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format. Found in connection messages only.


The credential used to authenticate. For TLS mutual authentication certificates, this is the certificate ID. For other connections, this is IAM credentials.


A globally unique identifier in AWS IoT that exists for the life of the session.


An approximation of when the event occurred.


The version number for the lifecycle event. This is a monotonically increasing long integer value for each client ID connection. The version number can be used by a subscriber to infer the order of lifecycle events.


The connect and disconnect messages for a client connection have the same version number.

The version number might skip values and is not guaranteed to be consistently increasing by 1 for each event.

If a client is not connected for approximately one hour, the version number is reset to 0. For persistent sessions, the version number is reset to 0 after a client has been disconnected longer than the configured time-to-live (TTL) for the persistent session.

A connect message has the following structure.

{ "clientId": "186b5", "thingName": "exampleThing", "timestamp": 1573002230757, "eventType": "connected", "sessionIdentifier": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "principalIdentifier": "12345678901234567890123456789012", "ipAddress": "", "versionNumber": 0 }

A disconnect message has the following structure.

{ "clientId": "186b5", "thingName": "exampleThing", "timestamp": 1573002340451, "eventType": "disconnected", "sessionIdentifier": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "principalIdentifier": "12345678901234567890123456789012", "clientInitiatedDisconnect": true, "disconnectReason": "CLIENT_INITIATED_DISCONNECT", "versionNumber": 0 }

Handling client disconnections

The best practice is to always have a wait state implemented for lifecycle events, including Last Will and Testament (LWT) messages. When a disconnect message is received, your code should wait a period of time and verify a device is still offline before taking action. One way to do this is by using SQS Delay Queues. When a client receives a LWT or a lifecycle event, you can enqueue a message (for example, for 5 seconds). When that message becomes available and is processed (by Lambda or another service), you can first check if the device is still offline before taking further action.

Connect attempt failure event

AWS IoT publishes a message to the following MQTT topic when a client is not authorized to connect or when a last will and testament is configured and the client is not authorized to publish to that last will topic.


The following is a list of JSON elements that are contained in the connect authorization messages published to the $aws/events/presence/connect_failed/clientId topic.


The client ID of the client that attempted and failed to connect.


Client IDs that contain # or + do not receive lifecycle events.


The name of your IoT thing. thingName will only be included if the client is connecting using the exclusive thing feature.


An approximation of when the event occurred.


The type of event. Valid value is connect_failed.


The reason why the connection fails. Valid value is AUTHORIZATION_FAILED.


The credential used to authenticate. For TLS mutual authentication certificates, this is the certificate ID. For other connections, this is IAM credentials.


A globally unique identifier in AWS IoT that exists for the life of the session.


The IP address of the connecting client. This can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format. Found in connection messages only.

A connection failure message has the following structure.

{ "clientId": "186b5", "thingName": "exampleThing", "timestamp": 1460065214626, "eventType": "connect_failed", "connectFailureReason": "AUTHORIZATION_FAILED", "principalIdentifier": "12345678901234567890123456789012", "sessionIdentifier": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ipAddress" : "" }

Subscribe/Unsubscribe events

AWS IoT publishes a message to the following MQTT topic when a client subscribes or unsubscribes to an MQTT topic:




Where clientId is the MQTT client ID that connects to the AWS IoT message broker.

The message published to this topic has the following structure:

{ "clientId": "186b5", "thingName": "exampleThing", "timestamp": 1460065214626, "eventType": "subscribed" | "unsubscribed", "sessionIdentifier": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "principalIdentifier": "12345678901234567890123456789012", "topics" : ["foo/bar","device/data","dog/cat"] }

The following is a list of JSON elements that are contained in the subscribed and unsubscribed messages published to the $aws/events/subscriptions/subscribed/clientId and $aws/events/subscriptions/unsubscribed/clientId topics.


The client ID of the subscribing or unsubscribing client.


Client IDs that contain # or + do not receive lifecycle events.


The name of your IoT thing. thingName will only be included if the client is connecting using the exclusive thing feature.


The type of event. Valid values are subscribed or unsubscribed.


The credential used to authenticate. For TLS mutual authentication certificates, this is the certificate ID. For other connections, this is IAM credentials.


A globally unique identifier in AWS IoT that exists for the life of the session.


An approximation of when the event occurred.


An array of the MQTT topics to which the client has subscribed.


Lifecycle messages might be sent out of order. You might receive duplicate messages.