Managing alarm notifications - AWS IoT Events

Managing alarm notifications

AWS IoT Events uses a Lambda function to manage alarm notifications. You can use the Lambda function provided by AWS IoT Events or create a new one.

Creating a Lambda function

AWS IoT Events provides a Lambda function that enables alarms to send and receive email and SMS notifications.


The following requirements apply when you create a Lambda function for alarms:

  • If your alarm sends email or SMS notifications, you must have an IAM role that allows AWS Lambda to work with Amazon SES and Amazon SNS.

    Example policy:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ses:GetIdentityVerificationAttributes", "ses:SendEmail", "ses:VerifyEmailIdentity" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sns:Publish", "sns:OptInPhoneNumber", "sns:CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut" ], "Resource": "*" }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "sns:Publish" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:*:*:*" } ] }
  • You must choose the same AWS Region for both AWS IoT Events and AWS Lambda. For the list of supported Regions, see AWS IoT Events endpoints and quotas and AWS Lambda endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Deploying a Lambda function

This tutorial uses an AWS CloudFormation template to deploy a Lambda function. This template automatically creates an IAM role that allows the Lambda function to work with Amazon SES and Amazon SNS.

The following shows you how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to create a CloudFormation stack.

  1. In your device's terminal, run aws --version to check if you installed the AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

  2. Run aws configure list to check if you configured the AWS CLI in the AWS Region that has all your AWS resources for this tutorial. For more information, see Configuring the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide

  3. Download the CloudFormation template,


    If you have difficulty downloading the file, the template is also available in the CloudFormation template.

  4. Unzip the content and save it locally as notificationLambda.template.yaml.

  5. Open a terminal on your device and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the notificationLambda.template.yaml file.

  6. To create a CloudFormation stack, run the following command:

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name notificationLambda-stack --template-body file://notificationLambda.template.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

You might modify this CloudFormation template to customize the Lambda function and its behavior.


AWS Lambda retries function errors twice. If the function doesn't have enough capacity to handle all incoming requests, events might wait in the queue for hours or days to be sent to the function. You can configure an undelivered-message queue (DLQ) on the function to capture events that weren't successfully processed. For more information, see Asynchronous invocation in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

You can also create or configure the stack in the CloudFormation console. For more information, see Working with stacks, in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Creating a custom Lambda function

You can create a Lambda function or modify the one provided by AWS IoT Events.

The following requirements apply when you create a custom Lambda function.

  • Add permissions that allow your Lambda function to perform specified actions and access AWS resources.

  • If you use the Lambda function provided by AWS IoT Events, make sure that you choose the Python 3.7 runtime.

Example Lambda function:

import boto3 import json import logging import datetime logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ses = boto3.client('ses') sns = boto3.client('sns') def check_value(target): if target: return True return False # Check whether email is verified. Only verified emails are allowed to send emails to or from. def check_email(email): if not check_value(email): return False result = ses.get_identity_verification_attributes(Identities=[email]) attr = result['VerificationAttributes'] if (email not in attr or attr[email]['VerificationStatus'] != 'Success'):'Verification email for {} sent. You must have all the emails verified before sending email.'.format(email)) ses.verify_email_identity(EmailAddress=email) return False return True # Check whether the phone holder has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your account def check_phone_number(phone_number): try: result = sns.check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out(phoneNumber=phone_number) if (result['isOptedOut']):'phoneNumber {} is not opt in of receiving SMS messages. Phone number must be opt in first.'.format(phone_number)) return False return True except Exception as e: logging.error('Your phone number {} must be in E.164 format in SSO. Exception thrown: {}'.format(phone_number, e)) return False def check_emails(emails): result = True for email in emails: if not check_email(email): result = False return result def lambda_handler(event, context):'Received event: ' + json.dumps(event)) nep = json.loads(event.get('notificationEventPayload')) alarm_state = nep['alarmState'] default_msg = 'Alarm ' + alarm_state['stateName'] + '\n' timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(nep['stateUpdateTime'])/1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') alarm_msg = "{} {} {} at {} UTC ".format(nep['alarmModelName'], nep.get('keyValue', 'Singleton'), alarm_state['stateName'], timestamp) default_msg += 'Sev: ' + str(nep['severity']) + '\n' if (alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']): property = alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']['simpleRule']['inputProperty'] default_msg += 'Current Value: ' + str(property) + '\n' operator = alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']['simpleRule']['operator'] threshold = alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']['simpleRule']['threshold'] alarm_msg += '({} {} {})'.format(str(property), operator, str(threshold)) default_msg += alarm_msg + '\n' emails = event.get('emailConfigurations', [])'Start Sending Emails') for email in emails: from_adr = email.get('from') to_adrs = email.get('to', []) cc_adrs = email.get('cc', []) bcc_adrs = email.get('bcc', []) msg = default_msg + '\n' + email.get('additionalMessage', '') subject = email.get('subject', alarm_msg) fa_ver = check_email(from_adr) tas_ver = check_emails(to_adrs) ccas_ver = check_emails(cc_adrs) bccas_ver = check_emails(bcc_adrs) if (fa_ver and tas_ver and ccas_ver and bccas_ver): ses.send_email(Source=from_adr, Destination={'ToAddresses': to_adrs, 'CcAddresses': cc_adrs, 'BccAddresses': bcc_adrs}, Message={'Subject': {'Data': subject}, 'Body': {'Text': {'Data': msg}}})'Emails have been sent')'Start Sending SNS message to SMS') sns_configs = event.get('smsConfigurations', []) for sns_config in sns_configs: sns_msg = default_msg + '\n' + sns_config.get('additionalMessage', '') phone_numbers = sns_config.get('phoneNumbers', []) sender_id = sns_config.get('senderId') for phone_number in phone_numbers: if check_phone_number(phone_number): if check_value(sender_id): sns.publish(PhoneNumber=phone_number, Message=sns_msg, MessageAttributes={'AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID':{'DataType': 'String','StringValue': sender_id}}) else: sns.publish(PhoneNumber=phone_number, Message=sns_msg)'SNS messages have been sent')

For more information, see What is AWS Lambda? in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

CloudFormation template

Use the following CloudFormation template to create your Lambda function.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: 'Notification Lambda for Alarm Model' Resources: NotificationLambdaRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: sts:AssumeRole Path: "/" ManagedPolicyArns: - 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSLambdaExecute' Policies: - PolicyName: "NotificationLambda" PolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: "Allow" Action: - "ses:GetIdentityVerificationAttributes" - "ses:SendEmail" - "ses:VerifyEmailIdentity" Resource: "*" - Effect: "Allow" Action: - "sns:Publish" - "sns:OptInPhoneNumber" - "sns:CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut" Resource: "*" - Effect: "Deny" Action: - "sns:Publish" Resource: "arn:aws:sns:*:*:*" NotificationLambdaFunction: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: Role: !GetAtt NotificationLambdaRole.Arn Runtime: python3.7 Handler: index.lambda_handler Timeout: 300 MemorySize: 3008 Code: ZipFile: | import boto3 import json import logging import datetime logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ses = boto3.client('ses') sns = boto3.client('sns') def check_value(target): if target: return True return False # Check whether email is verified. Only verified emails are allowed to send emails to or from. def check_email(email): if not check_value(email): return False result = ses.get_identity_verification_attributes(Identities=[email]) attr = result['VerificationAttributes'] if (email not in attr or attr[email]['VerificationStatus'] != 'Success'):'Verification email for {} sent. You must have all the emails verified before sending email.'.format(email)) ses.verify_email_identity(EmailAddress=email) return False return True # Check whether the phone holder has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your account def check_phone_number(phone_number): try: result = sns.check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out(phoneNumber=phone_number) if (result['isOptedOut']):'phoneNumber {} is not opt in of receiving SMS messages. Phone number must be opt in first.'.format(phone_number)) return False return True except Exception as e: logging.error('Your phone number {} must be in E.164 format in SSO. Exception thrown: {}'.format(phone_number, e)) return False def check_emails(emails): result = True for email in emails: if not check_email(email): result = False return result def lambda_handler(event, context):'Received event: ' + json.dumps(event)) nep = json.loads(event.get('notificationEventPayload')) alarm_state = nep['alarmState'] default_msg = 'Alarm ' + alarm_state['stateName'] + '\n' timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(nep['stateUpdateTime'])/1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') alarm_msg = "{} {} {} at {} UTC ".format(nep['alarmModelName'], nep.get('keyValue', 'Singleton'), alarm_state['stateName'], timestamp) default_msg += 'Sev: ' + str(nep['severity']) + '\n' if (alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']): property = alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']['simpleRule']['inputProperty'] default_msg += 'Current Value: ' + str(property) + '\n' operator = alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']['simpleRule']['operator'] threshold = alarm_state['ruleEvaluation']['simpleRule']['threshold'] alarm_msg += '({} {} {})'.format(str(property), operator, str(threshold)) default_msg += alarm_msg + '\n' emails = event.get('emailConfigurations', [])'Start Sending Emails') for email in emails: from_adr = email.get('from') to_adrs = email.get('to', []) cc_adrs = email.get('cc', []) bcc_adrs = email.get('bcc', []) msg = default_msg + '\n' + email.get('additionalMessage', '') subject = email.get('subject', alarm_msg) fa_ver = check_email(from_adr) tas_ver = check_emails(to_adrs) ccas_ver = check_emails(cc_adrs) bccas_ver = check_emails(bcc_adrs) if (fa_ver and tas_ver and ccas_ver and bccas_ver): ses.send_email(Source=from_adr, Destination={'ToAddresses': to_adrs, 'CcAddresses': cc_adrs, 'BccAddresses': bcc_adrs}, Message={'Subject': {'Data': subject}, 'Body': {'Text': {'Data': msg}}})'Emails have been sent')'Start Sending SNS message to SMS') sns_configs = event.get('smsConfigurations', []) for sns_config in sns_configs: sns_msg = default_msg + '\n' + sns_config.get('additionalMessage', '') phone_numbers = sns_config.get('phoneNumbers', []) sender_id = sns_config.get('senderId') for phone_number in phone_numbers: if check_phone_number(phone_number): if check_value(sender_id): sns.publish(PhoneNumber=phone_number, Message=sns_msg, MessageAttributes={'AWS.SNS.SMS.SenderID':{'DataType': 'String','StringValue': sender_id}}) else: sns.publish(PhoneNumber=phone_number, Message=sns_msg)'SNS messages have been sent')