Composite Recording (Real-Time Streaming) - Amazon IVS

Composite Recording (Real-Time Streaming)

This document explains how to use the composite-recording feature within server-side composition. Composite recording allows you to generate HLS recordings of an IVS stage by effectively combining all stage publishers into one view using an IVS server, and then saving the resulting video to an S3 bucket.


To use composite recording, you must have a stage with active publishers and an S3 bucket to use as the recording destination. Below, we describe one possible workflow that uses EventBridge events to record a composition to an S3 bucket. Alternatively, you can start and stop compositions based on your own app logic.

  1. Create an IVS stage and participant tokens for each publisher.

  2. Create an EncoderConfiguration (an object representing how the recorded video should be rendered).

  3. Create an S3 bucket and a StorageConfiguration (where the recording contents will be stored).

  4. Join the stage and publish to it.

  5. When you receive a Participant Published EventBridge event, call StartComposition with an S3 DestinationConfiguration object as the destination

  6. After a few seconds, you should be able to see the HLS segments being persisted to your S3 buckets.

Recording a stage to an S3 bucket using server-side composition.

Note: A composition performs auto-shutdown after 60 seconds of inactivity from publisher participants on the stage. At that point, the composition is terminated and transitions to a STOPPED state. A composition is automatically deleted after a few minutes in the STOPPED state. For details, see Composition Lifecycle in Server-Side Composition.

Composite Recording Example: StartComposition with an S3 Bucket Destination

The example below shows a typical call to the StartComposition endpoint, specifying S3 as the only destination for the composition. Once the composition transitions to an ACTIVE state, video segments and metadata will start to be written to the S3 bucket specified by the storageConfiguration object. To create compositions with different layouts, see “Layouts” in Server-Side Composition and the IVS Real-Time Streaming API Reference.


POST /StartComposition HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "destinations": [ { "s3": { "encoderConfigurationArns": [ "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:encoder-configuration/PAAwglkRtjge" ], "storageConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:storage-configuration/ZBcEbgbE24Cq" } } ], "idempotencyToken": "db1i782f1g9", "stageArn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:stage/WyGkzNFGwiwr" }


{ "composition": { "arn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:composition/s2AdaGUbvQgp", "destinations": [ { "configuration": { "name": "", "s3": { "encoderConfigurationArns": [ "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:encoder-configuration/PAAwglkRtjge" ], "recordingConfiguration": { "format": "HLS" }, "storageConfigurationArn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:storage-configuration/ZBcEbgbE24Cq" } }, "detail": { "s3": { "recordingPrefix": "MNALAcH9j2EJ/s2AdaGUbvQgp/2pBRKrNgX1ff/composite" } }, "id": "2pBRKrNgX1ff", "state": "STARTING" } ], "layout": null, "stageArn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:927810967299:stage/WyGkzNFGwiwr", "startTime": "2023-11-01T06:25:37Z", "state": "STARTING", "tags": {} } }

The recordingPrefix field, present in the StartComposition response can be used to determine where the recording contents will be stored.

Recording Contents

When the composition transitions to an ACTIVE state, you will start to see HLS video segments and metadata files being written to the S3 bucket that was provided when calling StartComposition. These contents are available for post-processing or playback as on-demand video.

Note that after a composition becomes live, an “IVS Composition State Change” event is emitted, and it may take a little time before the manifest files and video segments are written. We recommend that you play back or process recorded streams only after the “IVS Composition State Change (Session End)” event is received. For details, see Using EventBridge with IVS Real-Time Streaming .

The following is a sample directory structure and contents of a recording of a live IVS session:

MNALAcH9j2EJ/s2AdaGUbvQgp/2pBRKrNgX1ff/composite events recording-started.json recording-ended.json media hls

The events folder contains the metadata files corresponding to the recording event. JSON metadata files are generated when recording starts, ends successfully, or ends with failures:

  • events/recording-started.json

  • events/recording-ended.json

  • events/recording-failed.json

A given events folder will contain recording-started.json and either recording-ended.json or recording-failed.json.

These contain metadata related to the recorded session and its output formats. JSON details are given below.

The media folder contains the supported media contents. The hls subfolder contains all media and the manifest files generated during the composition session and is playable with the IVS player. The HLS manifest is located in the multivariant.m3u8 folder.

Bucket Policy for StorageConfiguration

When a StorageConfiguration object is created, IVS will get access to write content to the specified S3 bucket. This access is granted by making modifications to the S3 bucket's policy. If the policy for the bucket is altered in a way that removes IVS's access, ongoing and new recordings will fail.

The example below shows an S3 bucket policy that allows IVS to write to the S3 bucket:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "CompositeWrite-y1d212y", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control" }, "Bool": { "aws:SecureTransport": "true" } } } ] }

JSON Metadata Files

This metadata is in JSON format. It comprises the following information:

Field Type Required Description


string Yes ARN of the stage being used as the source of the composition.


object Yes

Object that contains the enumerated objects of media content available for this recording. Valid values: "hls".

  • hls

object Yes

Enumerated field that describes the Apple HLS format output.

    • duration_ms

integer Conditional

Duration of the recorded HLS content in milliseconds. This is available only when recording_status is "RECORDING_ENDED" or "RECORDING_ENDED_WITH_FAILURE". If a failure occurred before any recording was done, this is 0.

    • path

string Yes

Relative path from the S3 prefix where HLS content is stored.

    • playlist

string Yes

Name of the HLS master playlist file.

    • renditions

object Yes

Array of renditions (HLS variant) of metadata objects. There always is at least one rendition.

      • path

string Yes

Relative path from the S3 prefix where HLS content is stored for this rendition.

      • playlist

string Yes

Name of the media playlist file for this rendition.

      • resolution_height

int Conditional

Pixel resolution height of the encoded video. This is available only when the rendition contains a video track.

      • resolution_width

int Conditional

Pixel resolution width of the encoded video. This is available only when the rendition contains a video track.


string Conditional

RFC 3339 UTC timestamp when the recording ended. This is available only when recording_status is "RECORDING_ENDED" or "RECORDING_ENDED_WITH_FAILURE".

recording_started_at and recording_ended_at are timestamps when these events are generated and may not exactly match the HLS video-segment timestamps. To accurately determine the duration of a recording, use the duration_ms field.


string Conditional

RFC 3339 UTC timestamp when the recording started. This is unavailable when recording_status is RECORDING_START_FAILED.

See the note above for recording_ended_at.


string Yes



string Conditional

Descriptive information on the status. This is available only when recording_status is "RECORDING_ENDED" or "RECORDING_ENDED_WITH_FAILURE".


string Yes

The version of the metadata schema.

Example: recording-started.json

{ "version": "v1", "stage_arn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:stage/aAbBcCdDeE12", "recording_started_at": "2023-11-01T06:01:36Z", "recording_status": "RECORDING_STARTED", "media": { "hls": { "path": "media/hls", "playlist": "multivariant.m3u8", "renditions": [ { "path": "720p30-abcdeABCDE12", "playlist": "playlist.m3u8", "resolution_width": 1280, "resolution_height": 720 } ] } } }

Example: recording-ended.json

{ "version": "v1", "stage_arn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:stage/aAbBcCdDeE12", "recording_started_at": "2023-10-27T17:00:44Z", "recording_ended_at": "2023-10-27T17:08:24Z", "recording_status": "RECORDING_ENDED", "media": { "hls": { "duration_ms": 460315, "path": "media/hls", "playlist": "multivariant.m3u8", "renditions": [ { "path": "720p30-abcdeABCDE12", "playlist": "playlist.m3u8", "resolution_width": 1280, "resolution_height": 720 } ] } } }

Example: recording-failed.json

{ "version": "v1", "stage_arn": "arn:aws:ivs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:stage/aAbBcCdDeE12", "recording_started_at": "2023-10-27T17:00:44Z", "recording_ended_at": "2023-10-27T17:08:24Z", "recording_status": "RECORDING_ENDED_WITH_FAILURE", "media": { "hls": { "duration_ms": 460315, "path": "media/hls", "playlist": "multivariant.m3u8", "renditions": [ { "path": "720p30-abcdeABCDE12", "playlist": "playlist.m3u8", "resolution_width": 1280, "resolution_height": 720 } ] } } }

Playback of Recorded Content from Private Buckets

By default, the recorded content is private; hence, these objects are inaccessible for playback using the direct S3 URL. If you try to open the HLS multivariate playlist (m3u8 file) for playback using the IVS player or another player, you will get an error (e.g., “You do not have permission to access the requested resource”). Instead, you can play back these files with the Amazon CloudFront CDN (Content Delivery Network).

CloudFront distributions can be configured to serve content from private buckets. Typically this is preferable to having openly accessible buckets where reads bypass the controls offered by CloudFront. You can set up your distribution to be served from a private bucket by creating an origin access control (OAC), which is a special CloudFront user that has read permissions on the private origin bucket. You can create the OAC after you create your distribution, through the CloudFront console or API. See Creating a new origin access control in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

Setting Up Playback using CloudFront with CORS Enabled

This example covers how a developer can set up a CloudFront distribution with CORS enabled, enabling playback of their recordings from any domain. This is especially useful during the development phase, but you can modify the example below to match your production needs.

Step 1: Create an S3 Bucket

Create an S3 bucket that will be used to store the recordings. Note that the bucket needs to be in the same region that you use for your IVS workflow.

Add a permissive CORS policy to the bucket:

  1. In the AWS console, go to the S3 Bucket Permissions tab.

  2. Copy the CORS policy below and paste it under Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). This will enable CORS access on the S3 bucket.

    [ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "GET" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "ExposeHeaders": [ "x-amz-server-side-encryption", "x-amz-request-id", "x-amz-id-2" ] } ]

Step 2: Create a CloudFront Distribution

See Creating a CloudFront distribution in the CloudFront Developer Guide.

Using the AWS console, enter the following information:

For this field … Choose this …
Origin Domain The S3 bucket created in the previous step
Origin Access Origin access control settings (recommended), using default parameters
Default cache behavior: Viewer Protocol Policy Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Default cache behavior: Allowed HTTP methods GET, HEAD and OPTIONS
Default cache behavior: Cache key and origin requests CachingDisabled policy
Default cache behavior: Origin request policy CORS-S3Origin
Default cache behavior: Response headers policy SimpleCORS
Web Application Firewall Enable security protections

Then save the CloudFront distribution.

Step 3: Set Up the S3 Bucket Policy

  1. Delete any StorageConfiguration that you have set up for the S3 bucket. This will remove any bucket policies that were automatically added when creating the policy for that bucket.

  2. Go to your CloudFront Distribution, make sure all distribution fields are in the states defined in the previous step, and Copy the Bucket Policy (use the Copy policy button).

  3. Go to your S3 bucket. On the Permissions tab, select Edit Bucket Policy and paste the bucket policy that you copied in the previous step. After this step, the bucket policy should have the CloudFront policy exclusively.

  4. Create a StorageConfiguration, specifying the S3 bucket.

After the StorageConfiguration is created, you will see two items in the S3 bucket policy, one allowing CloudFront to read contents and another one allowing IVS to write contents. An example of a final bucket policy, with CloudFront and IVS access, is shown in Example: S3 Bucket Policy with CloudFront and IVS Access.

Step 4: Play Back Recordings

After you successfully set up the CloudFront distribution and update the bucket policy, you should be able to play back recordings using the IVS player:

  1. Successfully start a Composition and make sure you have a recording stored on the S3 bucket.

  2. After following the Step 1 through Step 3 in this example, the video files should be available for consumption through the CloudFront URL. Your CloudFront URL is the Distribution domain name on the Details tab in the Amazon CloudFront console. It should be something like this:

  3. To play the recorded video through the CloudFront distribution, find the object key for your multivariant.m3u8 file under the s3 bucket. It should be something like this:


  4. Append the object key to the end of your CloudFront URL. Your final URL will be something like this:

  5. You can now add the final URL to the source attribute of an IVS player to watch the full recording. To watch the recorded video, you can use the demo in Getting Started in the IVS Player SDK: Web Guide.

Example: S3 Bucket Policy with CloudFront and IVS Access

The snippet below illustrates an S3 bucket policy that allows CloudFront to read content to the private bucket and IVS to write content to the bucket. Note: Do not copy and paste the snippet below to your own bucket. Your policy should contain the IDs that are relevant to your CloudFront distribution and StorageConfiguration.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "CompositeWrite-7eiKaIGkC9DO", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectAcl" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::eicheane-test-1026-2-ivs-recordings/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control" }, "Bool": { "aws:SecureTransport": "true" } } }, { "Sid": "AllowCloudFrontServicePrincipal", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::eicheane-test-1026-2-ivs-recordings/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "AWS:SourceArn": "arn:aws:cloudfront::844311324168:distribution/E1NG4YMW5MN25A" } } } ] }


  • The composition is not written to the S3 bucket — Ensure that the S3 bucket and StorageConfiguration objects are created and in the same region. Also ensure that IVS has access to the bucket by checking your bucket policy; see Bucket Policy for StorageConfiguration.

  • I can’t find a composition when performing ListCompositions Compositions are ephemeral resources. Once they transition to a final state, they are deleted automatically after a few minutes.

  • My composition stops automatically — A composition will stop automatically if there is no publisher on the stage for more than 60 seconds.

Known Issue

The media playlist written by composite recording has the tag #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT while the composition is ongoing. When composition is done, the tag is updated to #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD. For a smooth playback experience, we recommend that you use this playlist only after the composition finalizes successfully.