Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to Alfresco (Server) - Amazon Q Business

Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to Alfresco (Server)

Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the following prerequisites.

In Alfresco, make sure you have:

  • Copied your Alfresco repository URL and web application URL. If you only want to index a specific Alfresco site, then also copy the site ID.

  • Noted your Alfresco authentication credentials, which include a username and password with at least read permissions. If you want to use OAuth 2.0 authentication, you should add the user to the Alfresco administrators group.

  • Optional: Generated OAuth 2.0 credentials in Alfresco. The credentials include client ID, client secret, and token URL. For more information about how to configure clients for Alfresco On-Premises, see Alfresco documentation. If you use Alfresco Cloud (PaaS), you must contact Hyland support for Alfresco OAuth 2.0 authentication.

In your AWS account, make sure you have:

  • Created a Amazon Q Business application.

  • Created a Amazon Q Business retriever and added an index.

  • Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.

  • Stored your Alfresco (Server) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the secret.


    If you’re a console user, you can create the IAM role and Secrets Manager secret as part of configuring your Amazon Q application on the console.

For a list of things to consider while configuring your data source, see Data source connector configuration best practices.