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Microsoft OneDrive data source connector field mappings

Microsoft OneDrive data source connector field mappings - Amazon Q Business
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To improve retrieved results and customize the end user chat experience, Amazon Q Business enables you to map document attributes from your data sources to fields in your Amazon Q index.

Amazon Q offers two kinds of attributes to map to index fields:

  • Reserved or default – Reserved attributes are based on document attributes that commonly occur in most data. You can use reserved attributes to map commonly occurring document attributes in your data source to Amazon Q index fields.

  • Custom – You can create custom attributes to map document attributes that are unique to your data to Amazon Q index fields.

When you connect Amazon Q to a data source, Amazon Q automatically maps specific data source document attributes to fields within an Amazon Q index. If a document attribute in your data source doesn't have a attribute mapping already available, or if you want to map additional document attributes to index fields, use the custom field mappings to specify how a data source attribute maps to an Amazon Q index field. You create field mappings by editing your data source after your application and retriever are created.

To learn more about document attributes and how they work in Amazon Q, see Document attributes and types in Amazon Q.


Filtering using document attributes in chat is only supported through the API.

The Amazon Q Microsoft OneDrive connector supports the following entities and the associated reserved and custom attributes.

Supported entities and field mappings
    Microsoft OneDrive field name Index field name Description Data type
    sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
    createdAt _created_at Default Date
    lastUpdatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
    createdBy _authors Default String list
    lastUpdatedBy _od_last_updated_by Custom String
    fs_createdAt od_fs_created_at Custom Date
    fs_lastUpdatedAt of_fs_last_updated_at Custom Date
    size od_size Custom Long (numeric)
    cTag od_cTag Custom String
    eTag od_eTag Custom String
    fileMimeType od_file_mime_type Custom String
    oneNoteDocument od_documentName Custom String
    oneNoteSection od_sectionName Custom String
    oneNotePage od_pageName Custom String
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