The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft OneDrive connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.
Error code | Error message | Suggested resolution |
OND-5000 | Exception occurred while sending request to OneDrive api for testing connection, please try again later. | Try again. |
OND-5001 | Provided client ID key is not Valid. | Provide a valid client ID. |
OND-5002 | Provided client secret key is not valid. | Provide valid client secret. |
OND-5003 | Provided tenant ID key is not valid. | Provide a valid tenant ID. |
OND-5102 | Client ID cannot be null/empty. | Provide a valid client ID. |
OND-5103 | Tenant ID cannot be null/empty. | Provide a valid tenant Id. |
OND-5104 | Client Secret cannot be null/empty. | Provide a valid client Secret. |
OND-5105 | Invalid client ID pattern. | Provide a valid client ID. |
OND-5106 | Client Secret Over maximum length. | Length of client secret ID should be at least 256. Provide a valid client secret. |
OND-5107 | User Name Filter/ User Name Path should not be null or empty value. | Provide User Name Filter or User Name Path. |
OND-5108 | User Name Filter can only support up to 10 users. | Provide up to 10 users in User Name Filter or provide file of list of users in User Name Path. |
OND-5109 | Users mentioned in the list do not belong to the same domain. | Provide valid list of users which belong to same domain. |
OND-5110 | Users mentioned in the list are not valid. | Provide valid users. |
OND-5200 | Exception occurred while fetching files in full crawl. | Check logs for more details. |
OND-5203 | Exception occurred while fetching drive files. | Provide correct credentials. |
OND-5204 | Exception occurred while fetching OneNote files. | Check logs for more details. |
OND-5300 | Exception occurred while fetching files in change log. | Check logs for more details. |
OND-5400 | Exception occurred while building group details. | Check logs for more details. |
OND-5401 | Exception occurred while fetching list of groups. | Check logs for more details. |
OND-5500 | Exception occurred while getting file content response. | Check logs for more details. |
OND-5501 | Only String, String List, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings. | Please provide valid formats in field mappings. |
OND-5502 | Exception occurred while fetching OneNote files. | Check logs for more details. |