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Troubleshooting your Microsoft OneDrive connector

Troubleshooting your Microsoft OneDrive connector - Amazon Q Business
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft OneDrive connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
OND-5000 Exception occurred while sending request to OneDrive api for testing connection, please try again later. Try again.
OND-5001 Provided client ID key is not Valid. Provide a valid client ID.
OND-5002 Provided client secret key is not valid. Provide valid client secret.
OND-5003 Provided tenant ID key is not valid. Provide a valid tenant ID.
OND-5102 Client ID cannot be null/empty. Provide a valid client ID.
OND-5103 Tenant ID cannot be null/empty. Provide a valid tenant Id.
OND-5104 Client Secret cannot be null/empty. Provide a valid client Secret.
OND-5105 Invalid client ID pattern. Provide a valid client ID.
OND-5106 Client Secret Over maximum length. Length of client secret ID should be at least 256. Provide a valid client secret.
OND-5107 User Name Filter/ User Name Path should not be null or empty value. Provide User Name Filter or User Name Path.
OND-5108 User Name Filter can only support up to 10 users. Provide up to 10 users in User Name Filter or provide file of list of users in User Name Path.
OND-5109 Users mentioned in the list do not belong to the same domain. Provide valid list of users which belong to same domain.
OND-5110 Users mentioned in the list are not valid. Provide valid users.
OND-5200 Exception occurred while fetching files in full crawl. Check logs for more details.
OND-5203 Exception occurred while fetching drive files. Provide correct credentials.
OND-5204 Exception occurred while fetching OneNote files. Check logs for more details.
OND-5300 Exception occurred while fetching files in change log. Check logs for more details.
OND-5400 Exception occurred while building group details. Check logs for more details.
OND-5401 Exception occurred while fetching list of groups. Check logs for more details.
OND-5500 Exception occurred while getting file content response. Check logs for more details.
OND-5501 Only String, String List, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings. Please provide valid formats in field mappings.
OND-5502 Exception occurred while fetching OneNote files. Check logs for more details.
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