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Amazon S3 connector overview

Amazon S3 connector overview - Amazon Q Business
このページはお客様の言語に翻訳されていません。 翻訳のリクエスト

The following table gives an overview of the Amazon Q Business Amazon S3 connector and its supported features.

Category Feature Support
Security Authentication type Assume Role Based
Access Control List (ACL) crawling Yes. For more information, see ACL crawling.
Identity crawling No. Use User Store APIs if you want to crawl users and groups.
Crawl features Custom metadata Yes
Entities Yes. The following entities are supported:
  • Document

See What is a document? for more details on what each connector crawls as a document.

Field mappings Yes. Supports both default and custom field mappings. For more information, see Field mappings.
Filters Yes. The following filters are supported:
  • Include/exclude by prefix (for example /Data, where Data is a folder containing documents)

  • Include/exclude by file types (for example .*\.pdf, or .*\.txt)

  • Include/exclude by glob patterns (for example *.java, which specifies a pattern that represents file names ending in .java)


    Glob patterns are patterns that can expand a wildcard pattern into a list of path names that match the given pattern for certain file names and file types. If a document matches both an inclusion and exclusion prefix or pattern, the exclusion prefix takes precendence and the document is not indexed. Examples of glob patterns include:

    • /myapp/config/*—All files inside config directory.

    • **/*.png—All .png files in all directories.

    • **/*.{png, ico, md}—All .png, .ico or .md files in all directories.

    • /myapp/src/**/*.ts—All .ts files inside src directory (and all its subdirectories).

    • **/!(*.module).ts—All .ts files but not .module.ts.

    • *.png , *.jpg—All PNG and JPEG image files in a directory (files with the extensions .png and .jpg).

    • *internal*—All files in a directory that contain 'internal' in the file name, such as 'internal', 'internal_only', 'company_internal'.

    • **/*internal*—All internal-related files in a directory and its subdirectories.

Sync mode Supports full and incremental sync.
File types Supports all files supported by Amazon Q.
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