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Working with unsupported AWS Regions - Amazon CodeGuru Profiler
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Working with unsupported AWS Regions

To use Amazon CodeGuru Profiler in an AWS Region it doesn't support, you can configure your agent to submit profiles to one of the supported Regions instead. You can specify which AWS Region to submit profiles to by adding a specified region name to your code or adding an environment variable. For example, using CodeGuru Profiler in eu-west-1 would mean that profiled data would be stored in that Region, even while your application is running in an unsupported region.

You should create the profiling group in the target AWS Region, which might differ from the Region that the application is running in. The application role should have permissions set up to allow profiles to be submitted to the target Region.

The following code examples demonstrate how to configure your agent to get access to the CodeGuru Profiler console from eu-west-1 when enabling the agent with code or integrating with Lambda. You can do this for any of the supported Regions, by replacing EU_WEST_1 with the Region name you want.

To submit any profiles to the CodeGuru Profiler API, your host must have internet access.

Enabling the agent with code

The following sections show how to use Amazon CodeGuru Profiler in an unsupported region when enabling the agent with Java or Python code.


If you are enabling the agent with code in Java, add the following lines to your code.

You first import the region package from the AWS SDK by adding this line to the top of your code.

import; // Uses AWK SDK for Java v2

Then add .awsRegionToReportTo(<AWS Region>) to the code that enables the agent.

Below is a complete example of what your code should look like if you want to configure your agent to get access to the CodeGuru Profiler console from eu-west-1.

import; // Uses AWK SDK for Java v2` import; Profiler.builder() .profilingGroupName("ExampleAppConsumingCodeGuruProfilerJavaAgent") .awsRegionToReportTo(Region.EU_WEST_1) .build() .start();

For more information on enabling the agent with Java code, see Enabling the agent with code (Java).


If you are enabling the agent with code in Python, set the following parameter to the line where you start the agent.

region_name='<AWS Region>'

Below is an example of what your code should look like if you want to configure your agent to get access to the CodeGuru Profiler console from eu-west-1.

from codeguru_profiler_agent import Profiler if __name__ == '__main__': Profiler(profiling_group_name='MyProfilingGroup', region_name='eu-west-1').start() start_application()

For more information on enabling the agent with Python code, see Enabling the agent with code (Python).

Profiling applications that run on AWS Lambda

The following sections show how to use Amazon CodeGuru Profiler in an unsupported region when integrating with AWS Lambda.


If you're using Java 8 on Amazon Linux 2 or Java 11 (Corretto) to profile your application on AWS Lambda, you can set the environment variable AWS_CODEGURU_PROFILER_TARGET_REGION to your target region, see below.


For more information on using integrating with Java and AWS Lambda, see Profiling your Java applications that run on AWS Lambda.


Using the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler function decorator

If you're applying the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler function decorator to your AWS Lambda handler function, set the following parameter in the function decorator.

region_name='<AWS Region>'

Below is an example of what your code should look like if you're applying the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler function decorator to your AWS Lambda handler function from eu-west-1.

from codeguru_profiler_agent import with_lambda_profiler @with_lambda_profiler(profiling_group_name='MyProfilingGroup', region_name='eu-west-1') def handler_name(event, context): return "Hello World"

For more information on the Amazon CodeGuru Profiler function decorator, see Apply the CodeGuru Profiler function decorator to your handler function.

Using AWS Lambda layers

If you're using AWS Lambda layers to profile your Python application, you can set the environment variable AWS_CODEGURU_PROFILER_TARGET_REGION to your target region, see below.


For more information on using layers, see Use AWS Lambda layers.

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