Java v2 - Amazon Timestream

Java v2

To get started with the Java 2.0 SDK and Amazon Timestream, complete the prerequisites, described below.

Once you've completed the necessary prerequisites for the Java 2.0 SDK, you can get started with the Code samples.


Before you get started with Java, you must do the following:

  1. Follow the AWS setup instructions in Accessing Timestream for LiveAnalytics.

  2. You can configure the AWS SDK as a Maven dependency as described in Using the SDK with Apache Maven.

  3. Set up a Java development environment by downloading and installing the following:

Using Apache Maven

You can use Apache Maven to configure and build AWS SDK for Java projects.


To use Apache Maven, ensure your Java SDK and runtime are 1.8 or higher.

You can configure the AWS SDK as a Maven dependency as described in Using the SDK with Apache Maven. The changes required to the pom.xml file are described here.

You can run compile and run your source code with the following command:

mvn clean compile mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=<your source code Main class>

<your source code Main class> is the path to your Java source code's main class.