Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to an index - Amazon Kendra

Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to an index


Feature support varies by index type and search API being used. To see if this feature is supported for the index type and search API you’re using, see Index types.

You can add frequently asked questions (FAQs) directly to your index using the console or the CreateFaq API. Adding FAQs to an index is an asynchronous operation. You put the data for the FAQ in a file that you store in an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket. You can use CSV or JSON files as input for your FAQ:

  • Basic CSV—A CSV file where each row contains a question, answer, and an optional source URI.

  • Custom CSV—A CSV file that contains questions, answers, and headers for custom fields/attributes that you can use to facet, display, or sort FAQ responses. You can also define access control fields to limit the FAQ response to certain users and groups that are allowed to see the FAQ response.

  • JSON—A JSON file that contains questions, answers, and custom fields/attributes that you can use to facet, display, or sort FAQ responses. You can also define access control fields to limit the FAQ response to certain users and groups that are allowed to see the FAQ response.

For example, the following is a basic CSV file that provides answers to questions about free clinics in Spokane, Washington USA and Mountain View, Missouri, USA.

How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13 How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?, 7

The FAQ file must be a UTF-8-encoded file.

Creating index fields for an FAQ file


Feature support varies by index type and search API being used. To see if this feature is supported for the index type and search API you’re using, see Index types.

When you use a custom CSV or JSON file for input, you can declare custom fields for your FAQ questions. For example, you can create a custom field that assigns each FAQ question a business department. When the FAQ is returned in a response, you can use the department as a facet to narrow the search to "HR" or "Finance" only, for example.

A custom field must map to an index field. In the console, you use the Facet definition page to create an index field. When using the API, you must first create an index field using the UpdateIndex API.

The field/attribute type in the FAQ file must match the type of the associated index field. For example, the "Department" field is a STRING_LIST type field. So, you must provide values for the department field as a string list in your FAQ file. You can check the type of index fields using the Facet definition page in the console or by using the DescribeIndex API.

When you create an index field that maps to a custom attribute, you can mark it displayable, facetable, or sortable. You can't make a custom attribute searchable.

In addition to the custom attributes, you can also use the Amazon Kendra reserved or common fields in a custom CSV or JSON file. For more information, see Document attributes or fields.

Basic CSV file

Use a basic CSV file when you want to use a simple structure for your FAQs. In a basic CSV file, each row has two or three fields: a question, an answer, and an optional source URI that points to a document with more information.

The contents of the file must follow the RFC 4180 Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files.

The following is a FAQ file in the basic CSV format.

How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13, How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?, 7,

Custom CSV file

Use a custom CSV file when you want to add custom fields/attributes to your FAQ questions. For a custom CSV file, you use a header row in your CSV file to define the additional attributes.

The CSV file must contain the following two required fields:

  • _question—The frequently asked question

  • _answer—The answer to the frequently asked question

Your custom CSV file can contain both Amazon Kendra reserved fields (except _faq_id, _data_source_id, _document_title, and _file_type) and any custom fields.

The following is an example of a custom CSV file.

_question,_answer,_last_updated_at,custom_string How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00, Note: Some free clinics require you to meet certain criteria in order to use their services How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?, 7, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00, Note: Some free clinics require you to meet certain criteria in order to use their services

The contents of the custom file must follow the RFC 4180 Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files.

The following lists the types of custom fields:

  • Date—ISO 8601-encoded date and time values.

    For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25, 2012, at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in the Central European Time time zone.

  • Long—Numbers, such as 1234.

  • String—String values. If your string contains commas, enclose the entire value in double quotation marks (") (for example, "custom attribute, and more").

  • String list—A list of string values. List the values in a comma-separated list that's enclosed in quotation marks (") (for example, "item1, item2, item3"). If the list contains only a single entry, you can omit the quotation marks (for example, item1).

A custom CSV file can contain user access control fields. You can use these fields to limit access to the FAQ to certain users and groups. To filter on user context, the user must provide user and group information in the query. Otherwise, all relevant FAQs are returned. For more information, see User context filtering.

There following lists the user context filters for FAQs:

  • _acl_user_allow—Users in the allow list can see the FAQ in the query response. The FAQ isn't returned to other users.

  • _acl_user_deny—Users in the deny list can't see the FAQ in the query response. The FAQ is returned to all other users when it's relevant to the query.

  • _acl_group_allow—Users that are members of an allowed group can see the FAQ in the query response. The FAQ isn't returned to users that are members of another group.

  • _acl_group_deny—Users that are members of a denied group can't see the FAQ in the query response. The FAQ is returned to other groups when it's relevant to the query.

Provide the values for the allow and deny lists in comma-separated lists enclosed in quotation marks (for example, "user1,user2,user3"). You can include a user or a group in either an allow list or a deny list, but not both where the same user is individually allowed but also group denied. If you include a user or group in both, you receive an error.

The following is an example of a custom CSV file with user context information.

_question, _answer, _acl_user_allow, _acl_user_deny, _acl_group_allow, _acl_group_deny How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13, "userID6201,userID7552", "userID1001,userID2020", groupBasicPlusRate, groupPremiumRate

JSON file

You can use a JSON file to provide questions, answers, and fields for your index. You can add any of the Amazon Kendra reserved fields or custom fields to the FAQ.

The following is the schema for the JSON file.

{ "SchemaVersion": 1, "FaqDocuments": [ { "Question": string, "Answer": string, "Attributes": { string: object additional attributes }, "AccessControlList": [ { "Name": string, "Type": enum( "GROUP" | "USER" ), "Access": enum( "ALLOW" | "DENY" ) }, additional user context ] }, additional FAQ documents ] }

The following example JSON file shows two FAQ documents. One of the documents has the required question and answer only. The other document also includes additional field and user context or access control information.

{ "SchemaVersion": 1, "FaqDocuments": [ { "Question": "How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?", "Answer": "13" }, { "Question": "How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?", "Answer": "7", "Attributes": { "_source_uri": "", "_category": "Charitable Clinics" }, "AccessControlList": [ { "Name": "", "Type": "USER", "Access": "ALLOW" }, { "Name": "Admin", "Type": "GROUP", "Access": "ALLOW" } ] } ] }

The following lists the types of custom fields:

  • Date—A JSON string value with ISO 8601-encoded date and time values. For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25, 2012, at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in the Central European Time time zone.

  • Long—A JSON number value, such as 1234.

  • String—A JSON string value (for example, "custom attribute").

  • String list—A JSON array of string values (for example, ["item1,item2,item3"]).

A JSON file can contain user access control fields. You can use these fields to limit access to the FAQ to certain users and groups. To filter on user context, the user must provide user and group information in the query. Otherwise, all relevant FAQs are returned. For more information, see User context filtering.

You can include a user or a group in either an allow list or a deny list, but not both where the same user is individually allowed but also group denied. If you include a user or group in both, you receive an error.

The following is an example of including user access control to a JSON FAQ.

"AccessControlList": [ { "Name": "group or user name", "Type": "GROUP | USER", "Access": "ALLOW | DENY" }, additional user context ]

Using your FAQ file

After you store your FAQ input file in an S3 bucket, you use the console or the CreateFaq API to put the questions and answers into your index. If you want to update a FAQ, delete the FAQ and create it again. You use the DeleteFaq API to delete a FAQ.

You must provide an IAM role that has access to the S3 bucket that contains your source files. You specify the role in the console or in the RoleArn parameter. The following is an example of adding a FAQ file to an index.

import boto3 kendra = boto3.client("kendra") # Provide the index ID index_id = "index-id" # Provide the IAM role ARN required to index documents in an S3 bucket role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/${roleName}" # Provide the S3 bucket path information to the FAQ file faq_path = { "Bucket": "bucket-name", "Key": "FreeClinicsUSA.csv" } response = kendra.create_faq( S3Path = faq_path, Name = "FreeClinicsUSA", IndexId = index_id, RoleArn = role_arn ) print(response)
package com.amazonaws.kendra; import; import; import; import; public class AddFaqExample { public static void main(String[] args) { KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build(); String indexId = "yourIndexId"; String roleArn = "your role for accessing S3 files"; CreateFaqRequest createFaqRequest = CreateFaqRequest .builder() .indexId(indexId) .name("FreeClinicsUSA") .roleArn(roleArn) .s3Path( S3Path .builder() .bucket("amzn-s3-demo-bucket") .key("FreeClinicsUSA.csv") .build()) .build(); CreateFaqResponse response = kendra.createFaq(createFaqRequest); System.out.println(String.format("The result of creating FAQ: %s", response)); } }

FAQ files in languages other than English

You can index a FAQ in a supported language. Amazon Kendra indexes FAQs in English by default if you don't specify a language. You specify the language code when you call the CreateFaq operation or you can include the language code for a FAQ in the FAQ metadata as a field. If a FAQ doesn't have a language code in its metadata specified in a metadata field, the FAQ is indexed using the language code specified when you call the CreateFAQ operation. To index a FAQ document in a supported language in the console, go to FAQs and select Add FAQ. You choose a language from the dropdown Language.