After you create a workflow, you can start runs using the workflow.
When you start a run, HealthOmics allocates temporary run storage for the workflow engine to use during the run. To ensure data isolation and security, HealthOmics provisions the storage at the start of each run, and deprovisions it at the end of the run.
HealthOmics provides several quotas related to workflow runs and tasks. Default values are intentially conservative, to help you avoid unexpected cost overruns. You can request an increase in these quotas. For more information, see HealthOmics service quotas.
When you start a run, HealthOmics assigns a run ID and a run uuid to the run. Runs in an account have unique run IDs. However, HealthOmics reuses deleted run IDs, so a run and a deleted run can have the same run ID. Also, it's rare but possible for a shared workflow to have the same run ID as a run in your account.
The run uuid is a Globally Unique Identifier (guid) that you can use to identify runs across accounts or to distinguish between two runs in your account that have the same run ID.
For data provenance purposes, we recommend that you use the run uuid to uniquely identify runs. The run uuid is also the best identifier to link to your internal lab information management system (LIMs) or sample tracking system.