Secure Lightsail object storage buckets
Amazon Lightsail object storage provides a number of security features to consider as you develop and implement your own security policies. The following best practices are general guidelines and don’t represent a complete security solution. Because these best practices might not be appropriate or sufficient for your environment, treat them as helpful considerations rather than prescriptions.
- Preventative security
best practices
- Implement least privilege access
- Verify that your Lightsail buckets are not publicly accessible
- Enable block public access in Amazon S3
- Attach instances to buckets to grant full programmatic access
- Rotate bucket access keys
- Use cross-account access to give other AWS accounts access to objects in your bucket
- Encryption of data
- Enable versioning
- Monitoring and auditing best practices
Preventative security best practices
The following best practices can help prevent security incidents with Lightsail buckets.
Implement least privilege access
When granting permissions, you decide who is getting what permissions to which Lightsail resources. You enable specific actions that you want to allow on those resources. Therefore, you should grant only the permissions that are required to perform a task. Implementing least privilege access is fundamental in reducing security risk and the impact that could result from errors or malicious intent.
For more information about creating an IAM policy to manage buckets, see IAM policy to manage buckets. For more information about the Amazon S3 actions supported by Lightsail buckets, see Actions for object storage in the Amazon Lightsail API reference.
Verify that your Lightsail buckets are not publicly accessible
Buckets and objects are private by default. Keep your bucket private by having the bucket access permission set to All objects are private. For the majority of use-cases, you don't need to make your bucket or individual objects public. For more information, see Configure access permissions for individual objects in a bucket.

However, if you are using your bucket to host media for your website or application, under certain scenarios, you might need to make your bucket or individual objects public. You can configure one of the following options to make your bucket or individual objects public:
If only some of the objects in a bucket need to be public (read-only) to anyone on the internet, then change the bucket access permission to Individual objects can be made public and read-only, and change only the objects that need to be public to Public (read-only). This option keeps the bucket private, but gives you the option to make individual objects public. Don't make an individual object public if it contains sensitive or confidential information that you don't want to be publicly accessible. If you make individual objects public, you should periodically validate the public accessibility of each individual object.
If all objects in the bucket need to be public (read-only) to anyone on the internet, then change the bucket access permission to All objects are public and read-only. Don't use this option if any of your objects in the bucket contain sensitive or confidential information.
If you previously changed a bucket to be public, or changed individual objects to be public, you can quickly change the bucket and all its objects to be private by changing the bucket access permission to All objects are private.
Enable block public access in Amazon S3
Lightsail object storage resources take into account both Lightsail bucket access permissions and Amazon S3 account-level block public access configurations when allowing or denying public access. With Amazon S3 account-level block public access, account administrators and bucket owners can centrally limit public access to their Amazon S3 and Lightsail buckets. Block public access can make all Amazon S3 and Lightsail buckets private regardless of how the resources are created, and regardless of the individual bucket and object permissions that might have been configured. For more information, see Block public access for buckets.
Attach instances to buckets to grant full programmatic access
Attaching an instance to a Lightsail object storage bucket is the most secure way to provide access to the bucket. The Resource access functionality, which is how you attach an instance to a bucket, grants the instance full programmatic access to the bucket. With this method, you don't have to store bucket credentials directly in the instance or application, and you don't have to periodically rotate the credentials. For example, some WordPress plugins can access a bucket that the instance has access to. For more information, see Configure resource access for a bucket and Tutorial: Connect a bucket to your WordPress instance.

However, if the application is not on a Lightsail instance, then you can create and configure bucket access keys. Bucket access keys are long term credentials that are not automatically rotated. For more information, see Create Lightsail object storage bucket access keys.

Rotate bucket access keys
You can have a maximum of two access keys per bucket. Although you can have two different access keys at the same time, we recommend that you only create one access key at a time for your bucket outside of key rotation times. This approach ensures that you can create a new bucket access key at any time without the possibility of it being in use. For example, creating the second access key for rotation is helpful if your existing secret access key is copied, lost, or becomes compromised, and you need to rotate your existing access key.
If you use an access key with your bucket, you should periodically rotate your keys and take inventory of the existing keys. Confirm the date an access key was last used, and the AWS Region in which it was used, correspond with your expectations of how the key should be used. The date an access key was last used is displayed in the Lightsail console in the Access keys section of the Permissions tab of a bucket's management page. Delete access keys that are not being used.
To rotate an access key, you should create a new access key, configure it on your software and test it, and then delete the previously used access key. After you delete an access key, it's gone forever and can't be restored. You can only replace it with a new access key. For more information, see Create Lightsail object storage bucket access keys and Delete access keys for a Lightsail object storage bucket.
Use cross-account access to give other AWS accounts access to objects in your bucket
You can use cross-account access to make objects in a bucket accessible to a specific individual who has an AWS account without making the bucket and its objects public. If you've configured cross account access, make sure that the account IDs listed are the correct accounts that you want to give access to objects in your bucket. For more information, see Configure cross-account access for a bucket.

Encryption of data
Lightsail performs server-side encryption with Amazon managed keys and encryption of data in transit by enforcing HTTPS (TLS). Server-side encryption helps reduce risk to your data by encrypting the data with a key that is stored in a separate service. In addition, encryption of data in transit helps prevent potential attackers from eavesdropping on or manipulating network traffic using person-in-the-middle or similar attacks.
Enable versioning
Versioning is a means of keeping multiple variants of an object in the same bucket. You can use versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object stored in your Lightsail bucket. With versioning, you can easily recover from both unintended user actions and application failures. For more information, see Enable and suspend bucket object versioning.
Monitoring and auditing best practices
The following best practices can help detect potential security weaknesses and incidents for Lightsail buckets.
Enable access logging and perform periodic security and access audits
Access logging provides detailed records for the requests that are made to a bucket.
This information can include the request type (GET
), the
resources that are specified in the request, and the time and date that the request was
processed. Enable access logging for a bucket, and periodically perform a security and
access audit to identify the entities that are accessing your bucket. By default,
Lightsail doesn't collect access logs for your buckets. You must manually enable access
logging. For more information, see Bucket access logs and Enable bucket access
Identify, tag, and audit your Lightsail buckets
Identification of your IT assets is a crucial aspect of governance and security. You need to have visibility of all your Lightsail buckets to assess their security posture and take action on potential areas of weakness.
Use tagging to identify security-sensitive or audit-sensitive resources, then use those tags when you need to search for these resources. For more information, see Tags.
Implement monitoring using AWS monitoring tools
Monitoring is an important part of maintaining the reliability, security, availability,
and performance of Lightsail buckets and other resources. You can monitor and create
notification alarms for the Bucket size (BucketSizeBytes
and Number of objects
(NumberOfObjects) bucket metrics in
Lightsail. For example, you might want to be notified when the size of your bucket
increases or decreases to a specific size, or when the number of objects in your bucket goes
up to or down to a specific number. For more information, see Create bucket metric alarms.
Use AWS CloudTrail
AWS CloudTrail provides a record of actions taken by a user, a role, or an AWS service in
Lightsail. You can use information collected by CloudTrail to determine the request that
was made to Lightsail, the IP address from which the request was made, who made the
request, when it was made, and additional details. For example, you can identify CloudTrail
entries for actions that impact data access, in particular
, GetBucketAccessKeys
, SetResourceAccessForBucket
, and
. When you set up your AWS account, CloudTrail is enabled by
default. You can view recent events in the CloudTrail console. To create an ongoing record
of activity and events for your Lightsail buckets, you can create a trail in the
CloudTrail console. For more information, see Logging Data Events for Trails in the AWS CloudTrail User
Monitor AWS security advisories
Actively monitor the primary email address registered to AWS account. AWS will contact you, using this email address, about emerging security issues that might affect you.
AWS operational issues with broad impact are posted on the AWS Service Health Dashboard