Detecting anomalies in an image - Amazon Lookout for Vision

Detecting anomalies in an image

To detect anomalies in an image with a trained Amazon Lookout for Vision model, you call the DetectAnomalies operation. The result from DetectAnomalies includes a Boolean prediction that classifies the image as containing one or more anomalies and a confidence value for the prediction. If the model is an image segmentation model, the result also includes a colored mask showing the positions of different types of anomalies.

The images you supply to DetectAnomalies must have the same width and height dimensions as the images that you used to train the model.

DetectAnomalies accepts images as PNG or JPG format images. We recommend that the images are in the same encoding and compression format as those used to train the model. For example, if you train the model with PNG format images, call DetectAnomalies with PNG format images.

Before calling DetectAnomalies, you must first start your model with the StartModel operation. For more information, see Starting your Amazon Lookout for Vision model. You are charged for the amount of time, in minutes, that a model runs and for the number of anomaly detection units that your model uses. If you are not using a model, use the StopModel operation to stop your model. For more information, see Stopping your Amazon Lookout for Vision model.

Calling DetectAnomalies

To call DetectAnomalies, specify the following:

  • Project – The name of the project that contains the model that you want to use.

  • ModelVersion – The version of the model that you want to use.

  • ContentType – The type of image that you want analyze. Valid values are image/png (PNG format images) and image/jpeg (JPG format images).

  • Body – The unencoded binary bytes that represent the image.

    The image must have the same dimensions as the images used to train the model.

The following example shows how to call DetectAnomalies. You can use the function response from the Python and Java examples to call functions in Determining if an image is anomalous.


This AWS CLI command displays the JSON output for the DetectAnomalies CLI operation. Change the values of the following input parameters:

  • project name with the name of the project that you want to use.

  • model version with the version of the model that you want to use.

  • content type with the type of the image that you want to use. Valid values are image/png (PNG format images) and image/jpeg (JPG format images).

  • file name with the path and file name of the image that you want to use. Ensure that the file type matches the value of content-type.

aws lookoutvision detect-anomalies --project-name project name\ --model-version model version\ --content-type content type\ --body file name \ --profile lookoutvision-access

For the complete code example, see GitHub.

def detect_anomalies(lookoutvision_client, project_name, model_version, photo): """ Calls DetectAnomalies using the supplied project, model version, and image. :param lookoutvision_client: A Lookout for Vision Boto3 client. :param project: The project that contains the model that you want to use. :param model_version: The version of the model that you want to use. :param photo: The photo that you want to analyze. :return: The DetectAnomalyResult object that contains the analysis results. """ image_type = imghdr.what(photo) if image_type == "jpeg": content_type = "image/jpeg" elif image_type == "png": content_type = "image/png" else:"Invalid image type for %s", photo) raise ValueError( f"Invalid file format. Supply a jpeg or png format file: {photo}") # Get images bytes for call to detect_anomalies with open(photo, "rb") as image: response = lookoutvision_client.detect_anomalies( ProjectName=project_name, ContentType=content_type,, ModelVersion=model_version) return response['DetectAnomalyResult']
Java V2
public static DetectAnomalyResult detectAnomalies(LookoutVisionClient lfvClient, String projectName, String modelVersion, String photo) throws IOException, LookoutVisionException { /** * Creates an Amazon Lookout for Vision dataset from a manifest file. * Returns after Lookout for Vision creates the dataset. * * @param lfvClient An Amazon Lookout for Vision client. * @param projectName The name of the project in which you want to create a * dataset. * @param modelVersion The version of the model that you want to use. * * @param photo The photo that you want to analyze. * * @return DetectAnomalyResult The analysis result from DetectAnomalies. */ logger.log(Level.INFO, "Processing local file: {0}", photo); // Get image bytes. InputStream sourceStream = new FileInputStream(new File(photo)); SdkBytes imageSDKBytes = SdkBytes.fromInputStream(sourceStream); byte[] imageBytes = imageSDKBytes.asByteArray(); // Get the image type. Can be image/jpeg or image/png. String contentType = getImageType(imageBytes); // Detect anomalies in the supplied image. DetectAnomaliesRequest request = DetectAnomaliesRequest.builder().projectName(projectName) .modelVersion(modelVersion).contentType(contentType).build(); DetectAnomaliesResponse response = lfvClient.detectAnomalies(request, RequestBody.fromBytes(imageBytes)); /* * Tip: You can also use the following to analyze a local file. * Path path = Paths.get(photo); * DetectAnomaliesResponse response = lfvClient.detectAnomalies(request, path); */ DetectAnomalyResult result = response.detectAnomalyResult(); String prediction = "Prediction: Normal"; if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result.isAnomalous())) { prediction = "Prediction: Anomalous"; } // Convert confidence to percentage. NumberFormat defaultFormat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); defaultFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); String confidence = String.format("Confidence: %s", defaultFormat.format(result.confidence())); // Log classification result. String photoPath = "File: " + photo; String[] imageLines = { photoPath, prediction, confidence }; logger.log(Level.INFO, "Image: {0}\nAnomalous: {1}\nConfidence {2}", imageLines); return result; } // Gets the image mime type. Supported formats are image/jpeg and image/png. private static String getImageType(byte[] image) throws IOException { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(image)); String mimeType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(is); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Image type: {0}", mimeType); if (mimeType.equals("image/jpeg") || mimeType.equals("image/png")) { return mimeType; } // Not a supported file type. logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unsupported image type: {0}", mimeType); throw new IOException(String.format("Wrong image type. %s format isn't supported.", mimeType)); }

Understanding the response from DetectAnomalies

The response from DetectAnomalies varies depending on the type of the model that you train (classification model or segmentation model). In both cases the response is a DetectAnomalyResult object.

Classification model

If your model is an Image classification model, the response from DetectAnomalies contains the following:

  • IsAnomalous– A Boolean indicator that the image contains one or more anomalies.

  • Confidence– The confidence that Amazon Lookout for Vision has in the accuracy of the anomaly prediction (IsAnomalous). Confidence is a floating point value between 0 and 1. A higher value indicates a higher confidence.

  • Source – Information about the image passed to DetectAnomalies.

{ "DetectAnomalyResult": { "Source": { "Type": "direct" }, "IsAnomalous": true, "Confidence": 0.9996867775917053 } }

You determine if in an image is anomalous by checking the IsAnomalous field and confirming that the Confidence value is high enough for your needs.

If you're finding the confidence values returned by DetectAnomalies are too low, consider retraining the model. For example code, see Classification.

Segmentation model

If your model is an Image segmentation model, the response includes classification information and segmentation information, such as an image mask and anomaly types. Classification information is calculated separately from segmentation information and you shouldn't assume a relationship between them. If you don't get segmentation information in the response, check that you have the latest version of the AWS SDK installed (AWS Command Line Interface, if you are using the AWS CLI). For example code, see Segmentation and Showing classification and segmentation information.

  • IsAnomalous (classification) – A Boolean indicator that classifies the image as either normal or anomalous.

  • Confidence (classification) – The confidence that Amazon Lookout for Vision has in the accuracy of the classification of the image (IsAnomalous). Confidence is a floating point value between 0 and 1. A higher value indicates a higher confidence.

  • Source – Information about the image passed to DetectAnomalies.

  • AnomalyMask (segmentation) – A pixel mask covering anomalies found in the analyzed image. There can be multiple anomalies on the image. The color of a mask maps indicates the type of an anomaly. The mask colors map to the colors assigned to anomaly types in the training dataset. To find the anomaly type from a mask color, check Color in the PixelAnomaly field of each anomaly returned in the Anomalies list. For example code, see Showing classification and segmentation information.

  • Anomalies (segmentation) – A list of anomalies found in the image. Each anomaly includes the anomaly type (Name), and pixel information (PixelAnomaly). TotalPercentageArea is the percentage area of the image that the anomaly covers. Color is the mask color for the anomaly.

    The first element in the list is always an anomaly type representing the image background (BACKGROUND) and shouldn't be considered an anomaly. Amazon Lookout for Vision automatically adds the background anomaly type to the response. You don't need to declare a background anomaly type in your dataset.

{ "DetectAnomalyResult": { "Source": { "Type": "direct" }, "IsAnomalous": true, "Confidence": 0.9996814727783203, "Anomalies": [ { "Name": "background", "PixelAnomaly": { "TotalPercentageArea": 0.998999834060669, "Color": "#FFFFFF" } }, { "Name": "scratch", "PixelAnomaly": { "TotalPercentageArea": 0.0004034999874420464, "Color": "#7ED321" } }, { "Name": "dent", "PixelAnomaly": { "TotalPercentageArea": 0.0005966666503809392, "Color": "#4DD8FF" } } ], "AnomalyMask": "iVBORw0....." } }