Training your model - Amazon Lookout for Vision

End of support notice: On October 31, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for Amazon Lookout for Vision. After October 31, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the Lookout for Vision console or Lookout for Vision resources. For more information, visit this blog post.

Training your model

After you have created your datasets and labeled the images, you can train your model. As part of the training process, a test dataset is used. If you have a single dataset project, the images in the dataset are automatically split into a test dataset and a training dataset as part of the training process. If your project has a training and a test dataset, they are used to separately train and test the dataset.

After training is complete, you can evaluate the performance of the model and make any necessary improvements. For more information, see Improving your Amazon Lookout for Vision model.

To train your model, Amazon Lookout for Vision makes a copy of your source training and test images. By default the copied images are encrypted with a key that AWS owns and manages. You can also choose to use your own AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key. For more information, see AWS Key Management Service concepts. Your source images are unaffected.

You can assign metadata to your model in the form of tags. For more information, see Tagging models.

Each time you train a model, a new version of the model is created. If you no longer need a version of a model, you can delete it. For more information, see Deleting a model.

You are charged for the amount of time it takes to successfully train your model. For more information, see Training Hours.

To view the existing models in a project, Viewing your models.


If you've just completed Creating your dataset or Adding images to your dataset. The console should currently show your model dashboard and you don't need to do steps 1 - 4.

Training a model (console)

The following procedure shows you how to train your model using the console.

To train your model (console)
  1. Open the Amazon Lookout for Vision console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Projects.

  3. In the Projects page, choose the project that contains the model that you want to train.

  4. On the project details page, choose Train model. The Train model button is available if you have enough labeled images to train the model. If the button isn't available, add more images until you have enough labeled images.

  5. (Optional) If you want to use your own AWS KMS encryption key, do the following:

    1. In Image data encryption choose Customize encryption settings (advanced).

    2. In encryption.aws_kms_key enter the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your key, or choose an existing AWS KMS key. To create a new key, choose Create an AWS IMS key.

  6. (Optional) if you want to add tags to your model do the following:

    1. In the Tags section, choose Add new tag.

    2. Enter the following:

      1. The name of the key in Key.

      2. The value of the key in Value.

    3. To add more tags, repeat steps 6a and 6b.

    4. (Optional) If you want to remove a tag, choose Remove next to the tag that you want to remove. If you are removing a previously saved tag, it is removed when you save your changes.

  7. Choose Train model.

  8. In the Do you want to train your model? dialog box, choose Train model.

  9. In the Models view, you can see that training has started and you can check the current status by viewing the Status column for the model version. Training a model takes a while to complete.

  10. When training is finished, you can evaluate its performance. For more information, see Improving your Amazon Lookout for Vision model.

Training a model (SDK)

You use the CreateModel operation to start the training, testing and evaluation of a model. Amazon Lookout for Vision trains the model using the training and test dataset associated with the project. For more information, see Creating a project (SDK).

Each time you call CreateModel, a new version of the model is created. The response from CreateModel includes the version of the model.

You are charged for each successful model training. Use the ClientToken input parameter to help prevent charges due to unnecessary or accidental repeats of model training by your users. ClientToken is an idempotent input parameter that ensures CreateModel only completes once for a specific set of parameters — A repeat call to CreateModel with the same ClientToken value ensures that training isn't repeated. If you don't supply a value for ClientToken, the AWS SDK you are using inserts a value for you. This prevents retries after a network error from starting multiple training jobs, but you'll need to provide your own value for your own use cases. For more information, see CreateModel.

Training takes a while to complete. To check the current status, call DescribeModel and pass the project name (specified in the call to CreateProject) and the model version. The status field indicates the current status of the model training. For example code, see Viewing your models (SDK).

If training is successful, you can evaluate model. For more information, see Improving your Amazon Lookout for Vision model.

To view the models that you have created in a project, call ListModels. For example code, see Viewing your models.

To train a model (SDK)
  1. If you haven't already done so, install and configure the AWS CLI and the AWS SDKs. For more information, see Step 4: Set up the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs.

  2. Use the following example code to train a model.


    Change the following values:

    • project-name to the name of the project that contains the model that you want to create.

    • output-config to the location where you want to save training results. Replace the following values:

      • output bucket with the name of the Amazon S3 bucket where Amazon Lookout for Vision saves the training results.

      • output folder with the name of the folder where you want to save the training results.

      • Key with the name of a tag key.

      • Value with a value to associate with tag_key.

    aws lookoutvision create-model --project-name "project name"\ --output-config '{ "S3Location": { "Bucket": "output bucket", "Prefix": "output folder" } }'\ --tags '[{"Key":"Key","Value":"Value"}]' \ --profile lookoutvision-access

    This code is taken from the AWS Documentation SDK examples GitHub repository. See the full example here.

    @staticmethod def create_model( lookoutvision_client, project_name, training_results, tag_key=None, tag_key_value=None, ): """ Creates a version of a Lookout for Vision model. :param lookoutvision_client: A Boto3 Lookout for Vision client. :param project_name: The name of the project in which you want to create a model. :param training_results: The Amazon S3 location where training results are stored. :param tag_key: The key for a tag to add to the model. :param tag_key_value - A value associated with the tag_key. return: The model status and version. """ try:"Training model...") output_bucket, output_folder = training_results.replace("s3://", "").split( "/", 1 ) output_config = { "S3Location": {"Bucket": output_bucket, "Prefix": output_folder} } tags = [] if tag_key is not None: tags = [{"Key": tag_key, "Value": tag_key_value}] response = lookoutvision_client.create_model( ProjectName=project_name, OutputConfig=output_config, Tags=tags )"ARN: %s", response["ModelMetadata"]["ModelArn"])"Version: %s", response["ModelMetadata"]["ModelVersion"])"Started training...") print("Training started. Training might take several hours to complete.") # Wait until training completes. finished = False status = "UNKNOWN" while finished is False: model_description = lookoutvision_client.describe_model( ProjectName=project_name, ModelVersion=response["ModelMetadata"]["ModelVersion"], ) status = model_description["ModelDescription"]["Status"] if status == "TRAINING":"Model training in progress...") time.sleep(600) continue if status == "TRAINED":"Model was successfully trained.") else: "Model training failed: %s ", model_description["ModelDescription"]["StatusMessage"], ) finished = True except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't train model.") raise else: return status, response["ModelMetadata"]["ModelVersion"]
    Java V2

    This code is taken from the AWS Documentation SDK examples GitHub repository. See the full example here.

    /** * Creates an Amazon Lookout for Vision model. The function returns after model * training completes. Model training can take multiple hours to complete. * You are charged for the amount of time it takes to successfully train a model. * Returns after Lookout for Vision creates the dataset. * * @param lfvClient An Amazon Lookout for Vision client. * @param projectName The name of the project in which you want to create a * model. * @param description A description for the model. * @param bucket The S3 bucket in which Lookout for Vision stores the * training results. * @param folder The location of the training results within the S3 * bucket. * @return ModelDescription The description of the created model. */ public static ModelDescription createModel(LookoutVisionClient lfvClient, String projectName, String description, String bucket, String folder) throws LookoutVisionException, InterruptedException { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Creating model for project: {0}.", new Object[] { projectName }); // Setup input parameters. S3Location s3Location = S3Location.builder() .bucket(bucket) .prefix(folder) .build(); OutputConfig config = OutputConfig.builder() .s3Location(s3Location) .build(); CreateModelRequest createModelRequest = CreateModelRequest.builder() .projectName(projectName) .description(description) .outputConfig(config) .build(); // Create and train the model. CreateModelResponse response = lfvClient.createModel(createModelRequest); String modelVersion = response.modelMetadata().modelVersion(); boolean finished = false; DescribeModelResponse descriptionResponse = null; // Wait until training finishes or fails. do { DescribeModelRequest describeModelRequest = DescribeModelRequest.builder() .projectName(projectName) .modelVersion(modelVersion) .build(); descriptionResponse = lfvClient.describeModel(describeModelRequest); switch (descriptionResponse.modelDescription().status()) { case TRAINED: logger.log(Level.INFO, "Model training completed for project {0} version {1}.", new Object[] { projectName, modelVersion }); finished = true; break; case TRAINING: logger.log(Level.INFO, "Model training in progress for project {0} version {1}.", new Object[] { projectName, modelVersion }); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(60); break; case TRAINING_FAILED: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Model training failed for for project {0} version {1}.", new Object[] { projectName, modelVersion }); finished = true; break; default: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected error when training model project {0} version {1}: {2}.", new Object[] { projectName, modelVersion, descriptionResponse.modelDescription() .status() }); finished = true; break; } } while (!finished); return descriptionResponse.modelDescription(); }
  3. When training is finished, you can evaluate its performance. For more information, see Improving your Amazon Lookout for Vision model.