How automated sensitive data discovery works
When you enable Amazon Macie for your AWS account, Macie creates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service-linked role for your account in the current AWS Region. The permissions policy for this role allows Macie to call other AWS services and monitor AWS resources on your behalf. By using this role, Macie generates and maintains an inventory of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) general purpose buckets in the Region. The inventory includes information about each of your S3 buckets and objects in the buckets. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, your inventory includes information about buckets that your member accounts own. For more information, see Managing multiple accounts.
If you enable automated sensitive data discovery, Macie evaluates your inventory data on a daily basis to identify S3 objects that are eligible for automated discovery. As part of the evaluation, Macie also selects a sampling of representative objects to analyze. Macie then retrieves and analyzes the latest version of each selected object, inspecting it for sensitive data.
As the analysis progresses each day, Macie updates statistics, inventory data, and other information that it provides about your Amazon S3 data. Macie also produces records of the sensitive data it finds and the analysis that it performs. The resulting data provides insight into where Macie found sensitive data in your Amazon S3 data estate, which can span all the S3 general purpose buckets for your account. The data can help you assess the security and privacy of your Amazon S3 data, determine where to perform a deeper investigation, and identify cases where remediation is necessary.
For a brief demonstration of how automated sensitive data discovery works, watch the following video:
To configure and manage automated sensitive data discovery, you must be the Macie administrator for an organization or have a standalone Macie account. If your account is part of an organization, only the Macie administrator for your organization can enable or disable automated discovery for accounts in the organization. In addition, only the Macie administrator can configure and manage automated discovery settings for the accounts. This includes settings that define the scope and nature of the analyses that Macie performs. If you have a member account in an organization, contact your Macie administrator to learn about the settings for your account and organization.
Key components
Amazon Macie uses a combination of features and techniques to perform automated sensitive data discovery. These work together with features that Macie provides to help you monitor your Amazon S3 data for security and access control.
- Selecting S3 objects to analyze
On a daily basis, Macie evaluates your Amazon S3 inventory data to identify S3 objects that are eligible for analysis by automated sensitive data discovery. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, by default the evaluation includes data for S3 buckets that your member accounts own.
As part of the evaluation, Macie uses sampling techniques to select representative S3 objects to analyze. The techniques define groups of objects that have similar metadata and are likely to have similar content. The groups are based on dimensions such as bucket name, prefix, storage class, file name extension, and last modified date. Macie then selects a representative set of samples from each group, retrieves the latest version of each selected object from Amazon S3, and analyzes each selected object to determine whether the object contains sensitive data. When the analysis is complete, Macie discards its copy of the object.
The sampling strategy prioritizes distributed analyses. In general, it uses a breadth-first approach to your Amazon S3 data estate. Each day, a representative set of S3 objects are selected from as many of your general purpose buckets as possible based on the total storage size of all the classifiable objects in your Amazon S3 data estate. For example, if Macie has already analyzed and found sensitive data in objects in one bucket and hasn't yet analyzed objects in another bucket, the latter bucket is a higher priority for analysis. With this approach, you gain broad insight into the sensitivity of your Amazon S3 data more quickly. Depending on the size of your data estate, analysis results can begin to appear within 48 hours.
The sampling strategy also prioritizes analysis of different kinds of S3 objects and objects that were recently created or changed. Any single object sample isn’t guaranteed to be conclusive. Therefore, analysis of a diverse set of objects can yield better insight into the types and amount of sensitive data that an S3 bucket might contain. In addition, prioritizing new or recently changed objects helps the analysis adapt to changes to your bucket inventory. For example, if objects are created or changed after a previous analysis, those objects are a higher priority for subsequent analysis. Conversely, if an object was previously analyzed and hasn't changed since that analysis, Macie doesn't analyze the object again. This approach helps you establish sensitivity baselines for individual S3 buckets. Then, as continual, incremental analyses progress for your account, your sensitivity assessments of individual buckets can become increasingly deeper and detailed at a predictable rate.
- Defining the scope of the analyses
By default, Macie includes all the S3 general purpose buckets for your account when it evaluates your inventory data and selects S3 objects to analyze. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, this includes buckets that your member accounts own.
You can adjust the scope of the analyses by excluding specific S3 buckets from automated sensitive data discovery. For example, you might want to exclude buckets that typically store AWS logging data, such as AWS CloudTrail event logs. To exclude a bucket, you can change the automated discovery settings for your account or the bucket. If you do this, Macie starts excluding the bucket when the next daily evaluation and analysis cycle starts. You can exclude as many as 1,000 buckets from analyses. If you exclude an S3 bucket, you can include it again later. To do this, change the settings for your account or the bucket again. Macie then starts including the bucket when the next daily evaluation and analysis cycle starts.
If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, you can also enable or disable automated sensitive data discovery for individual accounts in your organization. If you disable automated discovery for an account, Macie excludes all the S3 buckets that the account owns. If you subsequently re-enable automated discovery for the account, Macie starts including the buckets again.
- Determining which types of sensitive data to detect and report
By default, Macie inspects S3 objects by using the set of managed data identifiers that we recommend for automated sensitive data discovery. For a list of these managed data identifiers, see Default settings for automated sensitive data discovery.
You can tailor the analyses to focus on specific types of sensitive data. To do this, change your automated discovery settings in any of the following ways:
Add or remove managed data identifiers – A managed data identifier is a set of built-in criteria and techniques that are designed to detect a specific type of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, AWS secret access keys, or passport numbers for a particular country or region. For more information, see Using managed data identifiers.
Add or remove custom data identifiers – A custom data identifier is a set of criteria that you define to detect sensitive data. With custom data identifiers, you can detect sensitive data that reflects your organization's particular scenarios, intellectual property, or proprietary data. For example, you can detect employee IDs, customer account numbers, or internal data classifications. For more information, see Building custom data identifiers.
Add or remove allow lists – In Macie, an allow list specifies text or a text pattern that you want Macie to ignore in S3 objects. These are typically sensitive data exceptions for your particular scenarios or environment, such as public names or phone numbers for your organization, or sample data that your organization uses for testing. For more information, see Defining sensitive data exceptions with allow lists.
If you change a setting, Macie applies your change when the next daily analysis cycle starts. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, Macie uses the settings for your account when it analyzes S3 objects for other accounts in your organization.
You can also configure bucket-level settings that determine whether specific types of sensitive data are included in assessments of a bucket's sensitivity. To learn how, see Adjusting sensitivity scores for S3 buckets.
- Calculating sensitivity scores
By default, Macie automatically calculates a sensitivity score for each S3 general purpose bucket for your account. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, this includes buckets that your member accounts own.
In Macie, a sensitivity score is a quantitative measure of the intersection of two primary dimensions: the amount of sensitive data that Macie has found in a bucket, and the amount of data that Macie has analyzed in a bucket. A bucket's sensitivity score determines which sensitivity label Macie assigns to the bucket. A sensitivity label is a qualitative representation of a bucket's sensitivity score—for example, Sensitive, Not sensitive, and Not yet analyzed. For details about the range of sensitivity scores and labels that Macie defines, see Sensitivity scoring for S3 buckets.
An S3 bucket's sensitivity score and label don't imply or otherwise indicate the criticality or importance that the bucket or the bucket's objects might have for you or your organization. Instead, they're intended to provide reference points that can help you identify and monitor potential security risks.
When you enable automated sensitive data discovery for the first time, Macie automatically assigns a sensitivity score of 50 and the Not yet analyzed label to each S3 bucket. The exception is empty buckets. An empty bucket is a bucket that doesn't store any objects or all the bucket's objects contain zero (0) bytes of data. If this is the case for a bucket, Macie assigns a score of 1 to the bucket and it assigns the Not sensitive label to the bucket.
As automated sensitive data discovery progresses, Macie updates sensitivity scores and labels to reflect the results of its analyses. For example:
If Macie doesn't find sensitive data in an object, Macie decreases the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary.
If Macie finds sensitive data in an object, Macie increases the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary.
If Macie finds sensitive data in an object that's subsequently changed, Macie removes sensitive data detections for the object from the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary.
If Macie finds sensitive data in an object that's subsequently deleted, Macie removes sensitive data detections for the object from the bucket's sensitivity score and updates the bucket's sensitivity label as necessary.
You can adjust the sensitivity scoring settings for individual S3 buckets by including or excluding specific types of sensitive data from a bucket's score. You can also override a bucket's calculated score by manually assigning the maximum score (100) to the bucket. If you assign the maximum score, the bucket's label is Sensitive. For more information, see Adjusting sensitivity scores for S3 buckets.
- Generating metadata, statistics, and other types of results
When you enable automated sensitive data discovery, Macie generates and begins maintaining additional inventory data, statistics, and other information about the S3 general purpose buckets for your account. If you're the Macie administrator for an organization, by default this includes buckets that your member accounts own.
The additional information captures the results of the automated sensitive data discovery activities that Macie has performed thus far. It also supplements other information that Macie provides about your Amazon S3 data, such as the public access and shared access settings for individual buckets. The additional information includes:
An interactive, visual representation of data sensitivity across your Amazon S3 data estate.
Aggregated data sensitivity statistics, such as the total number of buckets that Macie has found sensitive data in and how many of those buckets are publicly accessible.
Bucket-level details that indicate the current status of the analyses. For example, a list of objects that Macie has analyzed in a bucket, the types of sensitive data that Macie has found in a bucket, and the number of occurrences of each type of sensitive data that Macie found.
The information also includes statistics and details that can help you assess and monitor coverage of your Amazon S3 data. You can check the status of the analyses for your data estate overall and for individual S3 buckets. You can also identify issues that prevented Macie from analyzing objects in specific buckets. If you remediate the issues, you can increase coverage of your Amazon S3 data during subsequent analysis cycles. For more information, see Assessing automated sensitive data discovery coverage.
Macie automatically recalculates and updates this information while it performs automated sensitive data discovery. For example, if Macie finds sensitive data in an S3 object that's subsequently changed or deleted, Macie updates the applicable bucket's metadata: removes the object from the list of analyzed objects; removes occurrences of sensitive data that Macie found in the object; recalculates the sensitivity score, if the score is calculated automatically; and, updates the sensitivity label as necessary to reflect the new score.
In addition to metadata and statistics, Macie produces records of the sensitive data it finds and the analysis that it performs: sensitive data findings, which report sensitive data that Macie finds in individual S3 objects, and sensitive data discovery results, which log details about the analysis of individual S3 objects.
For more information, see Reviewing automated sensitive data discovery results.
As you configure and use Amazon Macie to perform automated sensitive data discovery for your Amazon S3 data, keep the following in mind:
Your automated discovery settings apply only to the current AWS Region. Consequently, the resulting analyses and data apply only to S3 general purpose buckets and objects in the current Region. To perform automated discovery and access the resulting data in additional Regions, enable and configure automated discovery in each additional Region.
If you're the Macie administrator for an organization:
You can perform automated discovery for a member account only if Macie is enabled for the account in the current Region. In addition, you must enable automated discovery for the account in that Region. Members can't enable or disable automated discovery for their own accounts.
If you enable automated discovery for a member account, Macie uses the automated discovery settings for your administrator account when it analyzes data for the member account. The applicable settings are: the list of S3 buckets to exclude from analyses, and the managed data identifiers, custom data identifiers, and allow lists to use when analyzing S3 objects. Members can't review or change these settings.
Members can't access automated discovery settings for individual S3 buckets that they own. For example, a member can't review or adjust the sensitivity scoring settings for one of their buckets. Only the Macie administrator can access these settings.
Members have read access to sensitive data discovery statistics and other results that Macie directly provides for their S3 buckets. For example, a member can use Macie to review sensitivity scores and coverage data for their S3 buckets. The exception is sensitive data findings. Only the Macie administrator has direct access to findings that automated discovery produces.
If an S3 bucket's permissions settings prevent Macie from accessing or retrieving information about the bucket or the bucket’s objects, Macie can't perform automated discovery for the bucket. Macie can only provide a subset of information about the bucket, such as the account ID for the AWS account that owns the bucket, the bucket's name, and when Macie most recently retrieved bucket and object metadata for the bucket as part of the daily refresh cycle. In your bucket inventory, the sensitivity score for these buckets is 50 and their sensitivity label is Not yet analyzed. To identify S3 buckets where this is the case, you can refer to coverage data. For more information, see Assessing automated sensitive data discovery coverage.
To be eligible for selection and analysis, an S3 object must be stored in a general purpose bucket and it must be classifiable. A classifiable object uses a supported Amazon S3 storage class and it has a file name extension for a supported file or storage format. For more information, see Supported storage classes and formats.
If an S3 object is encrypted, Macie can analyze it only if it's encrypted with a key that Macie can access and is allowed to use. For more information, see Analyzing encrypted S3 objects. To identify cases where encryption settings prevented Macie from analyzing one or more objects in a bucket, you can refer to coverage data. For more information, see Assessing automated sensitive data discovery coverage.