Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query API usage metrics on Amazon CloudWatch - Amazon Managed Blockchain Query

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query API usage metrics on Amazon CloudWatch

API usage metrics on Amazon CloudWatch

The API usage metrics published to CloudWatch correspond to the Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query service quotas. You can configure alarms to alert you when your usage approaches a service quota. For more information about CloudWatch integration with service quotas, see AWS usage metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

AMB Query publishes the following API metrics in the AWS/Usage namespace, with the Amazon Managed Blockchain Query service name.

Metric Description


The total number of calls made to an API in AMB Query. SUM represents the total number of calls to the API during the specified period.

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query publishes usage metrics to the AWS/Usage namespace with the following dimensions.

Dimension Description


The name of the AWS service containing the resource. Amazon Managed Blockchain Query will always be the value for this dimension.


The type of the entity being reported. API will always be the value for this dimension.


The type of resources being reported. The name of the AMB Query API operation used will be the value for this dimension.


The class of the resource being reported. None will always be the value for this dimension.