Understand patch management in AMS Accelerate - AMS Accelerate User Guide

Understand patch management in AMS Accelerate


Accelerate Patch reporting periodically deploys an AWS Glue resource-based policy. Be advised that AMS updates to the patching system overwrite existing AWS Glue resource-based policies.

You can use the AMS Accelerate patching system, Patch Add-On, to patch your instances with security-related and other types of updates. Accelerate Patch Add-On is a feature that provides tag-based patching for AMS instances. It leverages AWS Systems Manager (SSM) functionality so you can tag instances and have those instances patched using a baseline and a window that you configure. The AMS Accelerate Patch Add-On is an onboarding option, if you did not obtain it during onboarding your Accelerate account, contact your cloud service delivery manager (CSDM) to get it.

AMS Accelerate patch management uses the Systems Manager patch baseline functionality to control the definition of the patches that are applied on an instance. The patch baseline contains the list of patches that are pre-approved; for example, all security patches. The compliance of the instance is measured against the patch baseline associated to it. AMS Accelerate, by default, installs all patches available to keep the instance up to date.


AMS Accelerate applies only operating system (OS) patches. For example, for Windows, only Windows updates are applied, not Microsoft updates.

For information on reports, see AMS host management.

AMS Accelerate provides a range of operational services to help you achieve operational excellence on AWS. To gain a quick understanding of how AMS helps your teams achieve overall operational excellence in AWS Cloud with some of our key operational capabilities including 24x7 helpdesk, proactive monitoring, security, patching, logging and backup, see AMS Reference Architecture Diagrams.

Patching recommendations

If you are involved in application or infrastructure operations, you understand the importance of an operating system (OS) patching solution that is flexible and scalable enough to meet the varied requirements from your application teams. In a typical organization, some application teams use an architecture that involves immutable instances whereas others deploy their applications on mutable instances.

For more information on AWS Prescriptive Guidance for patching, see Automated patching for mutable instances in the hybrid cloud using AWS Systems Manager.


Accelerate Patch Add-On is a feature that provides tag-based patching for AMS instances. It leverages AWS Systems Manager (SSM) functionality so you can tag instances and have those instances patched using a baseline and a window that you configure. The AMS Accelerate Patch Add-On is an onboarding option, if you did not obtain it during onboarding your Accelerate account, contact your cloud service delivery manager (CSDM) to get it.

Patch responsibility recommendations

The patching process for persistent instances should involve the following teams and actions:

  • The application (DevOps) teams define the patch groups for their servers based on application environment, OS type, or other criteria. They also define the maintenance windows specific to each patch group. This information should be stored on tags attached to the instances. Recommended tag names are 'Patch Group' and 'Maintenance Window'. During each patch cycle, the application teams prepare for patching, test the application after patching, and troubleshoot any issues with their applications and OS during patching.

  • The security operations team defines the patch baselines for various OS types that are used by the application teams, and make the patches available through Systems Manager Patch Manager.

  • The automated patching solution runs on a regular basis and deploys the patches defined in the patch baselines, based on the user-defined patch groups and maintenance windows.

  • The governance and compliance teams define patching guidelines and exception processes & mechanisms.

For more information, see Patching solution design for mutable EC2 instances.

Guidance for application teams

  • Review and become familiar with creating and managing maintenance windows; see AWS Systems Manager Maintenance Windows and Create an SSM Maintenance window for patching to learn more. Understanding the general structure and use of maintenance windows helps you understand what information to provide if you are not the person creating them.

  • For High Availability (HA) setups, plan to have one maintenance window per availability zone and per environment (Dev/Test/Prod). This will ensure continued availability during patching.

  • Recommended Maintenance Window duration is 4 hours with a 1-hour cutoff, plus 1 additional hour per 50 instances

  • Patch Dev and Test versions with enough time between each to allow you to identify any potential issues prior to Production patching.

  • Automate common pre- and post-patching tasks via SSM automation and run them as maintenance window tasks. Note that for post-patching tasks you must ensure that there is sufficient time allotted, as tasks will not launch once the cutoff is reached.

  • Become familiar with Patch Baselines and their features—particularly around auto-approval delays for patch severity types that can be used to ensure that only the patches that were applied in Dev/Test get applied in Production at a later date. See About patch baselines for details.

Guidance for security operations teams

  • Review and become familiar with patch baselines. Patch approval is handled in an automated fashion and has different rule options. See About patch baselines for more information.

  • Discuss needs around patching Dev/Test/Prod with application teams and develop multiple baselines to accommodate these needs.

Guidance for governance and compliance teams

  • Patching should be an "Opt Out" function. A default maintenance window and automated tagging should exist to ensure nothing goes unpatched. AMS Resource Tagger can help with this; discuss this option with your cloud architect (CA) or cloud service delivery manager (CSDM) for guidance on implementation.

  • Requests for exemption from patching should require documentation justifying the exemption. A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or other approval officer should approve or deny the request.

  • Patching compliance should be reviewed on a regular schedule via the Patch Manager console, Security Hub, or a vulnerability scanner.

Example design for high availability Windows application

Patch Tuesday schedule showing development, test, and production environments with baseline approval timelines.


  • One Maintenance Window per AZ.

  • One Set of Maintenance Windows per Environment.

  • One Patch Baseline per Environment:

    • Dev: Approve all severity and classification after 0 days.

    • Test: Approve critical security update patches after 0 days and all other severity and classifications after 7 days.

    • Prod: Approve critical security update patches after 0 days and all other severity and classifications after 14 days.

CloudFormation Scripts:

These scripts are setup to build out the maintenance windows, baselines, and patching tasks for a two availability zone Windows HA EC2 application using the baseline approval settings described above.

Patch recommendations FAQs

Q: How do I handle unscheduled patching for "0" day exploits?

A: SSM supports a Patch Now feature that uses the current default baseline for the instance's OS. AMS deploys a default set of Patch Baselines that approves all patches after 0 days. However, when using the Patch Now feature, a pre-patch snapshot is not taken, as this command runs the AWS-RunPatchBaseline SSM document. We recommend that you take a manual backup prior to patching.

Q: Does AMS support patching for instances in Auto-Scaling Groups (ASGs)?

A: No. At this time, ASG patching is not supported for Accelerate customers.

Q: Are there any limitations for Maintenance Windows to keep in mind?

A: Yes, there are a few limitations you should be aware of.

  • Maintenance Windows per Account: 50

  • Tasks per Maintenance Window: 20

  • Maximum number of concurrent automations per Maintenance Window: 20

  • Maximum number of concurrent Maintenance Windows: 5

For a full list of default SSM limits, see AWS Systems Manager endpoints and quotas.