AMI product checklist - AWS Marketplace

AMI product checklist

Before submitting your Amazon Machine Image (AMI) product request to AWS Marketplace, review this checklist. Validating this information will help to make sure your submission goes through the publication process smoothly.

Product usage:

  • Your AMI must be production-ready.

  • Your AMI can't restrict product usage by time or any other measurements.

  • Your AMI must be compatible with the 1-Click fulfillment experience.

  • Everything required to use the product is in the software, including client applications. Products that require external dependencies, such as software packages or client applications, must follow the Product usage policies which include proper disclosure.

  • The default user uses a randomized password, or creating the initial user requires verification that the buyer is authorized to use the instance using a value unique to the instance such as instance ID.

For free or paid products:

  • No additional license is required to use the product.

  • The buyer doesn't have to provide personally identifiable information (for example, their email address) to use the product.

AMI preparation:

  • Your product name and description must match the Description field of the AMI product that you're providing.

  • Uses Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM) virtualization and 64-bit architecture.

  • Doesn't contain any known vulnerabilities, malware, or viruses.

  • Buyers have operating system-level administration access to the AMI.

  • Run your AMI through AMI Self-Service Scanning.

For Windows AMIs:

  • When using Windows Server 2012 and later operating systems, use the latest version of EC2Launch v2.

  • If your AMI is built with EC2Config on top of Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2, use the lastest version of EC2Config.

  • If you're using EC2Launch v2, ensure you complete the following:

  • If you're using EC2Config, enable the following settings files within your AMI: Ec2SetPassword, Ec2WindowsActivate, and Ec2HandleUserData.

  • Ensure that there are no guest accounts or remote desktop users present.

For Linux AMIs:

  • Root login is locked or disabled.

  • No authorized keys, default passwords, or other credentials are included.

Product Load Form or Product tab:

  • All required fields are completed.

  • All values are within specified character limits.

  • All URLs load without error.

  • The product image is at least 110 pixels wide and between a 1:1 and 2:1 ratio.

  • Pricing is specified for all enabled instance types (for hourly, hourly-based monthly pricing, and hourly-based annual pricing models).

  • Monthly pricing is specified (for hourly-based monthly and monthly pricing models).