Working with reserved queues in AWS Elemental MediaConvert - MediaConvert

Working with reserved queues in AWS Elemental MediaConvert

With reserved queues, you can purchase transcoding capacity for a 12-month period. The following topics provide information about working with reserved queues, such as creating and deleting queues, and allocating resources.

Reserved queues differ from on-demand queues in how AWS Elemental MediaConvert allocates transcoding resources for jobs and in how you pay for your transcoding.


There are a few features that you can't use with jobs that you send to a reserved queue. For more information, see Limitations.

When you set up your reserved queue, you choose how many jobs it can run at once by specifying the number of reserved transcode slots (RTS) in the queue. For example, if you send five jobs to a reserved queue with two RTS, MediaConvert immediately begins processing the first two jobs that you submit, and it holds the other three in the queue. When one of the jobs that MediaConvert is processing finishes, the service begins processing the next job.

Each RTS has its own dedicated computing resources. Therefore, when MediaConvert processes a job that you send to a reserved queue, it takes the same amount of time to process whether the queue has one RTS or multiple RTS.

When a job in a reserved queue finishes, MediaConvert selects the next job to process based on the job's priority. You set the priority of a job when you create it. If more than one job has the highest priority, MediaConvert begins the one that you submitted first. For more information, see Setting job priority.