Fields for other HLS features - MediaLive

Fields for other HLS features

Fields for connection retries

The following fields in the Output group – HLS settings – CDN settings section configure the behavior for reconnecting to the downstream system:

  • Connection retry interval

  • Num retries

  • Filecache duration

  • Restart delay

For details about a field, choose the Info link next to the field in the MediaLive console.

Fields for contents of manifests

The following fields in the HLS output group – Manifests and Segments section configure the information to include in the HLS child manifests:

  • Output selection

  • Mode

  • Stream inf resolution

  • Manifest duration format

  • Num segments

  • I-frame only playlists – This field is used to implement trick-play via I-frames. For more information, see Trick-play track via I-frames.

  • Program date time (PDT) – This field is used to include or exclude the EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag in manifest files. The tag information helps downstream players to synchronize the stream to the source that's selected in the PDT clock field.

  • Program date time (PDT) period – This field is used to set the time interval for insertion of EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags, in seconds.

  • Program date time (PDT) clock – This field is used to select the time source of the PDT. Output timecode or UTC time can be selected.

  • Client cache

  • Timestamp delta microseconds

  • Codec specification

  • Manifest compression

For details about a field, choose the Info link next to the field in the MediaLive console.

Fields for segments

The following fields configure media segments in the output.

  • The following fields in the HLS output group – Manifests and Segments section:

    • TS file mode

    • Segment length

    • Keep segments

    • Min segment length

  • HLS outputsOutput settingsH.265 Packaging type. This field applies only to fMP4 outputs. MediaLive ignores the value in this field for other types.

For details about a field, choose the Info link next to the field.

Fields for resiliency

The following field relates to implementing resiliency in an HLS output.

  • HLS output groupHLS Settings section – Input loss action

Optionally change the value of Input loss action.

Setting up for most downstream systems

If you're sending this HLS output to a downstream system other than AWS Elemental MediaPackage, choose the Info link to decide which option to choose. For more information, see Handling loss of video input.

Setting up for MediaPackage

If you're sending this HLS output to AWS Elemental MediaPackage, set this field to match how you set the channel class:

  • If the channel is a standard channel (to support input redundancy on MediaPackage), set this field to PAUSE_OUTPUT.

    With this setup, if MediaLive stops producing output on one pipeline, MediaPackage detects the lack of content on its current input and switches to the other input. Content loss is minimized.

    (If you set this field to EMIT_OUTPUT, MediaLive sends filler frames to MediaPackage. MediaPackage doesn't consider filler frames to be lost content, and therefore doesn't switch to its other input.)

  • If the channel is a single-pipeline channel, set this field to EMIT_OUTPUT.

    With this setup, if the pipeline fails in MediaLive then MediaPackage continues delivering to its own downstream system (although the content will be filler frames).

    (If you set this field to PAUSE_OUTPUT, MediaPackage stops updating its endpoint, which might cause problems at the downstream system.)

Fields for DRM

Complete the DRM section only if you are setting up for DRM using a static key to encrypt the output.

  • In Key provider settings, choose Static key.

  • Complete the other fields as appropriate. For details about a field, choose the Info link next to the field.

In a static key setup, you enter an encryption key in this section (along with other configuration data) and then give that key to the other party (for example, by sending it in an email). A static key is not really a DRM solution and is not highly secure.

MediaLive supports only a static key as an encryption option. To use a DRM solution with a key provider, you must deliver the output to AWS Elemental MediaPackage, by creating a MediaPackage output group instead of an HLS output group. You then encrypt the video using MediaPackage. For more information, see the AWS Elemental MediaPackage User Guide.

Fields for SCTE-35 ad avails

Complete the Ad markers section if you plan to include SCTE-35 messages in the output and to decorate the HLS manifest. See Processing SCTE 35 messages and specifically Enabling passthrough for HLS outputs.

Fields for captions

The following fields relate to embedded captions in an HLS output. If your plan includes creating at least one embedded captions encode in this HLS output, then the following fields apply:

  • In the Captions section, the Caption language setting.

    You can optionally set up the HLS manifest to include information about the languages of the embedded captions.

  • HLS settings section – Caption language mappings

    You can optionally set up the HLS manifest to include information about each CC (caption channel) number and language.

For detailed instructions about both these fields, see Language information in HLS manifests.

Fields for ID3 metadata

Complete the ID3 section if you want to insert timed ID3 metadata or ID3 segment tags into all the outputs in this output group. For detailed instructions, see Inserting ID3 metadata when creating the MediaLive channel.