Enabling SCTE-35 passthrough or removal - MediaLive

Enabling SCTE-35 passthrough or removal

You can set up the MediaLive channel so that SCTE-35 messages from the input are passed through (included) in the data stream for the following outputs:

  • Outputs in an Archive output group.

  • Outputs in an HLS output group.

  • Outputs in a MediaPackage output group. For these types of output groups, passthrough is always enabled. You can't disable it.

  • Outputs in a UDP output group.

  • Outputs in a Multiplex output group. For Multiplex output groups, SCTE-35 passthrough is enabled by default.

Alignment with video

The PTS of the SCTE-35 message is adjusted to match the PTS of the corresponding video frame.

Passthrough is at the output level

SCTE-35 passthrough or removal applies at the output level. The messages are passed through or removed only in a specific output. For most outputs, the default behavior (if you do not change the configuration fields) is to remove the messages. For MediaPackage outputs, the default behavior is to pass through the messages; you can't change this behavior.

Packet identifier (PID) selection from the input

If your source contains multiple SCTE-35 PIDs, you might want to select a specific PID to pass through to the output. By default, MediaLive will select the first SCTE-35 PID that is present on the input. This can be changed by selecting a specific PID value from the General input settings section of the Input attachment. If the PID value selected is not present in the input, no SCTE-35 PID will be passed from input and an alert will be triggered.

Enabling passthrough for Archive outputs

Follow this procedure if you want to enable or disable passthrough for Archive outputs.

To enable passthrough
  1. In the channel that you are creating, find the Archive output group that contains the output that you want to set up.

  2. Choose that output.

  3. In PID settings, complete the following fields:

    • SCTE-35 control: Set to Passthrough.

    • SCTE-35 PID: Leave the default PID or enter the PID where you want the SCTE-35 messages to go.

  4. If appropriate, repeat for other outputs in this or other Archive output groups.

All SCTE-35 messages from the input are included in the data stream of the outputs that you have set up.

Enabling passthrough for HLS outputs

Follow this procedure if you want to enable or disable passthrough for HLS outputs.

To enable passthrough
  1. In the channel that you are creating, find the HLS output group that contains the output that you want to set up.

  2. Choose that output.

  3. In PID settings, complete the following fields:

    • SCTE-35 behavior: Set to Passthrough.

    • SCTE-35 PID: Leave the default PID or enter the PID where you want the SCTE-35 messages to go.

  4. If appropriate, repeat for other outputs in this or other HLS output groups.

All SCTE-35 messages from the input will be included in the data stream of the outputs that you have set up.

Enabling passthrough for UDP outputs

Follow this procedure if you want to enable or disable passthrough for UDP outputs.

To enable passthrough
  1. In the channel that you are creating, find the UDP output group that contains the output that you want to set up.

  2. Choose that output.

  3. In PID settings, complete the following fields:

    • SCTE-35 control: Set to Passthrough.

    • SCTE-35 PID: Leave the default PID or enter the PID where you want the SCTE-35 messages to go.

  4. If appropriate, repeat for other outputs in this or other UDP output groups.

All SCTE-35 messages from the input will be included in the data stream of the outputs that you have set up.

Selecting SCTE-35 packet identifier (PID) from input

Follow this procedure if you want to select a specific SCTE-35 from the input.

To select the PID
  1. In the channel that you are creating or editing, navigate to the Input attachment you would like to select a PID from.

  2. Choose that Input attachment.

  3. In General input settings, complete the following field:

    • SCTE-35 PID: Enter the PID value. If the value is left blank, the first SCTE-35 PID present in the input will be selected.

  4. If appropriate, repeat for other Input attachments.