Managing Python dependencies in requirements.txt - Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow

Managing Python dependencies in requirements.txt

This topic describes how to install and manage Python dependencies in a requirements.txt file for an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow environment.

Testing DAGs using the Amazon MWAA CLI utility

  • The command line interface (CLI) utility replicates an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow environment locally.

  • The CLI builds a Docker container image locally that’s similar to an Amazon MWAA production image. This allows you to run a local Apache Airflow environment to develop and test DAGs, custom plugins, and dependencies before deploying to Amazon MWAA.

  • To run the CLI, see the aws-mwaa-local-runner on GitHub.

Installing Python dependencies using Requirements File Format

The following section describes the different ways to install Python dependencies according to the Requirements File Format.

Option one: Python dependencies from the Python Package Index

The following section describes how to specify Python dependencies from the Python Package Index in a requirements.txt file.

Apache Airflow v2
  1. Test locally. Add additional libraries iteratively to find the right combination of packages and their versions, before creating a requirements.txt file. To run the Amazon MWAA CLI utility, see the aws-mwaa-local-runner on GitHub.

  2. Review the Apache Airflow package extras. To view a list of the packages installed for Apache Airflow v2 on Amazon MWAA, see Amazon MWAA local runner requirements.txt on the GitHub website.

  3. Add a constraints statement. Add the constraints file for your Apache Airflow v2 environment at the top of your requirements.txt file. Apache Airflow constraints files specify the provider versions available at the time of a Apache Airflow release.

    Beginning with Apache Airflow v2.7.2, your requirements file must include a --constraint statement. If you do not provide a constraint, Amazon MWAA will specify one for you to ensure the packages listed in your requirements are compatible with the version of Apache Airflow you are using.

    In the following example, replace {environment-version} with your environment's version number, and {Python-version} with the version of Python that's compatible with your environment.

    For information on the version of Python compatible with your Apache Airflow environment, see Apache Airflow Versions.

    --constraint "{Airflow-version}/constraints-{Python-version}.txt"

    If the constraints file determines that xyz==1.0 package is not compatible with other packages in your environment, pip3 install will fail in order to prevent incompatible libraries from being installed to your environment. If installation fails for any packages, you can view error logs for each Apache Airflow component (the scheduler, worker, and web server) in the corresponding log stream on CloudWatch Logs. For more information on log types, see Viewing Airflow logs in Amazon CloudWatch.

  4. Apache Airflow packages. Add the package extras and the version (==). This helps to prevent packages of the same name, but different version, from being installed on your environment.

  5. Python libraries. Add the package name and the version (==) in your requirements.txt file. This helps to prevent a future breaking update from from being automatically applied.

    library == version
    Example Boto3 and psycopg2-binary

    This example is provided for demonstration purposes. The boto and psycopg2-binary libraries are included with the Apache Airflow v2 base install and don't need to be specified in a requirements.txt file.

    boto3==1.17.54 boto==2.49.0 botocore==1.20.54 psycopg2-binary==2.8.6

    If a package is specified without a version, Amazon MWAA installs the latest version of the package from This version may conflict with other packages in your requirements.txt.

Apache Airflow v1
  1. Test locally. Add additional libraries iteratively to find the right combination of packages and their versions, before creating a requirements.txt file. To run the Amazon MWAA CLI utility, see the aws-mwaa-local-runner on GitHub.

  2. Review the Airflow package extras. Review the list of packages available for Apache Airflow v1.10.12 at

  3. Add the constraints file. Add the constraints file for Apache Airflow v1.10.12 to the top of your requirements.txt file. If the constraints file determines that xyz==1.0 package is not compatible with other packages on your environment, the pip3 install will fail to prevent incompatible libraries from being installed to your environment.

    --constraint ""
  4. Apache Airflow v1.10.12 packages. Add the Airflow package extras and the Apache Airflow v1.10.12 version (==). This helps to prevent packages of the same name, but different version, from being installed on your environment.

    Example Secure Shell (SSH)

    The following example requirements.txt file installs SSH for Apache Airflow v1.10.12.

  5. Python libraries. Add the package name and the version (==) in your requirements.txt file. This helps to prevent a future breaking update from from being automatically applied.

    library == version
    Example Boto3

    The following example requirements.txt file installs the Boto3 library for Apache Airflow v1.10.12.

    boto3 == 1.17.4

    If a package is specified without a version, Amazon MWAA installs the latest version of the package from This version may conflict with other packages in your requirements.txt.

Option two: Python wheels (.whl)

A Python wheel is a package format designed to ship libraries with compiled artifacts. There are several benefits to wheel packages as a method to install dependencies in Amazon MWAA:

  • Faster installation – the WHL files are copied to the container as a single ZIP, and then installed locally, without having to download each one.

  • Fewer conflicts – You can determine version compatibility for your packages in advance. As a result, there is no need for pip to recursively work out compatible versions.

  • More resilience – With externally hosted libraries, downstream requirements can change, resulting in version incompatibility between containers on a Amazon MWAA environment. By not depending on an external source for dependencies, every container on has have the same libraries regardless of when the each container is instantiated.

We recommend the following methods to install Python dependencies from a Python wheel archive (.whl) in your requirements.txt.

Using the file on an Amazon S3 bucket

The Apache Airflow scheduler, workers, and web server (for Apache Airflow v2.2.2 and later) look for custom plugins during startup on the AWS-managed Fargate container for your environment at /usr/local/airflow/plugins/*. This process begins prior to Amazon MWAA's pip3 install -r requirements.txt for Python dependencies and Apache Airflow service startup. A file be used for any files that you don't want continuously changed during environment execution, or that you may not want to grant access to users that write DAGs. For example, Python library wheel files, certificate PEM files, and configuration YAML files.

The following section describes how to install a wheel that's in the file on your Amazon S3 bucket.

  1. Download the necessary WHL files You can use pip download with your existing requirements.txt on the Amazon MWAA local-runner or another Amazon Linux 2 container to resolve and download the necessary Python wheel files.

    $ pip3 download -r "$AIRFLOW_HOME/dags/requirements.txt" -d "$AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins" $ cd "$AIRFLOW_HOME/plugins" $ zip "$AIRFLOW_HOME/" *
  2. Specify the path in your requirements.txt. Specify the plugins directory at the top of your requirements.txt using --find-links and instruct pip not to install from other sources using --no-index, as shown in the following

    --find-links /usr/local/airflow/plugins --no-index
    Example wheel in requirements.txt

    The following example assumes you've uploaded the wheel in a file at the root of your Amazon S3 bucket. For example:

    --find-links /usr/local/airflow/plugins --no-index numpy

    Amazon MWAA fetches the numpy-1.20.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl wheel from the plugins folder and installs it on your environment.

Using a WHL file hosted on a URL

The following section describes how to install a wheel that's hosted on a URL. The URL must either be publicly accessible, or accessible from within the custom Amazon VPC you specified for your Amazon MWAA environment.

  • Provide a URL. Provide the URL to a wheel in your requirements.txt.

    Example wheel archive on a public URL

    The following example downloads a wheel from a public site.

    --find-links --no-index

    Amazon MWAA fetches the wheel from the URL you specified and installs them on your environment.


    URLs are not accessible from private web servers installing requirements in Amazon MWAA v2.2.2 and later.

Creating a WHL files from a DAG

If you have a private web server using Apache Airflow v2.2.2 or later and you're unable to install requirements because your environment does not have access to external repositories, you can use the following DAG to take your existing Amazon MWAA requirements and package them on Amazon S3:

from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago S3_BUCKET = 'my-s3-bucket' S3_KEY = 'backup/' with DAG(dag_id="create_whl_file", schedule_interval=None, catchup=False, start_date=days_ago(1)) as dag: cli_command = BashOperator( task_id="bash_command", bash_command=f"mkdir /tmp/whls;pip3 download -r /usr/local/airflow/requirements/requirements.txt -d /tmp/whls;zip -j /tmp/ /tmp/whls/*;aws s3 cp /tmp/ s3://{S3_BUCKET}/{S3_KEY}" )

After running the DAG, use this new file as your Amazon MWAA, optionally, packaged with other plugins. Then, update your requirements.txt preceded by --find-links /usr/local/airflow/plugins and --no-index without adding --constraint.

This method allows you to use the same libraries offline.

Option three: Python dependencies hosted on a private PyPi/PEP-503 Compliant Repo

The following section describes how to install an Apache Airflow extra that's hosted on a private URL with authentication.

  1. Add your user name and password as Apache Airflow configuration options. For example:

    • foo.user : YOUR_USER_NAME

    • foo.pass : YOUR_PASSWORD

  2. Create your requirements.txt file. Substitute the placeholders in the following example with your private URL, and the username and password you've added as Apache Airflow configuration options. For example:

    --index-url https://${AIRFLOW__FOO__USER}:${AIRFLOW__FOO__PASS}
  3. Add any additional libraries to your requirements.txt file. For example:

    --index-url https://${AIRFLOW__FOO__USER}:${AIRFLOW__FOO__PASS} my-private-package==1.2.3

Enabling logs on the Amazon MWAA console

The execution role for your Amazon MWAA environment needs permission to send logs to CloudWatch Logs. To update the permissions of an execution role, see Amazon MWAA execution role.

You can enable Apache Airflow logs at the INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL level. When you choose a log level, Amazon MWAA sends logs for that level and all higher levels of severity. For example, if you enable logs at the INFO level, Amazon MWAA sends INFO logs and WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL log levels to CloudWatch Logs. We recommend enabling Apache Airflow logs at the INFO level for the Scheduler to view logs received for the requirements.txt.

This image shows how to enable logs at the INFO level.

Viewing logs on the CloudWatch Logs console

You can view Apache Airflow logs for the Scheduler scheduling your workflows and parsing your dags folder. The following steps describe how to open the log group for the Scheduler on the Amazon MWAA console, and view Apache Airflow logs on the CloudWatch Logs console.

To view logs for a requirements.txt
  1. Open the Environments page on the Amazon MWAA console.

  2. Choose an environment.

  3. Choose the Airflow scheduler log group on the Monitoring pane.

  4. Choose the requirements_install_ip log in Log streams.

  5. You should see the list of packages that were installed on the environment at /usr/local/airflow/.local/bin. For example:

    Collecting appdirs==1.4.4 (from -r /usr/local/airflow/.local/bin (line 1)) Downloading Collecting astroid==2.4.2 (from -r /usr/local/airflow/.local/bin (line 2))
  6. Review the list of packages and whether any of these encountered an error during installation. If something went wrong, you may see an error similar to the following:

    2021-03-05T14:34:42.731-07:00 No matching distribution found for LibraryName==1.0.0 (from -r /usr/local/airflow/.local/bin (line 4)) No matching distribution found for LibraryName==1.0.0 (from -r /usr/local/airflow/.local/bin (line 4))

Viewing errors in the Apache Airflow UI

You may also want to check your Apache Airflow UI to identify whether an error may be related to another issue. The most common error you may encounter with Apache Airflow on Amazon MWAA is:

Broken DAG: No module named x

If you see this error in your Apache Airflow UI, you're likely missing a required dependency in your requirements.txt file.

Logging into Apache Airflow

You need Apache Airflow UI access policy: AmazonMWAAWebServerAccess permissions for your AWS account in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to view your Apache Airflow UI.

To access your Apache Airflow UI
  1. Open the Environments page on the Amazon MWAA console.

  2. Choose an environment.

  3. Choose Open Airflow UI.

Example requirements.txt scenarios

You can mix and match different formats in your requirements.txt. The following example uses a combination of the different ways to install extras.

Example Extras on and a public URL

You need to use the --index-url option when specifying packages from, in addition to packages on a public URL, such as custom PEP 503 compliant repo URLs.

aws-batch == 0.6 phoenix-letter >= 0.3 --index-url zopelib