Amazon Neptune supports the openCypher specification reference version 9. Please refer to openCypher specification compliance in Amazon Neptune in Amazon Neptune for details. Additionally, Amazon Neptune supports the features listed here. Unless specific versions are mentioned, the features are available in Neptune Database and Neptune Analytics.
The Neptune-specific join()
Available in Neptune Database and Neptune Analytics.
Neptune implements a join()
function that is not present in the
openCypher specification. It creates a string literal from a list of string literals
and a string delimiter. It takes two arguments:
The first argument is a list of string literals.
The second argument is the delimiter string, which can consist of zero, one, or more than one characters.
join(["abc", "def", "ghi"], ", ") // Returns "abc, def, ghi"
The Neptune-specific removeKeyFromMap()
Available in Neptune Database and Neptune Analytics.
Neptune implements a removeKeyFromMap()
function that is not present
in the openCypher specification. It removes a specified key from a map and returns
the resulting new map.
The function takes two arguments:
The first argument is the map from which to remove the key.
The second argument is the key to remove from the map.
The removeKeyFromMap()
function is particularly useful in situations
where you want to set values for a node or relationship by unwinding a list of maps.
For example:
UNWIND [{`~id`: 'id1', name: 'john'}, {`~id`: 'id2', name: 'jim'}] as val CREATE (n {`~id`: val.`~id`}) SET n = removeKeyFromMap(val, '~id')
Custom ID values for node and
relationship properties
Available in Neptune Database and up, and Neptune Analytics.
Starting in engine release,
Neptune has extended the openCypher specification so that you can now specify the
values for nodes and relationships in
, and MATCH
clauses. This lets
you assign user-friendly strings instead of system-generated UUIDs to identify nodes
and relationships.
In Neptune Analytics, custom id values are not available for edges.
This extension to the openCypher specification is backward incompatible,
because ~id
is now considered a reserved property name. If you are
already using ~id
as a property in your data and queries, you will
need to migrate the existing property to a new property key and remove the old
one. See What to do if you're currently using ~id as a property.
Here is an example showing how to create nodes and relationships that have custom IDS:
CREATE (n {`~id`: 'fromNode', name: 'john'}) -[:knows {`~id`: 'john-knows->jim', since: 2020}] ->(m {`~id`: 'toNode', name: 'jim'})
If you try to create a custom ID that is already in use, Neptune throws a
Here is an example of using a custom ID in a MATCH
MATCH (n {`~id`: 'id1'}) RETURN n
Here is an example of using custom IDs in a MERGE
MATCH (n {name: 'john'}), (m {name: 'jim'}) MERGE (n)-[r {`~id`: 'john->jim'}]->(m) RETURN r
What to do if you're currently using ~id
as a property
With engine release, the
key in openCypher clauses is now treated as id
instead of
as a property. This means that if you have a property named ~id
, accessing
it becomes impossible.
If you're using an ~id
property, what you have to do before upgrading
to engine release
or above is first to migrate the existing
property to a new property key, and then remove the ~id
property. For example, the query below:
Creates a new property named 'newId' for all nodes,
copies over the value of the '~id' property into the 'newId' property,
and removes the '~id' property from the data
MATCH (n) WHERE exists(n.`~id`) SET n.newId = n.`~id` REMOVE n.`~id`
The same thing needs to be done for any relationships in the data that have
an ~id
You will also have to change any queries you're using that reference an
property. For example, this query:
MATCH (n) WHERE n.`~id` = 'some-value' RETURN n
...would change to this:
MATCH (n) WHERE n.newId = 'some-value' RETURN n
CALL subquery support in Neptune
Available in Neptune Database and up, and Neptune Analytics.
Amazon Neptune supports CALL
subqueries. A CALL
subquery is a part of the main query that runs in an
isolated scope for each input to the CALL
For example, suppose a graph contains data about persons, their friends, and cities they lived in. We can retrieve the
two largest cities where each friend of someone lived in by using a CALL
MATCH (person:Person)-[:knows]->(friend)
WITH friend
MATCH (friend)-[:lived_in]->(city)
ORDER BY city.population DESC
RETURN person, friend, city
In this example, the query part inside CALL { ... }
is executed for each friend
that is matched
by the preceding MATCH clause. When the inner query is executed the ORDER
are local to the cities where a specific friend lived in, so we obtain (at most) two cities per friend.
All query clauses are available inside CALL
subqueries. This includes nested CALL
subqueries as
well. Some restrictions for the first WITH
clause and the emitted variables exist and are explained below.
Scope of variables inside CALL subquery
The variables from the clauses before the CALL
subquery that are used inside it must be imported by the
initial WITH
clause. Unlike regular WITH
clauses it can only contain a list of variables
but doesn't allow aliasing and can't be used together with DISTINCT
, or LIMIT
Variables returned from CALL subquery
The variables that are emitted from the CALL
subquery are specified with the final RETURN
clause. Note that the emitted variables cannot overlap with variables before the CALL
As of now, updates inside of a CALL
subquery are not supported.
Neptune openCypher functions
Available in Neptune Database and up, and Neptune Analytics.
textIndexOf(text :: STRING, lookup :: STRING, from = 0 :: INTEGER?, to = -1 :: INTEGER?) :: (INTEGER?)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of lookup
in the range of text
starting at offset
(inclusive), through offset to
(exclusive). If to
is -1, the range continues
to the end of text
. Indexing is zero-based, and is expressed in Unicode scalar values (non-surrogate code
RETURN textIndexOf('Amazon Neptune', 'e')
"results": [{
"textIndexOf('Amazon Neptune', 'e')": 8
collToSet(values :: LIST OF ANY?) :: (LIST? OF ANY?)
Returns a new list containing only the unique elements from the original list. The order of the original list is
maintained (e.g [1, 6, 5, 1, 5]
returns [1, 6, 5]
RETURN collToSet([1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 5])
"results": [{
"collToSet([1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 5])": [1, 6, 5]
collSubtract(first :: LIST OF ANY?, second :: LIST OF ANY?) :: (LIST? OF ANY?)
Returns a new list containing all the unique elements of first
excluding elements from second
RETURN collSubtract([2, 5, 1, 0], [1, 5])
"results": [{
"collSubtract([2, 5, 1, 0], [1, 5])": [0, 2]
collIntersection(first :: LIST? OF ANY?, second :: LIST? OF ANY?) :: (LIST? OF ANY?)
Returns a new list containing all the unique elements of the intersection of first
and second
RETURN collIntersection([2, 5, 1, 0], [1, 5])
"results": [{
"collIntersection([2, 5, 1, 0], [1, 5])": [1, 5]
Sorting functions
The following sections define functions to sort collections. These functions take (in some cases optional) config
map arguments, or a list of multiple such maps, that define the sort key and/or the sort direction:
{ key: STRING, order: STRING }
Here key
is either a map or node property whose value is to be used for sorting. order
either "asc
" or "desc
" (case insensitive) to specify an ascending or descending sort,
respectively. By default, sorting will be performed in ascending order.
collSort(coll :: LIST OF ANY, config :: MAP?) :: (LIST? OF ANY?)
Returns a new sorted list containing the elements from the coll
input list.
RETURN collSort([5, 3, 1], {order: 'asc'})
"results": [{
"collSort([5, 3, 1])": [1, 3, 5]
collSortMaps(coll :: LIST OF MAP, config :: MAP) :: (LIST? OF ANY?)
Returns a list of maps sorted by the value of the specified key
RETURN collSortMaps([{name: 'Alice', age: 25}, {name: 'Bob', age: 35}, {name: 'Charlie', age: 18}], {key: 'age', order: 'desc'})
"results": [{
"x": [{
"age": 35,
"name": "Bob"
}, {
"age": 25,
"name": "Alice"
}, {
"age": 18,
"name": "Charlie"
collSortMulti(coll :: LIST OF MAP?,
configs = [] :: LIST OF MAP,
limit = -1 :: INTEGER?,
skip = 0 :: INTEGER?) :: (LIST? OF ANY?)
Returns a list of maps sorted by the value of the specified key
properties, optionally applying limit and skip.
RETURN collSortMulti([{name: 'Alice', age: 25}, {name: 'Bob', age: 35}, {name: 'Charlie', age: 18}], [{key: 'age', order: 'desc'}, {key:'name'}]) as x
"results": [{
"x": [{
"age": 35,
"name": "Bob"
}, {
"age": 25,
"name": "Alice"
}, {
"age": 18,
"name": "Charlie"
collSortNodes(coll :: LIST OF NODE, config :: MAP) :: (LIST? OF NODE?)
Returns a sorted version of the coll
input list, sorting the node elements by the values of
their respective key
create (n:person {name: 'Alice', age: 23}), (m:person {name: 'Eve', age: 21}), (o:person {name:'Bob', age:25})
match (n:person) with collect(n) as people return collSortNodes(people, {key: 'name', order: 'desc'})
"results": [{
"collSortNodes(people, 'name')": [{
"~id": "e599240a-8c23-4337-8aa8-f603c8fb5488",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["person"],
"~properties": {
"age": 21,
"name": "Eve"
}, {
"~id": "8a6ef785-59e3-4a0b-a0ff-389655a9c4e6",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["person"],
"~properties": {
"age": 25,
"name": "Bob"
}, {
"~id": "466bc826-f47f-452c-8a27-6b7bdf7ae9b4",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["person"],
"~properties": {
"age": 23,
"name": "Alice"
match (n:person) with collect(n) as people return collSortNodes(people, {key: 'age'})
"results": [{
"collSortNodes(people, '^age')": [{
"~id": "e599240a-8c23-4337-8aa8-f603c8fb5488",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["person"],
"~properties": {
"age": 21,
"name": "Eve"
}, {
"~id": "466bc826-f47f-452c-8a27-6b7bdf7ae9b4",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["person"],
"~properties": {
"age": 23,
"name": "Alice"
}, {
"~id": "8a6ef785-59e3-4a0b-a0ff-389655a9c4e6",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": ["person"],
"~properties": {
"age": 25,
"name": "Bob"