Set maxInProcessPerConnection and maxSimultaneousUsagePerConnection to the same value - Amazon Neptune

Set maxInProcessPerConnection and maxSimultaneousUsagePerConnection to the same value

Both the maxInProcessPerConnection and the maxSimultaneousUsagePerConnection parameters are related to the maximum number of simultaneous queries you can submit on a single WebSocket connection. Internally, these parameters are co-related and modification of one without the other could lead to a client receiving a timeout while trying to fetch a connection from the client connection pool.

We recommend keeping the default minimum in-process and simultaneous usage values, and setting maxInProcessPerConnection and maxSimultaneousUsagePerConnection to the same value.

The value to set these parameters at is a function of query complexity and the data model. A use case where the query returns a lot of data would require more connection bandwidth per query and hence, should have lower values for the parameters, and a higher value for maxConnectionPoolSize.

By contrast, in a case where the query returns a smaller amount of data, maxInProcessPerConnection and maxSimultaneousUsagePerConnection should be set to a higher value than maxConnectionPoolSize.