Example: Major version upgrade from to with default parameter groups - Amazon Neptune

Example: Major version upgrade from to with default parameter groups

Find the DBCluster that you want to upgrade, and the template you used to create it. For example:

Description: Base Template to create Neptune Stack with Engine Version using default Parameter Groups Parameters: DbInstanceType: Description: Neptune DB instance type Type: String Default: db.r5.large Resources: NeptuneDBCluster: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBCluster' Properties: EngineVersion: NeptuneDBInstance: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBInstance' Properties: DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster DBInstanceClass: Ref: DbInstanceType DependsOn: - NeptuneDBCluster Outputs: DBClusterId: Description: Neptune Cluster Identifier Value: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster
  • Update the default DBClusterParameterGroup to the one in the parameter group family used by the new engine version (here default.neptune1.2).

  • For each DBInstance attached to the DBCluster, update the default DBParameterGroup to the one in the family used by new engine version (here default.neptune1.2).

  • Set the DBInstanceParameterGroupName property to the default parameter group in that family (here default.neptune1.2).

  • Update the EngineVersion property from to

The template should look like this:

Description: Template to upgrade major engine version to by using upgraded default parameter groups Parameters: DbInstanceType: Description: Neptune DB instance type Type: String Default: db.r5.large Resources: NeptuneDBCluster: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBCluster' Properties: EngineVersion: DBClusterParameterGroupName: default.neptune1.2 DBInstanceParameterGroupName: default.neptune1.2 NeptuneDBInstance: Type: 'AWS::Neptune::DBInstance' Properties: DBClusterIdentifier: Ref: NeptuneDBCluster DBInstanceClass: Ref: DbInstanceType DBParameterGroupName: default.neptune1.2 DependsOn: - NeptuneDBCluster Outputs: DBClusterId: Description: Neptune Cluster Identifier Value:

Now use AWS CloudFormation to run the revised template.