Neptune CloudWatch Dimensions - Amazon Neptune

Neptune CloudWatch Dimensions

The metrics for Amazon Neptune are qualified by the values for the account, graph name, or operation. You can use the Amazon CloudWatch console to retrieve Neptune data along with any of the dimensions in the following table.

DBInstanceIdentifier Filters the data you request for a specific database instance within a cluster.
DBClusterIdentifier Filters the data you request for a specific Neptune DB cluster.
DBClusterIdentifier, EngineName Filters the data by the cluster. The engine name for all Neptune instances is neptune.
DBClusterIdentifier, Role

Filters the data you request for a specific Neptune DB cluster, aggregating the metric by instance role (WRITER/READER). For example, you can aggregate metrics for all READER instances that belong to a cluster.

DBClusterIdentifier, SourceRegion Filters the data by the primary cluster in a global database primary region.
DatabaseClass Filters the data you request for all instances in a database class. For example, you can aggregate metrics for all instances that belong to the database class db.r4.large
EngineName The engine name for all Neptune instances is neptune.
GlobalDbDBClusterIdentifier, SecondaryRegion Filters the data by the secondary cluster of a specified global database in a secondary region.