OpenSearch supports using Apache
Lucene syntax
Neptune uses a nested structure for storing properties in an OpenSearch document (see Neptune Full-text search data model). When using Lucene syntax, you need to use full paths to the properties in this nexted model.
Here is a Gremlin example:
g.withSideEffect("Neptune#fts.endpoint", "es_endpoint") .withSideEffect("Neptune#fts.queryType", "query_string") .V() .has("*", "Neptune#fts\"Jane Austin\" AND entity_type:Book")
Here is a SPARQL example:
PREFIX neptune-fts: <> SELECT * WHERE { SERVICE neptune-fts:search { neptune-fts:config neptune-fts:endpoint 'http://localhost:9200 (http://localhost:9200/)' . neptune-fts:config neptune-fts:queryType 'query_string' . neptune-fts:config neptune-fts:query "predicates.\\*foaf\\*name.value:Ronak AND predicates.\\*foaf\\*surname.value:Sh*" . neptune-fts:config neptune-fts:field '*' . neptune-fts:config neptune-fts:return ?res . }